# docker-tor-hidden-service [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cmehay/docker-tor-hidden-service.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cmehay/docker-tor-hidden-service) ## Setup ### Setup hosts From 2019, new conf to handle tor v3 address has been added. Here an example with `docker-compose` v2+: ```yaml version: "2" services: tor: image: goldy/tor-hidden-service: links: - hello - world - again environment: # Set mapping ports HELLO_TOR_SERVICE_HOSTS: 80:hello:80,800:hello:80,8888:hello:80 # Set private key HELLO_TOR_SERVICE_KEY: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXQIBAAKBgQDR8TdQF9fDlGhy1SMgfhMBi9TaFeD12/FK27TZE/tYGhxXvs1C NmFJy1hjVxspF5unmUsCk0yEsvEdcAdp17Vynz6W41VdinETU9yXHlUJ6NyI32AH dnFnHEcsllSEqD1hPAAvMUWwSMJaNmBEFtl8DUMS9tPX5fWGX4w5Xx8dZwIDAQAB AoGBAMb20jMHxaZHWg2qTRYYJa8LdHgS0BZxkWYefnBUbZn7dOz7mM+tddpX6raK 8OSqyQu3Tc1tB9GjPLtnVr9KfVwhUVM7YXC/wOZo+u72bv9+4OMrEK/R8xy30XWj GePXEu95yArE4NucYphxBLWMMu2E4RodjyJpczsl0Lohcn4BAkEA+XPaEKnNA3AL 1DXRpSpaa0ukGUY/zM7HNUFMW3UP00nxNCpWLSBmrQ56Suy7iSy91oa6HWkDD/4C k0HslnMW5wJBANdz4ehByMJZmJu/b5y8wnFSqep2jmJ1InMvd18BfVoBTQJwGMAr +qwSwNXXK2YYl9VJmCPCfgN0o7h1AEzvdYECQAM5UxUqDKNBvHVmqKn4zShb1ugY t1RfS8XNbT41WhoB96MT9P8qTwlniX8UZiwUrvNp1Ffy9n4raz8Z+APNwvsCQQC9 AuaOsReEmMFu8VTjNh2G+TQjgvqKmaQtVNjuOgpUKYv7tYehH3P7/T+62dcy7CRX cwbLaFbQhUUUD2DCHdkBAkB6CbB+qhu67oE4nnBCXllI9EXktXgFyXv/cScNvM9Y FDzzNAAfVc5Nmbmx28Nw+0w6pnpe/3m0Tudbq3nHdHfQ -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- # hello and again will share the same onion v3 address FOO_TOR_SERVICE_HOSTS: 88:again:80,8000:world:80 FOO_TOR_SERVICE_VERSION: '3' # tor v3 address private key base 64 encoded FOO_TOR_SERVICE_KEY: | PT0gZWQyNTUxOXYxLXNlY3JldDogdHlwZTAgPT0AAACArobDQYyZAWXei4QZwr++ j96H1X/gq14NwLRZ2O5DXuL0EzYKkdhZSILY85q+kfwZH8z4ceqe7u1F+0pQi/sM hello: image: tutum/hello-world hostname: hello world: image: tutum/hello-world hostname: world again: image: tutum/hello-world hostname: again ``` This configuration will output: ``` foo: xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion:88, xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion:8000 hello: 5azvyr7dvvr4cldn.onion:80, 5azvyr7dvvr4cldn.onion:800, 5azvyr7dvvr4cldn.onion:8888 ``` #### Environment variables ##### `{SERVICE}_TOR_SERVICE_HOSTS` The config patern for this variable is: `{exposed_port}:{hostname}:{port}}` For example `80:hello:8080` will expose an onion service on port 80 to the port 8080 of hello hostname. Unix sockets are supported too, `80:unix://path/to/socket.sock` will expose an onion service on port 80 to the socket `/path/to/socket.sock`. See `docker-compose.v2.socket.yml` for an example. You can concatenate services using comas. > **WARNING**: Using sockets and ports in the same service group can lead to issues ##### `{SERVICE}_TOR_SERVICE_VERSION` Can be `2` or `3`. Set the tor address type. `2` gives short addresses `5azvyr7dvvr4cldn.onion` and `3` long addresses `xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion` ##### `{SERVICE}_TOR_SERVICE_KEY` You can set the private