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5 years ago
# dotbare
![CI Status](
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
## Introduction
`dotbare` is a command line utility to help manage dotfiles. It wraps around git bare
repository and heavily utilises [fzf]( for an interactive experience.
It is inspired by [forgit](, a git wrapper using fzf.
`dotbare` uses a different implementation approach and focuses on managing and interacting with system dotfiles.
Don't worry about migration if you have a symlink/GNU stow setup, you can easily integrate `dotbare` with them.
4 years ago
4 years ago
- No symlink
- Simple setup/remove
- Customizable
4 years ago
- Easy migration
- Flat learning curve
- Manage dotfiles anywhere in your system
- Integration with symlink/GNU stow setup
4 years ago
You could find out how git bare repository could be used for managing dotfiles [here](
Or a [video]( explanation that helped me to get started. If you are currently
using a symlink/GNU stow setup, checkout how to integrate `dotbare` with them [here](#migrating-from-a-generic-symlink-setup-or-gnu-stow).
4 years ago
4 years ago
## Why
It has always been a struggle for me to get started with managing dotfiles using version control,
as tools like "GNU stow" really scares me off with all the symlinks, until I found
4 years ago
out about using git bare repository for managing dotfiles, zero symlinks, minimal setup
required while keeping dotfiles at the location they should be.
4 years ago
4 years ago
However, it has always lack some interactive experience as it does not provide any auto
4 years ago
completion on git commands nor file paths by default. It is also a pain when migrating the setup over
4 years ago
to another system as you will have to manually resolve all the git checkout issues.
4 years ago
`dotbare` solves the above problems by providing a series of scripts starts with a prefix f
4 years ago
(e.g. `dotbare fadd`, `dotbare flog` etc) that will enable a interactive experience by processing
all the git information and display it through fzf. `dotbare` also comes with the ability to integrate with
4 years ago
GNU stow or any symlink set up as long as you are using git. It is easy to migrate to any system
with minimal set up required.
4 years ago
## Install
4 years ago
### zsh
4 years ago
`dotbare` should work with any zsh plugin manager, below is only demonstration.
#### zinit
4 years ago
zinit light kazhala/dotbare
4 years ago
#### oh-my-zsh
4 years ago
- Clone the repository in to [oh-my-zsh]( plugins directory.
git clone $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/dotbare
- Activate the plugin in `~/.zshrc`.
4 years ago
plugins=( [plugins...] dotbare [plugins...] )
#### Antigen
antigen bundle kazhala/dotbare
#### Manual
- Clone the repository (change ~/.dotbare to the location of your preference).
git clone ~/.dotbare
- Put below into `.zshrc`.
source ~/.dotbare/dotbare.plugin.zsh
### bash
`dotbare` comes with a `dotbare.plugin.bash` which will enable both bash command line
completion for dotbare commands and adding dotbare to your PATH.
- Clone the repository (change ~/.dotbare to the location of your preference).
git clone ~/.dotbare
- Put below into `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile`.
source ~/.dotbare/dotbare.plugin.bash
### others
1. Clone the repository (change ~/.dotbare to the location of your preference).
git clone ~/.dotbare
2. Add `dotbare` to your PATH.
# This is only an example command for posix shell
# If you are on fish, use the fish way to add dotbare to your path
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dotbare
Or you could create a alias which point to dotbare executable.
alias dotbare="$HOME/.dotbare/dotbare"
## Getting started
4 years ago
### Dependencies
- Required dependency
- git
4 years ago
- [fzf](
- bash(You don't need to run bash, but dotbare does require you have bash in your system)
4 years ago
- Optional dependency
- [tree]( (Provide a directory tree view when finding directory)
4 years ago
# if you are on macos
brew install tree
- [bat](, [highlight](, [coderay](
or [rougify]( (Syntax highlighting when previewing files)
- [delta](, [diff-so-fancy](
or any diff tools of your choice (Fancy git diff preview like in the screen shot)
4 years ago
### Setup
1. init git bare repository.
