#!/usr/bin/env bash # # check env variables and set default variables # # @params # Globals # ${DOTBARE_DIR}: location of the bare repo # ${DOTBARE_TREE}: which folder is the bare repo tracking # ${DOTBARE_BACKUP}: backup directory for all tracked files # ${DOTBARE_KEY}: defualt key bindings # ${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS}: update FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS to reflect dotbare changes # ${DOTBARE_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS}: user custom setting for dotbare # ${EDITOR}: default editor to use export DOTBARE_DIR="${DOTBARE_DIR:-$HOME/.cfg/}" export DOTBARE_TREE="${DOTBARE_TREE:-$HOME}" export DOTBARE_BACKUP="${DOTBARE_BACKUP:-${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/dotbare}" export DOTBARE_VERSION="v1.2.3" export DOTBARE_DIFF_PAGER="${DOTBARE_DIFF_PAGER:-$(git config core.pager || echo 'cat')}" export EDITOR="${EDITOR:-vim}" if [[ -z "${DOTBARE_KEY}" ]]; then DOTBARE_KEY=" --bind=alt-a:toggle-all --bind=alt-w:jump --bind=alt-0:top --bind=alt-s:toggle-sort --bind=alt-t:toggle-preview " fi [[ -z "${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS}" ]] && export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--cycle' FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=" $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS --ansi --cycle --exit-0 $DOTBARE_FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $DOTBARE_KEY " [[ -z "${COLUMNS}" ]] \ && COLUMNS=$(stty size < /dev/tty | cut -d' ' -f2) [[ "${COLUMNS}" -lt 80 ]] \ && FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="$FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS --preview-window=hidden" ####################################### # determine to set multi selection or not # Globals: # ${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS}: fzf options # Arguments: # $1: if exists, disable multi, set single ####################################### function set_fzf_multi() { local no_multi="$1" if [[ -z "${no_multi}" ]]; then export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS} --multi" else export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS} --no-multi" fi }