/* Flexwintitle properties, you can override these in your config.h if you want. */ #ifndef FLEXWINTITLE_BORDERS #define FLEXWINTITLE_BORDERS 1 // 0 = off, 1 = on #endif #ifndef FLEXWINTITLE_SHOWFLOATING #define FLEXWINTITLE_SHOWFLOATING 0 // whether to show titles for floating windows, hidden clients are always shown #endif #ifndef FLEXWINTITLE_MASTERWEIGHT #define FLEXWINTITLE_MASTERWEIGHT 9 // master weight compared to stack, hidden and floating window titles #endif #ifndef FLEXWINTITLE_STACKWEIGHT #define FLEXWINTITLE_STACKWEIGHT 3 // stack weight compared to master, hidden and floating window titles #endif #ifndef FLEXWINTITLE_HIDDENWEIGHT #define FLEXWINTITLE_HIDDENWEIGHT 1 // hidden window title weight #endif #ifndef FLEXWINTITLE_FLOATWEIGHT #define FLEXWINTITLE_FLOATWEIGHT 1 // floating window title weight, set to 0 to not show floating windows #endif #define SCHEMEFOR(c) getschemefor(m, c, groupactive == c) enum { GRP_NOSELECTION, GRP_MASTER, GRP_STACK1, GRP_STACK2, GRP_FLOAT, GRP_HIDDEN }; int width_flexwintitle(Bar *bar, BarArg *a) { return a->w; } int draw_flexwintitle(Bar *bar, BarArg *a) { drw_rect(drw, a->x, a->y, a->w, a->h, 1, 1); return flextitlecalculate(bar->mon, a->x, a->w, -1, flextitledraw, NULL, a); } int click_flexwintitle(Bar *bar, Arg *arg, BarArg *a) { flextitlecalculate(bar->mon, 0, a->w, a->x, flextitleclick, arg, a); return ClkWinTitle; } Client * flextitledrawarea(Monitor *m, Client *c, int x, int r, int w, int max_clients, int scheme, int draw_tiled, int draw_hidden, int draw_floating, int passx, void(*tabfn)(Monitor *, Client *, int, int, int, int, Arg *arg, BarArg *barg), Arg *arg, BarArg *barg) { int i; for (i = 0; c && i < max_clients; c = c->next) { if ( ISVISIBLE(c) && ( (draw_tiled && !c->isfloating && !HIDDEN(c)) || (draw_floating && c->isfloating && !HIDDEN(c)) || (draw_hidden && HIDDEN(c)) ) ) { tabfn(m, c, passx, x, w + (i < r ? 1 : 0), scheme, arg, barg); x += w + (i < r ? 1 : 0); i++; } } return c; } int getschemefor(Monitor *m, int group, int activegroup) { switch (group) { case GRP_NOSELECTION: case GRP_MASTER: case GRP_STACK1: case GRP_STACK2: #if BSTACK_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &bstack) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActLTR : SchemeFlexInaLTR); #endif // BSTACK_LAYOUT #if BSTACKHORIZ_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &bstackhoriz) { if (group == GRP_MASTER) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActLTR : SchemeFlexInaLTR); else return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActTTB : SchemeFlexInaTTB); } #endif // BSTACKHORIZ_LAYOUT #if CENTEREDMASTER_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == ¢eredmaster) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActTTB : SchemeFlexInaTTB); #endif // CENTEREDMASTER_LAYOUT #if CENTEREDFLOATINGMASTER_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == ¢eredfloatingmaster) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActLTR : SchemeFlexInaLTR); #endif // CENTEREDFLOATINGMASTER_LAYOUT #if COLUMNS_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &col) { if (group == GRP_MASTER) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActLTR : SchemeFlexInaLTR); else return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActTTB : SchemeFlexInaTTB); } #endif // COLUMNS_LAYOUT #if DECK_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &deck) { if (group == GRP_MASTER) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActTTB : SchemeFlexInaTTB); else return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActMONO : SchemeFlexInaMONO); } #endif // DECK_LAYOUT #if FIBONACCI_DWINDLE_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &dwindle) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActDWDL : SchemeFlexInaDWDL); #endif // FIBONACCI_DWINDLE_LAYOUT #if FIBONACCI_SPIRAL_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &spiral) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActSPRL : SchemeFlexInaSPRL); #endif // FIBONACCI_SPIRAL_LAYOUT #if FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &flextile) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActTTB + m->ltaxis[group] : SchemeFlexInaTTB + m->ltaxis[group]); #endif // FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT #if GAPPLESSGRID_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &gaplessgrid) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActGRID : SchemeFlexInaGRID); #endif // GAPPLESSGRID_LAYOUT #if GRIDMODE_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &grid) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActGRDM : SchemeFlexInaGRDM); #endif // GRIDMODE_LAYOUT #if HORIZGRID_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &horizgrid) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActHGRD : SchemeFlexInaHGRD); #endif // HORIZGRID_LAYOUT #if NROWGRID_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &nrowgrid) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActGRD1 : SchemeFlexInaGRD1); #endif // NROWGRID_LAYOUT #if TILE_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &tile) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActTTB : SchemeFlexInaTTB); #endif // TILE_LAYOUT #if MONOCLE_LAYOUT if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &monocle) return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActMONO : SchemeFlexInaMONO); #endif // MONOCLE_LAYOUT return SchemeTitleNorm; case GRP_HIDDEN: return SchemeHid; case GRP_FLOAT: return (activegroup ? SchemeFlexActFloat : SchemeFlexInaFloat); } return SchemeTitleNorm; } int getselschemefor(int scheme) { if (scheme == SchemeFlexActFloat || scheme == SchemeFlexInaFloat) return SchemeFlexSelFloat; if (scheme >= SchemeFlexInaTTB) return scheme + SchemeFlexInaTTB - SchemeFlexActTTB; if (scheme >= SchemeFlexActTTB) return scheme + SchemeFlexSelTTB - SchemeFlexActTTB; return SchemeTitleSel; } void flextitledraw(Monitor *m, Client *c, int unused, int x, int w, int tabscheme, Arg *arg, BarArg *barg) { if (!c) return; int i, nclienttags = 0, nviewtags = 0, pad = lrpad / 2; int clientscheme = ( c == m->sel ? getselschemefor(tabscheme) : HIDDEN(c) ? SchemeHid : c->isurgent ? SchemeUrg : tabscheme ); drw_setscheme(drw, scheme[clientscheme]); XSetWindowBorder(dpy, c->win, scheme[clientscheme][ColBorder].pixel); if (w <= TEXTW("A") - lrpad + pad) // reduce text padding if wintitle is too small pad = (w - TEXTW("A") + lrpad < 0 ? 0 : (w - TEXTW("A") + lrpad) / 2); #if BAR_CENTEREDWINDOWNAME_PATCH else if (TEXTW(c->name) < w) pad = (w - TEXTW(c->name) + lrpad) / 2; #endif // BAR_CENTEREDWINDOWNAME_PATCH drw_text(drw, x, barg->y, w, barg->h, pad, c->name, 0, False); if (c->isfloating) drawindicator(m, c, 1, x + 2, barg->y, w, barg->h, 0, 0, 0, floatindicatortype); if (FLEXWINTITLE_BORDERS) { XSetForeground(drw->dpy, drw->gc, scheme[SchemeSel][ColBorder].pixel); XFillRectangle(drw->dpy, drw->drawable, drw->gc, x, barg->y, 1, barg->h); XFillRectangle(drw->dpy, drw->drawable, drw->gc, x + w - (x + w >= barg->w ? 