std tour: floats

Dhghomon 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 8b597e6104
commit 02b96f6319
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ It is now early August, and *Easy Rust* is almost 300 pages long. I am still wri
- [Arrays](#arrays-1)
- [char](#char)
- [Integers](#integers)
- [Floats](#floats)
- [Part 2 - Rust on your computer](#part-2---rust-on-your-computer)
# Part 1 - Rust in your browser
@ -10457,6 +10458,81 @@ In Nauru and Vanuatu and Micronesia are 422953 people and a GDP of $1347000000
Later on in this code we could change `.fmt()` to display a number that is easier to read.
### Floats
`f32` and `f64` have a very large number of methods that you use when doing math. We won't look at those, but here are some methods that you might use. They are: `.floor()`, `.ceil()`, `.round()`, and `.trunc()`. All of these return an `f32` or `f64` that is like an integer, with only `0` after the period. They do this:
- `.floor()`: gives you the next lowest integer.
- `.ceil()`: gives you the next highest integer.
- `.round()`: gives you a higher number if .5 or more, or the same number if less than 0.5. This is called rounding because it gives you a "round" number (a number that is easy to look at).
- `.trunc()`: just cuts off the part after the period. Truncate means "to cut off".
Here is a simple function to print them.
fn four_operations(input: f64) {
"For the number {}:
floor: {}
ceiling: {}
rounded: {}
truncated: {}\n",
fn main() {
This prints:
For the number 9.1:
floor: 9
ceiling: 10
rounded: 9 // because less than 9.5
truncated: 9
For the number 100.7:
floor: 100
ceiling: 101
rounded: 101 // because more than 100.5
truncated: 100
For the number -1.1:
floor: -2
ceiling: -1
rounded: -1
truncated: -1
For the number -19.9:
floor: -20
ceiling: -19
rounded: -20
truncated: -19
`f32` and `f64` have a method called `.max()` and `.min()` that gives you the higher or the lower of two numbers. (For other types you can just use `std::cmp::max` and `std::cmp::min`.) Here is a way to use this with `.fold()` to get the highest or lowest number. You can see again that `.fold()` isn't just for adding numbers.
fn main() {
let my_vec = vec![8.0_f64, 7.6, 9.4, 10.0, 22.0, 77.345, 10.22, 3.2, -7.77, -10.0];
let maximum = my_vec.iter().fold(f64::MIN, |current_number, next_number| current_number.max(*next_number)); // Note: start with the lowest possible number for an f64.
let minimum = my_vec.iter().fold(f64::MAX, |current_number, next_number| current_number.min(*next_number)); // And here start with the highest possible number
println!("{}, {}", maximum, minimum);
# Part 2 - Rust on your computer
You saw that we can learn almost anything in Rust just using the Playground. But if you learned everything so far, you will probably want Rust on your computer now. There are always some things that you can't do with the Playground like opening files or writing Rust in more than one just file. Some other things you need Rust on your computer for are input and flags. But most important is that with Rust on your computer you can use crates. We already learned about crates, but in the Playground you could only use the most popular ones. But with Rust on youn computer you can use any crate in your program.