4 years ago
Note: by default, `dotbare finit` will set up a bare repository in \$HOME/.cfg, to customize
location and various other settings, checkout [customization](#customization)
dotbare finit
4 years ago
2. add dotfiles you want to track.
4 years ago
Treat `dotbare` as normal `git` commands.
dotbare fadd -f
# or
dotbare add [FIELNAME]
# add entire repository like .config directory
dotbare fadd -d
# or
dotbare add [DIRECTORY]
4 years ago
3. commit changes and push to remote.
4 years ago
dotbare commit -m "First commit"
dotbare remote add origin [URL]
dotbare push -u origin master
4 years ago
### Migration
#### Migrating from normal git bare repository
1. follow the steps in [install](#install) to install `dotbare`.
2. check your current alias of git bare reference.
4 years ago
# Below is an example alias, check yours for reference
alias config=/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg --work-tree=$HOME
4 years ago
3. set env variable for `dotbare`.
4 years ago
export DOTBARE_DIR="$HOME/.cfg"
4 years ago
4. remove the original alias and use `dotbare`.
5. optionally you could alias `config` to `dotbare` so you keep your muscle memory.
4 years ago
alias config=dotbare
4 years ago
#### Migrating from a generic symlink setup or GNU stow
##### Keep your current setup but integrate dotbare
1. follow the steps in [install](#install) to install `dotbare`.
2. set environment variable so that `dotbare` knows where to look for git information.
4 years ago
# e.g. I have all my dotfiles stored in folder $HOME/.myworld and symlinks all of them to appropriate location.
# export DOTBARE_DIR="$HOME/.myworld/.git"
# export DOTBARE_TREE="$HOME/.myworld"
export DOTBARE_DIR=<Path to your .git location>
export DOTBARE_TREE=<Path to directory which contains all your dotfiles>
4 years ago
3. Run `dotbare` anywhere in your system.
Note: with this method, you do not run `dotbare finit -u [URL]` when migrating to new system,
you will do your normal migration steps and then do the above steps.
##### Complete migration
While bare method is great and easy, I recommend keeping your current symlink/GNU stow setup and integrate it with `dotbare` instead of a migration.
If you are really happy with `dotbare`, as long as your remote repository resembles the structure of your home holder
(reference what I mean in my [repo](, simply run the command below.
**Disclaimer**: I have not done nearly enough test on this as I don't personally use symlink/GNU stow setup, migrate this way with caution.
I recommend you test this migration in docker, see [Test-it-in-docker](#test-it-in-docker).
4 years ago
# dotbare will replace all symlinks with the original file and a bare repository will be created at $DOTBARE_DIR
dotbare finit -u [URL]
4 years ago
#### Migrating dotbare to a new system
4 years ago
1. follow the steps in [install](#install) to install `dotbare`.
2. Optionally set env variable to customize `dotbare` location (checkout [customization](#customization)).
4 years ago
export DOTBARE_DIR="$HOME/.cfg"
3. give `dotbare` your remote URL and let it handle the rest.
dotbare finit -u
4 years ago
4 years ago
#### Test it in docker
When you are about to do migrations, I strongly suggest you give the migration a try in docker first.
The `dotbare` image is based on alpine linux.
4 years ago
docker pull kazhala/dotbare:latest
docker container run -it --rm --name dotbare kazhala/dotbare:latest
4 years ago
4 years ago
![migration demo](
4 years ago
## Customization
`dotbare` could be customized through modification of env variables.
Note: customization of fzf is not covered here, checkout their [wiki](
This is the location of the bare repository, `dotbare` will look for this directory
and query git information or it will create this directory when initializing `dotbare`.
Change this to location or rename the directory to your liking.
If you are using symlink/GNU stow setup, set this variable point to the .git folder
within your dotfile directory.
# Default value
export DOTBARE_DIR="$HOME/.cfg"
This is the working tree for the git bare repository, meaning this is where the version
4 years ago
control will take place. I don't recommend changing this one unless **ALL** of your config
file is in something like \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME. If you are using symlink/GNU stow setup,
set this variable to point to the folder containing all of your dotfiles.
