* userdata volumes and url opening code were added to use docker-browser as full
replacement name browser-exec.
* browser-exec allows a user to launch a link in an exisitng browser or
open up the link in the default browser define by env $BROWSER
* added env variable ${DOCKER_BROWSER_PARMS} allowing user to pass
aditional parms if he/she so wishes
* added additional userdata volumes so that browser settins persist:
* made it easier for people who fork to test using make file by using env $USER
* added clean function to Makefile
* esnured USERDATA voluems are added to docker run command only withn
wrapper script
* if userdata volumes are used home directory of browser is created first,
so added code to ensure home directory has right permissions and
that /etc/skel files get copied to home directory
* renamed some parms
* tor install binary is now gpg verified and bumped a version closing
* README.md includes information about making the settings for firefox and
chrome survive after each time the browser is closed and opened.
* nvidia-346 drivers are installed in container in order to fix some glx
* if browsers are launched with wrapper script then username within the
container will be the username of the user executing
* add fonts conf file, fixing font error, file copied from jfrazelle