#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash # shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC1091,SC2183 # prepare symlinks rm -rf /etc/wireguard mkdir -p /etc/wireguard ln -s /config/wg0.conf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf # prepare templates if [[ ! -f /config/templates/server.conf ]]; then cp /defaults/server.conf /config/templates/server.conf fi if [[ ! -f /config/templates/peer.conf ]]; then cp /defaults/peer.conf /config/templates/peer.conf fi # add preshared key to user templates (backwards compatibility) if ! grep -q 'PresharedKey' /config/templates/peer.conf; then sed -i 's|^Endpoint|PresharedKey = \$\(cat /config/\${PEER_ID}/presharedkey-\${PEER_ID}\)\nEndpoint|' /config/templates/peer.conf fi generate_confs () { mkdir -p /config/server if [[ ! -f /config/server/privatekey-server ]]; then umask 077 wg genkey | tee /config/server/privatekey-server | wg pubkey > /config/server/publickey-server fi eval "$(printf %s) cat < /config/wg0.conf $(cat /config/templates/server.conf) DUDE" for i in "${PEERS_ARRAY[@]}"; do if [[ ! "${i}" =~ ^[[:alnum:]]+$ ]]; then echo "**** Peer ${i} contains non-alphanumeric characters and thus will be skipped. No config for peer ${i} will be generated. ****" else if [[ "${i}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then PEER_ID="peer${i}" else PEER_ID="peer_${i}" fi mkdir -p "/config/${PEER_ID}" if [[ ! -f "/config/${PEER_ID}/privatekey-${PEER_ID}" ]]; then umask 077 wg genkey | tee "/config/${PEER_ID}/privatekey-${PEER_ID}" | wg pubkey > "/config/${PEER_ID}/publickey-${PEER_ID}" wg genpsk > "/config/${PEER_ID}/presharedkey-${PEER_ID}" fi if [[ -f "/config/${PEER_ID}/${PEER_ID}.conf" ]]; then CLIENT_IP=$(grep "Address" "/config/${PEER_ID}/${PEER_ID}.conf" | awk '{print $NF}') if [[ -n "${ORIG_INTERFACE}" ]] && [[ "${INTERFACE}" != "${ORIG_INTERFACE}" ]]; then CLIENT_IP="${CLIENT_IP//${ORIG_INTERFACE}/${INTERFACE}}" fi else for idx in {2..254}; do PROPOSED_IP="${INTERFACE}.${idx}" if ! grep -q -R "${PROPOSED_IP}" /config/peer*/*.conf 2>/dev/null && ([[ -z "${ORIG_INTERFACE}" ]] || ! grep -q -R "${ORIG_INTERFACE}.${idx}" /config/peer*/*.conf 2>/dev/null); then CLIENT_IP="${PROPOSED_IP}" break fi done fi if [[ -f "/config/${PEER_ID}/presharedkey-${PEER_ID}" ]]; then # create peer conf with presharedkey eval "$(printf %s) cat < /config/${PEER_ID}/${PEER_ID}.conf $(cat /config/templates/peer.conf) DUDE" # add peer info to server conf with presharedkey cat <> /config/wg0.conf [Peer] # ${PEER_ID} PublicKey = $(cat "/config/${PEER_ID}/publickey-${PEER_ID}") PresharedKey = $(cat "/config/${PEER_ID}/presharedkey-${PEER_ID}") DUDE else echo "**** Existing keys with no preshared key found for ${PEER_ID}, creating confs without preshared key for backwards compatibility ****" # create peer conf without presharedkey eval "$(printf %s) cat < /config/${PEER_ID}/${PEER_ID}.conf $(sed '/PresharedKey/d' "/config/templates/peer.conf") DUDE" # add peer info to server conf without presharedkey cat <> /config/wg0.conf [Peer] # ${PEER_ID} PublicKey = $(cat "/config/${PEER_ID}/publickey-${PEER_ID}") DUDE fi SERVER_ALLOWEDIPS=SERVER_ALLOWEDIPS_PEER_${i} # add peer's allowedips to server conf if [[ -n "${!SERVER_ALLOWEDIPS}" ]]; then echo "Adding ${!SERVER_ALLOWEDIPS} to wg0.conf's AllowedIPs for peer ${i}" cat <> /config/wg0.conf AllowedIPs = ${CLIENT_IP}/32,${!SERVER_ALLOWEDIPS} DUDE else cat <> /config/wg0.conf AllowedIPs = ${CLIENT_IP}/32 DUDE fi # add PersistentKeepalive if the peer is specified if [[ -n "${PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS_ARRAY}" ]] && ([[ "${PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS_ARRAY[0]}" = "all" ]] || printf '%s\0' "${PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS_ARRAY[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "${i}"); then