1 : 0), barg->y, 1, barg->h); } /* Optional tags icons */ for (i = 0; i < NUMTAGS; i++) { if ((m->tagset[m->seltags] >> i) & 1) nviewtags++; if ((c->tags >> i) & 1) nclienttags++; } if (TAGSINDICATOR == 2 || nclienttags > 1 || nviewtags > 1) drawindicator(m, c, 1, x, barg->y, w, barg->h, 0, 0, 0, INDICATOR_RIGHT_TAGS); } #ifndef HIDDEN #define HIDDEN(C) 0 #endif void flextitleclick(Monitor *m, Client *c, int passx, int x, int w, int unused, Arg *arg, BarArg *barg) { if (passx >= x && passx <= x + w) arg->v = c; } int flextitlecalculate( Monitor *m, int offx, int tabw, int passx, void(*tabfn)(Monitor *, Client *, int, int, int, int, Arg *arg, BarArg *barg), Arg *arg, BarArg *barg ) { Client *c; int n, center = 0, mirror = 0, fixed = 0; // layout configuration int clientsnmaster = 0, clientsnstack = 0, clientsnfloating = 0, clientsnhidden = 0; int i, w, r, num = 0, den, fulllayout = 0; int clientsnstack2 = 0; int groupactive = 0; int selidx = 0; int dualstack = 0; int rw, rr; int mas_x = offx, st1_x = offx, st2_x = offx, hid_x = offx, flt_x = offx; int mas_w, st1_w, st2_w, hid_w; for (i = 0, c = m->clients; c; c = c->next) { if (!ISVISIBLE(c)) continue; if (HIDDEN(c)) { if (FLEXWINTITLE_HIDDENWEIGHT) clientsnhidden++; continue; } if (c->isfloating) { if (FLEXWINTITLE_FLOATWEIGHT) clientsnfloating++; continue; } if (m->sel == c) selidx = i; if (i < m->nmaster) clientsnmaster++; #if FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT else if (m->nstack) { if (clientsnstack < m->nstack) clientsnstack++; else clientsnstack2++; } #endif // FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT else if (i % 2) clientsnstack++; else clientsnstack2++; i++; } if (!m->sel) groupactive = GRP_NOSELECTION; else if (HIDDEN(m->sel)) groupactive = GRP_HIDDEN; else if (m->sel->isfloating) groupactive = GRP_FLOAT; else if (selidx < clientsnmaster) groupactive = GRP_MASTER; else if (selidx < clientsnmaster + clientsnstack) groupactive = GRP_STACK1; else if (selidx < clientsnmaster + clientsnstack + clientsnstack2) groupactive = GRP_STACK2; n = clientsnmaster + clientsnstack + clientsnstack2 + clientsnfloating + clientsnhidden; if (n == 0) return 0; #if FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT else if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &flextile) { int layout = m->ltaxis[LAYOUT]; if (layout < 0) { mirror = 1; layout *= -1; } if (layout > FLOATING_MASTER) { layout -= FLOATING_MASTER; fixed = 1; } if (layout == SPLIT_HORIZONTAL_DUAL_STACK || layout == SPLIT_HORIZONTAL_DUAL_STACK_FIXED) dualstack = 1; else if (layout == SPLIT_CENTERED_VERTICAL && (fixed || n - m->nmaster > 1)) center = 1; else if (layout == FLOATING_MASTER) center = 1; else if (layout == SPLIT_CENTERED_HORIZONTAL) { if (fixed || n - m->nmaster > 1) center = 1; } } #endif // FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT #if CENTEREDMASTER_LAYOUT else if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == ¢eredmaster && (fixed || n - m->nmaster > 1)) center = 1; #endif // CENTEREDMASTER_LAYOUT #if CENTEREDFLOATINGMASTER_LAYOUT else if (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == ¢eredfloatingmaster) center = 1; #endif // CENTEREDFLOATINGMASTER_LAYOUT /* Certain layouts have no master / stack areas */ if (!m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange // floating layout || (!n || (!fixed && m->nmaster && n <= m->nmaster)) // no master #if MONOCLE_LAYOUT || m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &monocle #endif // MONOCLE_LAYOUT #if GRIDMODE_LAYOUT || m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &grid #endif // GRIDMODE_LAYOUT #if HORIZGRID_LAYOUT || m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &horizgrid #endif // HORIZGRID_LAYOUT #if GAPPLESSGRID_LAYOUT || m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &gaplessgrid #endif // GAPPLESSGRID_LAYOUT #if NROWGRID_LAYOUT || m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &nrowgrid #endif // NROWGRID_LAYOUT #if FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT || (m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange == &flextile && m->ltaxis[LAYOUT] == NO_SPLIT) #endif // FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT ) fulllayout = 1; num = tabw; c = m->clients; /* floating mode */ if ((fulllayout && FLEXWINTITLE_FLOATWEIGHT > 0) || clientsnmaster + clientsnstack == 0 || !m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange) { den = clientsnmaster + clientsnstack + clientsnstack2 + clientsnfloating + clientsnhidden; w = num / den; r = num % den; // rest c = flextitledrawarea(m, c, mas_x, r, w, den, !m->lt[m->sellt]->arrange ? SchemeFlexActFloat : SCHEMEFOR(GRP_MASTER), 1, FLEXWINTITLE_HIDDENWEIGHT, FLEXWINTITLE_FLOATWEIGHT, passx, tabfn, arg, barg); // floating /* no master and stack mode, e.g. monocole, grid layouts, fibonacci */ } else if (fulllayout) { den = clientsnmaster + clientsnstack + clientsnstack2 + clientsnhidden; w = num / den; r = num % den; // rest c = flextitledrawarea(m, c, mas_x, r, w, den, SCHEMEFOR(GRP_MASTER), 1, FLEXWINTITLE_HIDDENWEIGHT, 0, passx, tabfn, arg, barg); // full /* tiled mode */ } else { den = clientsnmaster * FLEXWINTITLE_MASTERWEIGHT + (clientsnstack + clientsnstack2) * FLEXWINTITLE_STACKWEIGHT + clientsnfloating * FLEXWINTITLE_FLOATWEIGHT + clientsnhidden * FLEXWINTITLE_HIDDENWEIGHT; w = num / den; // weight width per client r = num % den; // weight rest width rw = r / n; // rest incr per client rr = r % n; // rest rest #if FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT if ((!center && !dualstack) || (center && n <= m->nmaster + (m->nstack ? m->nstack : 1))) #else if ((!center && !dualstack) || (center && n <= m->nmaster + 1)) #endif // FLEXTILE_DELUXE_LAYOUT { clientsnstack += clientsnstack2; clientsnstack2 = 0; if (groupactive == GRP_STACK2) groupactive = GRP_STACK1; } mas_w = clientsnmaster * rw + w * clientsnmaster * FLEXWINTITLE_MASTERWEIGHT + (rr > 0 ? MIN(rr, clientsnmaster) : 0); rr -= clientsnmaster; st1_w = clientsnstack * (rw + w * FLEXWINTITLE_STACKWEIGHT) + (rr > 0 ? MIN(rr, clientsnstack) : 0); rr -= clientsnstack; st2_w = clientsnstack2 * (rw + w * FLEXWINTITLE_STACKWEIGHT) + (rr > 0 ? MIN(rr, clientsnstack2) : 0); rr -= clientsnstack2; hid_w = clientsnhidden * (rw + w * FLEXWINTITLE_HIDDENWEIGHT) + (rr > 0 ? MIN(rr, clientsnhidden) : 0); rr -= clientsnhidden; rr = r % n; if (mirror) { if (center && clientsnstack2) { mas_x = st1_x + st1_w; st2_x = mas_x + mas_w; hid_x = st2_x + st2_w; } else { if (clientsnstack2) { st2_x = st1_x + st1_w; mas_x = st2_x + st2_w; } else mas_x = st1_x + st1_w; hid_x = mas_x + mas_w; } } else { if (center && clientsnstack2) { mas_x = st2_x + st2_w; st1_x = mas_x + mas_w; hid_x = st1_x + st1_w; } else { st1_x = mas_x + mas_w; if (clientsnstack2) { st2_x = st1_x + st1_w; hid_x = st2_x + st2_w; } else hid_x = st1_x + st1_w; } } flt_x = hid_x + hid_w; c = flextitledrawarea(m, c, mas_x, rr, w * FLEXWINTITLE_MASTERWEIGHT + rw, clientsnmaster, SCHEMEFOR(GRP_MASTER), 1, 0, 0, passx, tabfn, arg, barg); // master rr -= clientsnmaster; c = flextitledrawarea(m, c, st1_x, rr, w * FLEXWINTITLE_STACKWEIGHT + rw, clientsnstack, SCHEMEFOR(GRP_STACK1), 1, 0, 0, passx, tabfn, arg, barg); // stack1 rr -= clientsnstack; if (clientsnstack2) { c = flextitledrawarea(m, c, st2_x, rr, w * FLEXWINTITLE_STACKWEIGHT + rw, clientsnstack2, SCHEMEFOR(GRP_STACK2), 1, 0, 0, passx, tabfn, arg, barg); // stack2 rr -= clientsnstack2; } c = flextitledrawarea(m, m->clients, hid_x, rr, w * FLEXWINTITLE_HIDDENWEIGHT + rw, clientsnhidden, SCHEMEFOR(GRP_HIDDEN), 0, 1, 0, passx, tabfn, arg, barg); // hidden rr -= clientsnhidden; c = flextitledrawarea(m, m->clients, flt_x, rr, w * FLEXWINTITLE_FLOATWEIGHT + rw, clientsnfloating, SCHEMEFOR(GRP_FLOAT), 0, 0, 1, passx, tabfn, arg, barg); // floating } return 1; }