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This Docker image allows you to run a single node ejabberd instance in a Docker container. If you are using a Windows operating system, check the tutorials mentioned in [ejabberd Docs > Docker Image](https://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/installation/#docker-image). # Start ejabberd ## With default configuration You can start ejabberd in a new container with the following command: ```bash docker run --name ejabberd -d -p 5222:5222 ejabberd/ecs ``` This command will run Docker image as a daemon, using ejabberd default configuration file and XMPP domain "localhost". To stop the running container, you can run: ```bash docker stop ejabberd ``` If needed, you can restart the stopped ejabberd container with: ```bash docker restart ejabberd ``` ## Start with Erlang console attached If you would like to start ejabberd with an Erlang console attached you can use the `live` command: ```bash docker run -it -p 5222:5222 ejabberd/ecs live ``` This command will use default configuration file and XMPP domain "localhost". ## Start with your configuration and database The following command will pass config file using Docker volume feature and share local directory to store database: ```bash mkdir database docker run -d --name ejabberd -v $(pwd)/ejabberd.yml:/home/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml -v $(pwd)/database:/home/ejabberd/database -p 5222:5222 ejabberd/ecs ``` # Next steps ## Register the administrator account The default ejabberd configuration has already granted admin privilege to an account that would be called `admin@localhost`, so you just need to register such an account to start using it for administrative purposes. You can register this account using the `ejabberdctl` script, for example: ```bash docker exec -it ejabberd bin/ejabberdctl register admin localhost passw0rd ``` ## Check ejabberd log files You can execute a Docker command to check the content of the log files from inside to container, even if you do not put it on a shared persistent drive: ```bash docker exec -it ejabberd tail -f logs/ejabberd.log ``` ## Inspect the container files The container uses Alpine Linux. You can start a shell there with: ```bash docker exec -it ejabberd sh ``` ## Open ejabberd debug console You can open a live debug Erlang console attached to a running container: ```bash docker exec -it ejabberd bin/ejabberdctl debug ``` ## CAPTCHA ejabberd includes two example CAPTCHA scripts. If you want to use any of them, first install some additional required libraries: ```bash docker exec --user root ejabberd apk add imagemagick ghostscript-fonts bash ``` Now update your ejabberd configuration file, for example: ```bash docker exec -it ejabberd vi conf/ejabberd.yml ``` and add the required options: ``` captcha_cmd: /home/ejabberd/lib/ejabberd-21.1.0/priv/bin/captcha.sh captcha_url: https://localhost:5443/captcha ``` Finally, reload the configuration file or restart the container: ```bash docker exec ejabberd bin/ejabberdctl reload_config ``` ## Use ejabberdapi When the container is running (and thus ejabberd), you can exec commands inside the container using `ejabberdctl` or any other of the available interfaces, see [Understanding ejabberd "commands"](https://docs.ejabberd.im/developer/ejabberd-api/#understanding-ejabberd-commands) Additionally, this Docker image includes the `ejabberdapi` executable. Please check the [ejabberd-api homepage](https://github.com/processone/ejabberd-api) for configuration and usage details. For example, if you configure ejabberd like this: ```yaml listen: - port: 5282 module: ejabberd_http request_handlers: "/api": mod_http_api acl: loopback: ip: - - ::1/128 - ::FFFF: api_permissions: "admin access": who: access: allow: acl: loopback what: - "register" ``` Then you could register new accounts with this query: ```bash docker exec -it ejabberd bin/ejabberdapi register --endpoint= --jid=admin@localhost --password=passw0rd ``` # Advanced Docker configuration ## Ports This Docker image exposes the ports: - `5222`: The default port for XMPP clients. - `5269`: For XMPP federation. Only needed if you want to communicate with users on other servers. - `5280`: For admin interface. - `5443`: With encryption, used for admin interface, API, CAPTCHA, OAuth, Websockets and XMPP BOSH. - `1883`: Used for MQTT - `4369-4399`: EPMD and Erlang connectivity, used for `ejabberdctl` and clustering ## Volumes ejabberd produces two types of data: log files and database (Mnesia). This is the kind of data you probably want to store on a persistent or local drive (at least the database). Here are the volume you may want to map: - `/home/ejabberd/conf/`: Directory containing configuration and certificates - `/home/ejabberd/database/`: Directory containing Mnesia database. You should back up or export the content of the directory to persistent storage (host storage, local storage, any storage plugin) - `/home/ejabberd/logs/`: Directory containing log files - `/home/ejabberd/upload/`: Directory containing uploaded files. This should also be backed up. All these files are owned by ejabberd user inside the container. Corresponding `UID:GID` is `9000:9000`. If you prefer bind mounts instead of docker volumes, then you need to map this to valid `UID:GID` on your host to get read/write access on mounted directories. # Generating ejabberd release ## Configuration Image is built by embedding an ejabberd Erlang/OTP standalone release in the image. The configuration of ejabberd Erlang/OTP release is customized with: - `rel/config.exs`: Customize ejabberd release - `rel/dev.exs`: ejabberd environment configuration for development release - `rel/prod.exs`: ejabberd environment configuration for production Docker release - `vars.config`: ejabberd compilation configuration options - `conf/ejabberd.yml`: ejabberd default config file Build ejabberd Community Server base image from ejabberd master on Github: ```bash docker build -t ejabberd/ecs . ``` Build ejabberd Community Server base image for a given ejabberd version: ```bash ./build.sh 18.03 ```