# Default value
This variable is used to determine where to store the backup of your files. It is used
mainly by `dotbare fbackup` which will back up all of your tracked dotfiles into this location.
It is also used by `dotbare finit -u [URL]`, when there is checkout conflict, `dotbare` will
automatically backup conflicted files to this location.
# Default value
export DOTBARE_BACKUP="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/dotbare"
This is probably already set in your ENV. `dotbare` uses this variable to determine
which editor to use when running `dotbare fedit`.
# Default value
export EDITOR="vim"
This variable set default keybinds for fzf in `dotbare`. You could checkout a list of keybinds
to set [here](
# Default value
export DOTBARE_KEY="
--bind=alt-a:toggle-all # toggle all selection
--bind=alt-j:jump # label jump mode, sort of like vim-easymotion
--bind=alt-0:top # set cursor back to top
--bind=alt-s:toggle-sort # toggle sorting
--bind=alt-t:toggle-preview # toggle preview
Customize fzf settings for dotbare. This is useful when you want a different
fzf behavior from your normal system fzf settings.
# By default this variable is not set
# More settings checkout fzf man page and their wiki
4 years ago
This variable determines the preview command for file previews. By default, the preview is automatically determined
using fall back (bat -> highlight -> coderay -> rougify -> cat). Set this variable to control the preview command if
you have a specific preference or if you want extra flags/settings. Reference [here](
# By default this value is not set, dotbare uses a fall back method to determine which command to use.
# Make sure to have "{}" included when customizing it, the preview script substitute "{}" for actual filename.
export DOTBARE_PREVIEW="cat -n {}"
This variable controls the diff output pager in previews like `dotbare flog`, `dotbare fadd` etc. It will read the value
of `git config core.pager` to determine the pager to use. If you have a specific preference for `dotbare` or have not set
the global pager, you could use this variable to customize the diff preview.
4 years ago
# By default this value uses fall back (git config core.pager -> cat)
export DOTBARE_DIFF_PAGER="delta --diff-so-fancy --line-numbers"
## Usage
A full list of `dotbare` commands and their usage are documented in **[wiki](**.
## Custom Scripts
Detailed explanation of how to create custom scripts and the API of `dotbare` helper functions
is documented over in **[wiki](**.
## Changes
Latest changes are documented in View the upcoming changes in the [CHANGELOG]( of dev branch.
4 years ago
## Testing
`dotbare` is unit tested using [bats]( Mock tests are implemented using PATH override method.
This documented in a dedicated README in tests folder for more readability and extensibility.
Not all functions have 100% coverage and lots of user interaction cannot be effectively tested, please fire up issues if something went wrong.
4 years ago
I've added AWSCodeBuild to CI/CD to build the docker image. It is mainly for my personal practice. If you are interested in what's happening in AWSCodeBuild
4 years ago
you could checkout my cloudformation [template](
## Contributing
> A is coming.
Please help me out by pointing out things that I could improve.
I've only been scripting for a few months and are still learning many new things every day. PR are always welcome
4 years ago
and please fire up issues if something went wrong.
Leave a star :)
4 years ago
## Coming up
- [x] Improve unit test with mocking
- [x] Support submodules during migration
- [x] Command line completion for dotbare in zsh
- [x] Command line completion for dotbare in bash
- [ ] Command line completion for git commands
4 years ago
- [ ] Man page
- [x] Installation method
4 years ago
4 years ago
## Background
`dotbare` was initially part of my personal scripts, I had a hard time sharing those scripts
4 years ago
and as the number of scripts grows, I feel like is more appropriate to make a dedicated project
for it. I hope you find it useful and enjoy it, thanks!
4 years ago
## Credit
- credit to [forgit]( for inspiration.
- credit to [fzf]( for fzf.
- credit to [OMZ]( for upgrading method.
- credit to [this]( post for step by step guide of setting up git bare repo.
- credit to [this]( video for introducing git bare repo.
4 years ago
## Demo
You could find some more demo [here](
4 years ago