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Froz 5c3c6e61c2 updated outline-wiki notes 8 months ago
keycloak Added outline wiki deployment 9 months ago
outline Fixed outline docker-compose 9 months ago updated outline-wiki notes 8 months ago

Outline Wiki

This is the hardest deployment Ive ever done. I wouldnt have been able to deploy this without Guru Computings Blog! I do not advise deploying this unless youve had some experience with deploying any of the other apps in this repostitory. If you get stuck here please refer to Gurus Computings blog!

Minimum File Structure

└── ~/
    └── docker/
        └── outline/
            ├── .env
            ├── docker-compose.yml
            ├── docker.env
        └── keycloak/
            ├── .env
            ├── docker-compose.yml

Add to Caddyfile (from ~/docker/caddy)

Remember to docker exec -w /etc/caddy caddy caddy reload after editing your Caddyfile. {
        reverse_proxy outline:3000
} {
        reverse_proxy outline-minio:9000
} {
        reverse_proxy outline-minio:9001
} {
        reverse_proxy keycloak:8080

outline-minio is the s3 bucket well be using.

keycloak is the auth provider we will be self hosting

The “keycloak” directory

We will start with keycloak for single sign on first because it is easier and we need to get the client secret from it for outline! Start by creating a empty keycloak directory similar to the minimum file structure section above.


Copy and use the same docker-compose.yml in this repos ./keycloak directory

Feel free to change the version of the pull in this repo I'm using 0.72.0

Then you copy the .env in this repo to the same directory and modify it

modifying the .env

This is self explanatory. There are 3 lines to modify after the = sign

KC_DB_PASSWORD=<insert long and scary password>
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<insert another long and scary password>

After you have both the docker-compose.yml and .env ready its time to start up the instances

docker-compose up -d

Keycloak Configuration

On your browser go to login to the Administration Console

  • In your keycloak portal, under clients, create a new oidc client for Set the following values:
Client Auth: On
Client ID (can be whatever): outline.<your-domain>.com
Name (can be whatever): outline.<your-domain>.com
Root URL: https://outline.<your-domain>.com
Home URL: https://outline.<your-domain>.com
redirect URI: https://outline.<your-domain>.com/auth/oidc.callback

Keycloak Create Client

Finally create an account under users and set a password.

Keycloak Create User Keycloak Setpassword

The “outline” directory

This one is much harder!


Use the same docker-compose.yml located inside the outline directory of this repository


From the same directory in this repo copy and make modifications to docker.env to suit your environment

5 variables that contain yourdomain.comneeds to have yourdomain.comsubstituted with your own domain

1 variables that say <insert long and scary minio password> need to be replaced with your own password

2 variables that say <insert long and scary PG password> need to be replaced with your own password

1 variable SECRET_KEY=<Generate with openssl rand -hex 32> needs to have its SECRET_KEY replaced by the output of openssl rand -hex 32

1 variable UTILS_SECRET=<Generate with openssl rand -hex 32> needs to have its UTIL_SECRET replaced by the output of openssl rand -hex 32

Modify the OIDC Authentication section of docker.env

The 5 lines below need modification where is replaced with your actual domain!
OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=<use your own client secret generated in keycloak>

Optional: Set up SMTP variables to receive emails from outline


.env modifications needed

The three variables MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD, MINIO_BROWSER_REDIRECT_URL, and POSTGRES_PW need to be replaced similarly to docker.env. Use the same minio password <insert long and scary minio password> and PG <insert long and scary PG password> password as above. As for the URL replace with your actual domain you will be hosting this on.

MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=<insert long and scary minio password>
POSTGRES_PW=<insert long and scary PG password>

Now that all files and modifications are in place. In the outline directory…

Create the db by running

docker-compose run --rm outline yarn db:create --env=production-ssl-disabled

Youll get some error saying

ERROR: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN outline-postgres

Dont worry we will carry on. Now run

sudo chown -R 999:999 ./psqldatabase-data

Then run the migration command below

docker-compose run --rm outline yarn db:migrate --env=production-ssl-disabled

After migration is complete. You can start the app with

docker-compose up -d

Optional: If you run into any problems inspect the logs with

docker-compose logs -f

Optional: Anytime you want to start over from scratch you can run the following in the ./outline directory

docker-compose down --remove-orphans -v
sudo rm -R container-data/ psqldatabase-data/ redis.conf/

Okay so outline is finished hosting!

Logging into your minio bucket and creating outlinebucket

This step needs to be done so you can drag / drop upload files to your outline pages

In your browser go to and login

Finally create a bucket called outlinebucket

After creation, under the anonymous tab add two access rules: avatar and public as readonly access rules. Dont worry if youre confused heres a gif below explaining all this.


Thats it!

Now login to outline with your keycloak account. And you should be able to drag and drop images to your documents!


You may have to run

sudo chown -R systemd-coredump:systemd-coredump psqldatabase-data/

on your psqldatabase-data folder if you get the error (on docker-compose logs -f) that says

initdb: error: could not change permissions of directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data": Operation not permitted

Migrating Domain Notes

back up .env, docker-compose.yml, and docker.env

edit only docker.env (if you plan on keeping same database + keycloak)


If new instance with new database edit


If new instance with new keycloak edit


docker-compose up again don't forget to edit caddy docker exec -w /etc/caddy caddy caddy reload

Now in keycloak go to Clients export the original domain name edit the .json find & replace all old domain name with new domain name in text editor. Edit description reimport new domain name!