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# ejabberd Community Server
ejabberd is an open-source XMPP server, robust, scalable and modular,
built using Erlang/OTP, and also includes MQTT Broker and SIP Service.
This container image allows you to run a single node ejabberd instance in a container.
There is an [Alternative Image in GitHub Packages](, built using a different method and some improvements.
If you are using a Windows operating system, check the tutorials mentioned in
[ejabberd Docs > Docker Image](
# Start ejabberd
## With default configuration
You can start ejabberd in a new container with the following command:
docker run --name ejabberd -d -p 5222:5222 ejabberd/ecs
This command will run the container image as a daemon,
using ejabberd default configuration file and XMPP domain "localhost".
To stop the running container, you can run:
docker stop ejabberd
If needed, you can restart the stopped ejabberd container with:
docker restart ejabberd
## Start with Erlang console attached
If you would like to start ejabberd with an Erlang console attached you can use the `live` command:
docker run -it -p 5222:5222 ejabberd/ecs live
This command will use default configuration file and XMPP domain "localhost".
## Start with your configuration and database
This command passes the configuration file using the volume feature
and shares the local directory to store database:
mkdir database
docker run -d --name ejabberd -v $(pwd)/ejabberd.yml:/home/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml -v $(pwd)/database:/home/ejabberd/database -p 5222:5222 ejabberd/ecs
# Next steps
## Register the administrator account
The default ejabberd configuration has already granted admin privilege
to an account that would be called `admin@localhost`,
so you just need to register such an account
to start using it for administrative purposes.
You can register this account using the `ejabberdctl` script, for example:
docker exec -it ejabberd bin/ejabberdctl register admin localhost passw0rd
## Check ejabberd log files
Check the ejabberd log file in the container:
docker exec -it ejabberd tail -f logs/ejabberd.log
## Inspect the container files
The container uses Alpine Linux. You can start a shell there with:
docker exec -it ejabberd sh
## Open ejabberd debug console
You can open a live debug Erlang console attached to a running container:
docker exec -it ejabberd bin/ejabberdctl debug
ejabberd includes two example CAPTCHA scripts.
If you want to use any of them, first install some additional required libraries:
docker exec --user root ejabberd apk add imagemagick ghostscript-fonts bash
Now update your ejabberd configuration file, for example:
docker exec -it ejabberd vi conf/ejabberd.yml
and add this option:
captcha_cmd: /home/ejabberd/lib/ejabberd-21.1.0/priv/bin/
Finally, reload the configuration file or restart the container:
docker exec ejabberd bin/ejabberdctl reload_config
If the CAPTCHA image is not visible, there may be a problem generating it
(the ejabberd log file may show some error message);
or the image URL may not be correctly detected by ejabberd,
in that case you can set the correct URL manually, for example:
captcha_url: https://localhost:5443/captcha
For more details about CAPTCHA options, please check the
documentation section.
## Use ejabberdapi
When the container is running (and thus ejabberd), you can exec commands inside the container
using `ejabberdctl` or any other of the available interfaces, see
[Understanding ejabberd "commands"](
Additionally, this container image includes the `ejabberdapi` executable.
Please check the [ejabberd-api homepage](
for configuration and usage details.
For example, if you configure ejabberd like this:
port: 5282
module: ejabberd_http
"/api": mod_http_api
- ::1/128
- ::FFFF:
"admin access":
acl: loopback
- "register"
Then you could register new accounts with this query:
docker exec -it ejabberd bin/ejabberdapi register --endpoint= --jid=admin@localhost --password=passw0rd
# Advanced container configuration
## Ports
This container image exposes the ports:
- `5222`: The default port for XMPP clients.
- `5269`: For XMPP federation. Only needed if you want to communicate with users on other servers.
- `5280`: For admin interface.
- `5443`: With encryption, used for admin interface, API, CAPTCHA, OAuth, Websockets and XMPP BOSH.
- `1883`: Used for MQTT
- `4369-4399`: EPMD and Erlang connectivity, used for `ejabberdctl` and clustering
## Volumes
ejabberd produces two types of data: log files and database (Mnesia).
This is the kind of data you probably want to store on a persistent or local drive (at least the database).
Here are the volume you may want to map:
- `/home/ejabberd/conf/`: Directory containing configuration and certificates
- `/home/ejabberd/database/`: Directory containing Mnesia database.
You should back up or export the content of the directory to persistent storage
(host storage, local storage, any storage plugin)
- `/home/ejabberd/logs/`: Directory containing log files
- `/home/ejabberd/upload/`: Directory containing uploaded files. This should also be backed up.
All these files are owned by ejabberd user inside the container. Corresponding
`UID:GID` is `9000:9000`. If you prefer bind mounts instead of volumes, then
you need to map this to valid `UID:GID` on your host to get read/write access on
mounted directories.
## Commands on start
The ejabberdctl script reads the `CTL_ON_CREATE` environment variable
the first time the container is started,
and reads `CTL_ON_START` every time the container is started.
Those variables can contain one ejabberdctl command,
or several commands separated with the blankspace and `;` characters.
By default failure of any of commands executed that way would
abort start, this can be disabled by prefixing commands with `!`
Example usage (or check the [full example](#customized-example)):
- CTL_ON_CREATE=\! register admin localhost asd
- CTL_ON_START=stats registeredusers ;
check_password admin localhost asd ;
## Clustering
When setting several containers to form a
[cluster of ejabberd nodes](,
each one must have a different
[Erlang Node Name](
and the same
[Erlang Cookie](
For this you can either:
- edit `conf/ejabberdctl.cfg` and set variables `ERLANG_NODE` and `ERLANG_COOKIE`
- set the environment variables `ERLANG_NODE_ARG` and `ERLANG_COOKIE`
Once you have the ejabberd nodes properly set and running,
you can tell the secondary nodes to join the master node using the
API call.
Example using environment variables (see the full
[`docker-compose.yml` clustering example](#clustering-example)):
- ERLANG_NODE_ARG=ejabberd@replica
- ERLANG_COOKIE=dummycookie123
- CTL_ON_CREATE=join_cluster ejabberd@main
## Change Mnesia Node Name
To use the same Mnesia database in a container with a different hostname,
it is necessary to change the old hostname stored in Mnesia.
This section is equivalent to the ejabberd Documentation
[Change Computer Hostname](,
but particularized to containers that use this
ecs container image from ejabberd 23.01 or older.
### Setup Old Container
Let's assume a container running ejabberd 23.01 (or older) from
this ecs container image, with the database directory binded
and one registered account.
This can be produced with:
mkdir database
sudo chown 9000:9000 database
docker run -d --name $OLDCONTAINER -p 5222:5222 \
-v $(pwd)/database:/home/ejabberd/database \
docker exec -it $OLDCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl started
docker exec -it $OLDCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl register user1 localhost somepass
docker exec -it $OLDCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl registered_users localhost
Methods to know the Erlang node name:
ls database/ | grep ejabberd@
docker exec -it $OLDCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl status
docker exec -it $OLDCONTAINER grep "started in the node" logs/ejabberd.log
### Change Mnesia Node
First of all let's store the Erlang node names and paths in variables.
In this example they would be:
1. Start your old container that can still read the Mnesia database correctly.
If you have the Mnesia spool files,
but don't have access to the old container anymore, go to
[Create Temporary Container](#create-temporary-container)
and later come back here.
2. Generate a backup file and check it was created:
docker exec -it $OLDCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl backup $OLDFILE
ls -l database/*.backup
3. Stop ejabberd:
docker stop $OLDCONTAINER
4. Create the new container. For example:
docker run \
-d \
-p 5222:5222 \
-v $(pwd)/database:/home/ejabberd/database \
5. Convert the backup file to new node name:
docker exec -it $NEWCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl mnesia_change_nodename $OLDNODE $NEWNODE $OLDFILE $NEWFILE
6. Install the backup file as a fallback:
docker exec -it $NEWCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl install_fallback $NEWFILE
7. Restart the container:
docker restart $NEWCONTAINER
8. Check that the information of the old database is available.
In this example, it should show that the account `user1` is registered:
docker exec -it $NEWCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl registered_users localhost
9. When the new container is working perfectly with the converted Mnesia database,
you may want to remove the unneeded files:
the old container, the old Mnesia spool files, and the backup files.
### Create Temporary Container
In case the old container that used the Mnesia database is not available anymore,
a temporary container can be created just to read the Mnesia database
and make a backup of it, as explained in the previous section.
This method uses `--hostname` command line argument for docker,
and `ERLANG_NODE_ARG` environment variable for ejabberd.
Their values must be the hostname of your old container
and the Erlang node name of your old ejabberd node.
To know the Erlang node name please check
[Setup Old Container](#setup-old-container).
Command line example:
docker run \
-d \
--hostname $OLDHOST \
-p 5222:5222 \
-v $(pwd)/database:/home/ejabberd/database \
Check the old database content is available:
docker exec -it $OLDCONTAINER bin/ejabberdctl registered_users localhost
Now that you have ejabberd running with access to the Mnesia database,
you can continue with step 2 of previous section
[Change Mnesia Node](#change-mnesia-node).
# Generating ejabberd release
## Configuration
Image is built by embedding an ejabberd Erlang/OTP standalone release in the image.
The configuration of ejabberd Erlang/OTP release is customized with:
- `rel/config.exs`: Customize ejabberd release
- `rel/dev.exs`: ejabberd environment configuration for development release
- `rel/prod.exs`: ejabberd environment configuration for production release
- `vars.config`: ejabberd compilation configuration options
- `conf/ejabberd.yml`: ejabberd default config file
Build ejabberd Community Server base image from ejabberd master on Github:
docker build -t ejabberd/ecs .
Build ejabberd Community Server base image for a given ejabberd version:
7 years ago
./ 18.03
# Composer Examples
## Minimal Example
This is the barely minimal file to get a usable ejabberd.
Store it as `docker-compose.yml`:
image: ejabberd/ecs
container_name: ejabberd
- "5222:5222"
- "5269:5269"
- "5280:5280"
- "5443:5443"
Create and start the container with the command:
docker-compose up
## Customized Example
This example shows the usage of several customizations:
it uses a local configuration file,
stores the mnesia database in a local path,
registers an account when it's created,
and checks the number of registered accounts every time it's started.
Download or copy the ejabberd configuration file:
mv ejabberd.yml.example ejabberd.yml
Create the database directory and allow the container access to it:
mkdir database
sudo chown 9000:9000 database
Now write this `docker-compose.yml` file:
version: '3.7'
image: ejabberd/ecs
container_name: ejabberd
- CTL_ON_CREATE=register admin localhost asd
- CTL_ON_START=registered_users localhost ;
- "5222:5222"
- "5269:5269"
- "5280:5280"
- "5443:5443"
- ./ejabberd.yml:/home/ejabberd/conf/ejabberd.yml:ro
- ./database:/home/ejabberd/database
## Clustering Example
In this example, the main container is created first.
Once it is fully started and healthy, a second container is created,
and once ejabberd is started in it, it joins the first one.
An account is registered in the first node when created (and
we ignore errors that can happen when doing that - for example
when account already exists),
and it should exist in the second node after join.
Notice that in this example the main container does not have access
to the exterior; the replica exports the ports and can be accessed.
version: '3.7'
image: ejabberd/ecs
container_name: main
- ERLANG_NODE_ARG=ejabberd@main
- ERLANG_COOKIE=dummycookie123
- CTL_ON_CREATE=\! register admin localhost asd
test: netstat -nl | grep -q 5222
start_period: 5s
interval: 5s
timeout: 5s
retries: 120
image: ejabberd/ecs
container_name: replica
condition: service_healthy
- "5222:5222"
- "5269:5269"
- "5280:5280"
- "5443:5443"
- ERLANG_NODE_ARG=ejabberd@replica
- ERLANG_COOKIE=dummycookie123
- CTL_ON_CREATE=join_cluster ejabberd@main
- CTL_ON_START=registered_users localhost ;