cat <> /config/wg0.conf PersistentKeepalive = 25 DUDE else cat <> /config/wg0.conf DUDE fi if [[ -z "${LOG_CONFS}" ]] || [[ "${LOG_CONFS}" = "true" ]]; then echo "PEER ${i} QR code (conf file is saved under /config/${PEER_ID}):" qrencode -t ansiutf8 < "/config/${PEER_ID}/${PEER_ID}.conf" else echo "PEER ${i} conf and QR code png saved in /config/${PEER_ID}" fi qrencode -o "/config/${PEER_ID}/${PEER_ID}.png" < "/config/${PEER_ID}/${PEER_ID}.conf" fi done } save_vars () { cat < /config/.donoteditthisfile ORIG_SERVERURL="$SERVERURL" ORIG_SERVERPORT="$SERVERPORT" ORIG_PEERDNS="$PEERDNS" ORIG_PEERS="$PEERS" ORIG_INTERFACE="$INTERFACE" ORIG_ALLOWEDIPS="$ALLOWEDIPS" ORIG_PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS="$PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS" DUDE } if [[ -n "$PEERS" ]]; then echo "**** Server mode is selected ****" if [[ "$PEERS" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && ! [[ "$PEERS" = *,* ]]; then mapfile -t PEERS_ARRAY < <(seq 1 "${PEERS}") else mapfile -t PEERS_ARRAY < <(echo "${PEERS}" | tr ',' '\n') fi if [[ -n "${PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS}" ]]; then echo "**** PersistentKeepalive will be set for: ${PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS/,/ } ****" mapfile -t PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS_ARRAY < <(echo "${PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS}" | tr ',' '\n') fi if [[ -z "$SERVERURL" ]] || [[ "$SERVERURL" = "auto" ]]; then SERVERURL=$(curl -s icanhazip.com) echo "**** SERVERURL var is either not set or is set to \"auto\", setting external IP to auto detected value of $SERVERURL ****" else echo "**** External server address is set to $SERVERURL ****" fi SERVERPORT=${SERVERPORT:-51820} echo "**** External server port is set to ${SERVERPORT}. Make sure that port is properly forwarded to port 51820 inside this container ****" INTERNAL_SUBNET=${INTERNAL_SUBNET:-} echo "**** Internal subnet is set to $INTERNAL_SUBNET ****" INTERFACE=$(echo "$INTERNAL_SUBNET" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="."} NF--') ALLOWEDIPS=${ALLOWEDIPS:-, ::/0} echo "**** AllowedIPs for peers $ALLOWEDIPS ****" if [[ -z "$PEERDNS" ]] || [[ "$PEERDNS" = "auto" ]]; then PEERDNS="${INTERFACE}.1" echo "**** PEERDNS var is either not set or is set to \"auto\", setting peer DNS to ${INTERFACE}.1 to use wireguard docker host's DNS. ****" else echo "**** Peer DNS servers will be set to $PEERDNS ****" fi if [[ ! -f /config/wg0.conf ]]; then echo "**** No wg0.conf found (maybe an initial install), generating 1 server and ${PEERS} peer/client confs ****" generate_confs save_vars else echo "**** Server mode is selected ****" if [[ -f /config/.donoteditthisfile ]]; then . /config/.donoteditthisfile fi if [[ "$SERVERURL" != "$ORIG_SERVERURL" ]] || [[ "$SERVERPORT" != "$ORIG_SERVERPORT" ]] || [[ "$PEERDNS" != "$ORIG_PEERDNS" ]] || [[ "$PEERS" != "$ORIG_PEERS" ]] || [[ "$INTERFACE" != "$ORIG_INTERFACE" ]] || [[ "$ALLOWEDIPS" != "$ORIG_ALLOWEDIPS" ]] || [[ "$PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS" != "$ORIG_PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE_PEERS" ]]; then echo "**** Server related environment variables changed, regenerating 1 server and ${PEERS} peer/client confs ****" generate_confs save_vars else echo "**** No changes to parameters. Existing configs are used. ****" fi fi else echo "**** Client mode selected. ****" if [[ ! -f /config/wg0.conf ]]; then echo "**** No client conf found. Provide your own client conf as \"/config/wg0.conf\" and restart the container. ****" sleep infinity fi printf %s "${USE_COREDNS,,:-false}" > /run/s6/container_environment/USE_COREDNS fi # set up CoreDNS if [[ ! -f /config/coredns/Corefile ]]; then cp /defaults/Corefile /config/coredns/Corefile fi # permissions lsiown -R abc:abc \ /config