Closures in functions

Dhghomon 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 8fb5b1e131
commit 36a056df85
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ It is now late July, and *Easy Rust* is about 200 pages long. I am still writing
- [The todo! macro](#the-todo-macro)
- [Rc](#rc)
- [Multiple threads](#multiple-threads)
- [Closures in functions](#closures-in-functions)
- [Arc](#arc)
- [Channels](#channels)
- [Reading Rust documentation](#reading-rust-documentation)
@ -6845,6 +6846,147 @@ fn main() {
So just remember: if you need a value in a thread from outside the thread, you need to use `move`.
## Closures in functions
You can make your own functions that take closures, but inside a function it is less free and you have to decide the type of closure. Outside a function a closure can decide by itself between `Fn`, `FnMut` and `FnOnce`, but inside you have to choose one. The best way to understand is to look at a few function signatures. Here is the one for `.all()`, which we know checks an iterator to see if everything is `true` (depending on what you decide is `true` or `false`). Part of its signature says this:
fn all<F>(&mut self, f: F) -> bool // incomplete code snippet
F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool,
`fn all<F>`: this tells you that there is a generic type `F`. A closure is always generic because every time it is a different type.
`(&mut self, f: F)`: `&mut self` tells you that it's a method. `f: F` is usually what you see for a closure: this is the variable name and the type. Of course, there is nothing special about `f` and `F` and they could be different names. But in signatures you always always see `f: F`.
Next is the part about the closure: `F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool`. Here it decides that the closure is `FnMut`, so it can change the values. It changes the values of `Self::Item`, which is the iterator that it takes. And it has to return a `bool`.
Here is a much simpler signature with a closure:
fn do_something<F>(f: F) // incomplete code snippet
F: FnOnce(),
This just says that it takes a closure, takes the value (`FnOnce` = takes the value), and doesn't return anything. So now we can call this closure that takes nothing and do whatever we like. We will create a `Vec` and then iterate over it just to show what we can do now.
fn do_something<F>(f: F)
F: FnOnce(),
fn main() {
do_something(|| {
let some_vec = vec![9, 8, 10];
.for_each(|x| println!("The number is: {}", x));
For a more real example, we will create a `City` struct again. This time the `City` struct has more data about years and populations. It has a `Vec<u32>` for all the years, and another `Vec<u32>` for all the populations.
`City` has two functions: `new()` to create a new `City`, and `.city_data()` which has a closure. When we use `.city_data()`, it gives us the years and the populations and a closure, so we can do what we want with the data. The closure type is `FnMut` so we can change the data. It looks like this:
#[derive(Debug)] // So we can print with {:?}
struct City {
name: String,
years: Vec<u32>,
populations: Vec<u32>,
impl City {
fn new(name: &str, years: Vec<u32>, populations: Vec<u32>) -> Self {
Self {
name: name.to_string(),
fn city_data<F>(&mut self, mut f: F) // We bring in self, but only f is generic F. f is the closure
F: FnMut(&mut Vec<u32>, &mut Vec<u32>), // The closure takes mutable vectors of u32
// which are the year and population data
f(&mut self.years, &mut self.populations) // Finally this is the actual function. It says
// "use a closure on self.years and self.populations"
// We can do whatever we want with the closure
fn main() {
let years = vec![
1372, 1834, 1851, 1881, 1897, 1925, 1959, 1989, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2020,
let populations = vec![
3_250, 15_300, 24_000, 45_900, 58_800, 119_800, 283_071, 478_974, 400_378, 401_694,
406_703, 437_619,
// Now we can create our city
let mut tallinn = City::new("Tallinn", years, populations);
// Now we have a .city_data() method that has a closure. We can do anything we want.
// First let's put the data for 5 years together and print it.
tallinn.city_data(|city_years, city_populations| { // We can call the input anything we want
let new_vec = city_years
.zip(city_populations.into_iter()) // Zip the two together
.take(5) // but only take the first 5
.collect::<Vec<(_, _)>>(); // Tell Rust to decide the type inside the tuple
println!("{:?}", new_vec);
// Now let's add some data for the year 2030
tallinn.city_data(|x, y| { // This time we just call the input x and y
// We don't want the 1834 data anymore
tallinn.city_data(|x, y| {
let position_option = x.iter().position(|x| *x == 1834);
if let Some(position) = position_option {
"Going to delete {} at position {:?} now.",
x[position], position
); // Confirm that we delete the right item
"Years left are {:?}\nPopulations left are {:?}",
tallinn.years, tallinn.populations
This will print the result of all the times we called `.city_data().` It is:
[(1372, 3250), (1834, 15300), (1851, 24000), (1881, 45900), (1897, 58800)]
Going to delete 1834 at position 1 now.
Years left are [1372, 1851, 1881, 1897, 1925, 1959, 1989, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2020, 2030]
Populations left are [3250, 24000, 45900, 58800, 119800, 283071, 478974, 400378, 401694, 406703, 437619, 500000]
## Arc
You remember that we used an `Rc` to give a variable more than one owner. If we are doing the same thing in a thread, we need an `Arc`. `Arc` means "atomic reference counter". Atomic means that it uses the computer's processor so that data only gets written once each time. This is important because if two threads write data at the same time, you will get the wrong result. For example, imagine if you could do this in Rust:
