Start generics

Dhghomon 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent b36125902d
commit 04f2aff3c8
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -1820,3 +1820,141 @@ The animal is a cat
Remember that Self (the type Self) and self (the variable self) are abbreviations. (abbreviation = short way to write)
So in our code, Self = AnimalType. Also, ```fn change_to_dog(&mut self)``` means ```fn change_to_dog(&mut AnimalType)```
# Generics
In functions, you write what type to take as input:
fn return_number(number: i32) -> i32 {
println!("Here is your number.");
fn main() {
let number = return_number(5);
But maybe you also want to input an ```i8```, or a ```u32```, and so on. You can use generics for this. Generics means "maybe one type, maybe another type".
For generics, you use angle brackets with the type inside: ```<T>``` This means "any type you put into the function". Usually, generics uses types with one capital letter (T, U, V, etc.).
This is how you change the function:
fn return_number<T>(number: T) -> T {
println!("Here is your number.");
The important part is the ```<T>``` after the function name. Without this, Rust will think that T is a concrete (concrete = not generic) type, like ```String``` or ```i8```.
This is easier to understand if we write out a type name:
fn return_number(number: MyType) -> MyType {
println!("Here is your number.");
As you can see, MyType is concrete, not generic. So we need to write this:
fn return_number<MyType>(number: MyType) -> MyType {
println!("Here is your number.");
So now it works:
fn return_number<MyType>(number: MyType) -> MyType {
println!("Here is your number.");
fn main() {
let number = return_number(5);
Now we will go back to type ```T```, because Rust code usually uses ```T```.
You will remember that some types in Rust are **Copy**, some are **Clone**, some are **Display**, some are **Debug**, and so on. With **Debug**, we can print with ```{}```. So now you can see that this is a problem:
fn print_number<T>(number: T) {
println!("Here is your number: {:?}", number);
fn main() {
```print_number``` needs **Debug** to print ```number```, but is ```T``` a type with ```Debug```? Maybe not. The compiler doesn't know, so it gives an error:
error[E0277]: `T` doesn't implement `std::fmt::Debug`
--> src\
29 | println!("Here is your number: {:?}", number);
| ^^^^^^ `T` cannot be formatted using `{:?}` because it doesn't implement `std::fmt::Debug`
T doesn't implement **Debug**. So do we implement Debug for T? No, because we don't know what T is. But we can tell the function: "only accept types that have Debug".
use std::fmt::Debug; // Debug is located at std::fmt::Debug. If we write this,
// then now we can just write 'Debug'.
fn print_number<T: Debug>(number: T) {
println!("Here is your number: {:?}", number);
fn main() {
So now the compiler knows: "Okay, I will only take a type if it has Debug". Now the code works, because i32 is Debug. Now we can give it many types: String, &str, and so on.
Now we can create a struct and give it Debug, and now we can print it too. Our function can take i32, the struct Animal, and more:
use std::fmt::Debug;
struct Animal {
name: String,
age: u8,
fn print_item<T: Debug>(item: T) {
println!("Here is your item: {:?}", item);
fn main() {
let charlie = Animal {
name: "Charlie".to_string(),
age: 1,
let number = 55;
This prints:
Here is your item: Animal { name: "Charlie", age: 1 }
Here is your item: 55
