# docker-tor-hidden-service [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cmehay/docker-tor-hidden-service.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cmehay/docker-tor-hidden-service) ## Changelog * 23 dec 2021 * Update `onions` tool to v0.7.0: * Drop support of onion v2 adresses as tor network does not accept them anymore * Update `tor` to `` ## Setup ### Setup hosts From 2019, new conf to handle tor v3 address has been added. Here an example with `docker-compose` v2+: ```yaml version: "2" services: tor: image: goldy/tor-hidden-service: links: - hello - world - again environment: # hello and again will share the same onion v3 address SERVICE1_TOR_SERVICE_HOSTS: 88:hello:80,8000:world:80 # Optional as tor version 2 is not supported anymore SERVICE1_TOR_SERVICE_VERSION: '3' # tor v3 address private key base 64 encoded SERVICE1_TOR_SERVICE_KEY: | PT0gZWQyNTUxOXYxLXNlY3JldDogdHlwZTAgPT0AAACArobDQYyZAWXei4QZwr++ j96H1X/gq14NwLRZ2O5DXuL0EzYKkdhZSILY85q+kfwZH8z4ceqe7u1F+0pQi/sM world: image: tutum/hello-world hostname: world hello: image: tutum/hello-world hostname: hello ``` This configuration will output: ``` service1: xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion:88, xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion:8000 ``` `xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion:88` will hit `again:80`. `xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion:8000` will hit `wold:80`. #### Environment variables ##### `{SERVICE}_TOR_SERVICE_HOSTS` The config patern for this variable is: `{exposed_port}:{hostname}:{port}}` For example `80:hello:8080` will expose an onion service on port 80 to the port 8080 of hello hostname. Unix sockets are supported too, `80:unix://path/to/socket.sock` will expose an onion service on port 80 to the socket `/path/to/socket.sock`. See `docker-compose.v2.socket.yml` for an example. You can concatenate services using comas. > **WARNING**: Using sockets and ports in the same service group can lead to issues ##### `{SERVICE}_TOR_SERVICE_VERSION` Optionnal now, can only be `3`. Set the tor address type. > **WARNING**: Version 2 is not supported anymore by tor network `2` was giving short addresses `5azvyr7dvvr4cldn.onion` and `3` gives long addresses `xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion` ##### `{SERVICE}_TOR_SERVICE_KEY` You can set the private key for the current service. Tor v3 addresses uses ed25519 binary keys. It should be base64 encoded: ``` PT0gZWQyNTUxOXYxLXNlY3JldDogdHlwZTAgPT0AAACArobDQYyZAWXei4QZwr++j96H1X/gq14NwLRZ2O5DXuL0EzYKkdhZSILY85q+kfwZH8z4ceqe7u1F+0pQi/sM ``` ##### `TOR_SOCKS_PORT` Set tor sock5 proxy port for this tor instance. (Use this if you need to connect to tor network with your service) ##### `TOR_EXTRA_OPTIONS` Add any options in the `torrc` file. ```yaml services: tor: environment: # Add any option you need TOR_EXTRA_OPTIONS: | HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode 1 HiddenServiceSingleHopMode 1 ``` #### Secrets Secret key can be set through docker `secrets`, see `docker-compose.v3.yml` for example. ### Tools A command line tool `onions` is available in container to get `.onion` url when container is running. ```sh # Get services $ docker exec -ti torhiddenproxy_tor_1 onions hello: xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion:80 world: .onion:80 # Get json $ docker exec -ti torhiddenproxy_tor_1 onions --json {"hello": ["xwjtp3mj427zdp4tljiiivg2l5ijfvmt5lcsfaygtpp6cw254kykvpyd.onion:80"], "world": ["ootceq7skq7qpvvwf2tajeboxovalco7z3ka44vxbtfdr2tfvx5ld7ad.onion:80"]} ``` ### Auto reload Changing `/etc/tor/torrc` file triggers a `SIGHUP` signal to `tor` to reload configuration. To disable this behavior, add `ENTRYPOINT_DISABLE_RELOAD` in environment. ### Versions Container version will follow tor release versions. ### pyentrypoint This container uses [`pyentrypoint`](https://github.com/cmehay/pyentrypoint) to generate its setup. ### pytor This containner uses [`pytor`](https://github.com/cmehay/pytor) to mannages tor cryptography, generate keys and compute onion urls. ## Control port Use these environment variables to enable control port * `TOR_CONTROL_PORT`: enable and set control port binding (`ip`, `ip:port` or `unix:/path/to/socket.sock`) (default port is 9051) * `TOR_CONTROL_PASSWORD`: set control port password (in clear, not hashed) * `TOR_DATA_DIRECTORY`: set data directory (default `/run/tor/data`) ## Vanguards For critical hidden services, it's possible to increase security with [`Vanguards`](https://github.com/mikeperry-tor/vanguards) tool. ### Run in the same container Check out [`docker-compose.vanguards.yml`](docker-compose.vanguards.yml) for example. Add environment variable `TOR_ENABLE_VANGUARDS` to `true` to start `vanguards` daemon beside `tor` process. `Vanguards` logs will be displayed to stdout using `pyentrypoint` logging, if you need raw output, set `ENTRYPOINT_RAW` to `true` in environment. In this mode, if `vanguards` exits, sigint is sent to `tor` process to terminate it. If you want to disable this behavior, set `VANGUARD_KILL_TOR_ON_EXIT` to `false` in environment. ### Run in separate containers Check out[`docker-compose.vanguards-network.yml`](docker-compose.vanguards-network.yml) for an example of increased security setup using docker networks. #### settings Use the same environment variable as `tor` to configure `vangards` (see upper). * `TOR_CONTROL_PORT` * `TOR_CONTROL_PASSWORD` ##### more settings Use `VANGUARDS_EXTRA_OPTIONS` environment variable to change any settings. The following settings cannot me changer with this variable: - `control_ip`: - use `TOR_CONTROL_PORT` - `control_port`: - use `TOR_CONTROL_PORT` - `control_socket`: - use `TOR_CONTROL_PORT` - `control_pass`: - use `TOR_CONTROL_PASSWORD` - `state_file`: - use `VANGUARDS_STATE_FILE`