#!/usr/bin/env bash # # search local file or directory taking consideration of optional dependency ####################################### # search local file # Arguments: # $1: stirng, f or d, search file or directory # Outputs: # A user selected file path ####################################### function search_file() { local search_type="$1" local exe_fd exe_fd="$(fd_exists)" if [[ "${search_type}" == "f" ]]; then if [[ "${exe_fd}" -eq 0 ]]; then fd -H -d 1 -t f | fzf --multi --preview "head -50 {}" else find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | sed "s|\./||g" | fzf --multi --preview "head -50 {}" fi elif [[ "${search_type}" == "d" ]]; then exe_tree="$(tree_exists)" if [[ "${exe_fd}" -eq 0 && "${exe_tree}" -eq 0 ]]; then fd -H -d 1 -t d -E .git | fzf --multi --preview "tree -L 1 -C --dirsfirst {}" elif [[ "${exe_fd}" -eq 0 && "${exe_tree}" -ne 0 ]]; then fd -H -d 1 -t d -E .git | fzf --multi elif [[ "${exe_fd}" -ne 0 && "${exe_tree}" -eq 0 ]]; then find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | awk '{if ($0 != "." && $0 != "./.git"){gsub(/^\.\//, "", $0);print $0}}' | fzf --multi --preview "tree -L 1 -C --dirsfirst {}" else find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | awk '{if ($0 != "." && $0 != "./.git"){gsub(/^\.\//, "", $0);print $0}}' | fzf --multi fi fi } ####################################### # chekc if fd and tree are available # the reason to check output in unconventional way is # because the status code is reused multiple times # Outputs: # status: 1 or 0 ####################################### function fd_exists() { fd -V &>/dev/null echo "$?" } function tree_exists() { tree --version &>/dev/null echo "$?" }