key for the current service. Tor v2 addresses uses RSA PEM keys like: ``` -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXQIBAAKBgQDR8TdQF9fDlGhy1SMgfhMBi9TaFeD12/FK27TZE/tYGhxXvs1C NmFJy1hjVxspF5unmUsCk0yEsvEdcAdp17Vynz6W41VdinETU9yXHlUJ6NyI32AH dnFnHEcsllSEqD1hPAAvMUWwSMJaNmBEFtl8DUMS9tPX5fWGX4w5Xx8dZwIDAQAB AoGBAMb20jMHxaZHWg2qTRYYJa8LdHgS0BZxkWYefnBUbZn7dOz7mM+tddpX6raK 8OSqyQu3Tc1tB9GjPLtnVr9KfVwhUVM7YXC/wOZo+u72bv9+4OMrEK/R8xy30XWj GePXEu95yArE4NucYphxBLWMMu2E4RodjyJpczsl0Lohcn4BAkEA+XPaEKnNA3AL 1DXRpSpaa0ukGUY/zM7HNUFMW3UP00nxNCpWLSBmrQ56Suy7iSy91oa6HWkDD/4C k0HslnMW5wJBANdz4ehByMJZmJu/b5y8wnFSqep2jmJ1InMvd18BfVoBTQJwGMAr +qwSwNXXK2YYl9VJmCPCfgN0o7h1AEzvdYECQAM5UxUqDKNBvHVmqKn4zShb1ugY t1RfS8XNbT41WhoB96MT9P8qTwlniX8UZiwUrvNp1Ffy9n4raz8Z+APNwvsCQQC9 AuaOsReEmMFu8VTjNh2G+TQjgvqKmaQtVNjuOgpUKYv7tYehH3P7/T+62dcy7CRX cwbLaFbQhUUUD2DCHdkBAkB6CbB+qhu67oE4nnBCXllI9EXktXgFyXv/cScNvM9Y FDzzNAAfVc5Nmbmx28Nw+0w6pnpe/3m0Tudbq3nHdHfQ -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ``` Tor v3 addresses uses ed25519 binary keys. It should be base64 encoded: ``` PT0gZWQyNTUxOXYxLXNlY3JldDogdHlwZTAgPT0AAACArobDQYyZAWXei4QZwr++j96H1X/gq14NwLRZ2O5DXuL0EzYKkdhZSILY85q+kfwZH8z4ceqe7u1F+0pQi/sM ``` #### Secrets Secret key can be set through docker `secrets`, see `docker-compose.v3.yml` for example. ### Tools A command line tool `onions` is available in container to get `.onion` url when container is running. ```sh # Get services $ docker exec -ti torhiddenproxy_tor_1 onions hello: vegm3d7q64gutl75.onion:80 world: b2sflntvdne63amj.onion:80 # Get json $ docker exec -ti torhiddenproxy_tor_1 onions --json {"hello": ["b2sflntvdne63amj.onion:80"], "world": ["vegm3d7q64gutl75.onion:80"]} ``` ### Auto reload Changing `/etc/tor/torrc` file triggers a `SIGHUP` signal to `tor` to reload configuration. To disable this behavior, add `ENTRYPOINT_DISABLE_RELOAD` in environment. ### Versions Container version will follow tor release versions. ### pyentrypoint This container uses [`pyentrypoint`](https://github.com/cmehay/pyentrypoint) to generate its setup. If you need to use the legacy version, please checkout the `legacy` branch or pull `goldy/tor-hidden-service:legacy`. ### pytor This containner uses [`pytor`](https://github.com/cmehay/pytor) to mannages tor cryptography, generate keys and compute onion urls. # Legacy deprecated doc > **WARNING**: ALL THE DOC BELLOW IS LEGACY, IT'S STILL WORKING BUT IT'S NOT RECOMMENDED ANYMORE AND COULD BE DROPPED IN FUTURE RELEASES. ### Create a tor hidden service with a link ```sh # run a container with a network application $ docker run -d --name hello_world tutum/hello-world # and just link it to this container $ docker run -ti --link hello_world goldy/tor-hidden-service ``` The .onion URLs are displayed to stdout at startup. To keep onion keys, just mount volume `/var/lib/tor/hidden_service/` ```sh $ docker run -ti --link something --volume /path/to/keys:/var/lib/tor/hidden_service/ goldy/tor-hidden-service ``` Look at the `docker-compose.yml` file to see how to use it. ### Set private key Private key is settable by environment or by copying file in `hostname/private_key` in docket volume (`hostname` is the link name). It's easier to pass key in environment with `docker-compose`. ```yaml links: - hello - world environment: # Set private key HELLO_KEY: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXQIBAAKBgQDR8TdQF9fDlGhy1SMgfhMBi9TaFeD12/FK27TZE/tYGhxXvs1C NmFJy1hjVxspF5unmUsCk0yEsvEdcAdp17Vynz6W41VdinETU9yXHlUJ6NyI32AH dnFnHEcsllSEqD1hPAAvMUWwSMJaNmBEFtl8DUMS9tPX5fWGX4w5Xx8dZwIDAQAB AoGBAMb20jMHxaZHWg2qTRYYJa8LdHgS0BZxkWYefnBUbZn7dOz7mM+tddpX6raK 8OSqyQu3Tc1tB9GjPLtnVr9KfVwhUVM7YXC/wOZo+u72bv9+4OMrEK/R8xy30XWj GePXEu95yArE4NucYphxBLWMMu2E4RodjyJpczsl0Lohcn4BAkEA+XPaEKnNA3AL 1DXRpSpaa0ukGUY/zM7HNUFMW3UP00nxNCpWLSBmrQ56Suy7iSy91oa6HWkDD/4C k0HslnMW5wJBANdz4ehByMJZmJu/b5y8wnFSqep2jmJ1InMvd18BfVoBTQJwGMAr +qwSwNXXK2YYl9VJmCPCfgN0o7h1AEzvdYECQAM5UxUqDKNBvHVmqKn4zShb1ugY t1RfS8XNbT41WhoB96MT9P8qTwlniX8UZiwUrvNp1Ffy9n4raz8Z+APNwvsCQQC9 AuaOsReEmMFu8VTjNh2G+TQjgvqKmaQtVNjuOgpUKYv7tYehH3P7/T+62dcy7CRX cwbLaFbQhUUUD2DCHdkBAkB6CbB+qhu67oE4nnBCXllI9EXktXgFyXv/cScNvM9Y FDzzNAAfVc5Nmbmx28Nw+0w6pnpe/3m0Tudbq3nHdHfQ -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ``` Options are set using the following pattern: `LINKNAME_KEY` ### Setup port __Caution__: Using `PORT_MAP` with multiple ports on single service will cause `tor` to fail. Use link setting in environment with the following pattern: `LINKNAME_PORTS`. Like docker, first port is exposed port and the second one is service internal port. ```yaml links: - hello - world - hey environment: # Set mapping ports HELLO_PORTS: 80:80 # Multiple ports can be coma separated WORLD_PORTS: 8000:80,8888:80,22:22 # Socket mapping is supported HEY_PORTS: 80:unix:/var/run/socket.sock ``` __DEPRECATED:__ By default, ports are the same as linked containers, but a default port can be mapped using `PORT_MAP` environment variable. #### Socket To increase security, it's possible to setup your service through socket between containers and turn off network in your app container. See `docker-compose.v2.sock.yml` for an example. __Warning__: Due to a bug in `tor` configuration parser, it's not possible to mix network link and socket link in the same `tor` configuration. ### Group services Multiple services can be hosted behind the same onion address. ```yaml links: - hello - world - hey environment: # Set mapping ports HELLO_PORTS: 80:80 # Multiple ports can be coma separated WORLD_PORTS: 8000:80,8888:80,22:22 # Socket mapping is supported HEY_PORTS: 80:unix:/var/run/socket.sock # hello and world will share the same onion address # Service name can be any string as long there is not special char HELLO_SERVICE_NAME: foo WORLD_SERVICE_NAME: foo ``` __Warning__: Be carefull to not use the same exposed ports for grouped services. ### Compose v2 support Links setting are required when using docker-compose v2. See `docker-compose.v2.yml` for example. ### Copose v3 support and secrets Links setting are required when using docker-compose v3. See `docker-compose.v3.yml` for example.