# [Doplarr](https://github.com/kiranshila/Doplarr) is an *arr request bot for # Discord.' --- version: "2.1" services: doplarr: image: ghcr.io/linuxserver/doplarr container_name: doplarr environment: # for UserID - PUID=${PUID:-1024} # for GroupID - PGID=${PGID:-100} # Specify a timezone to use for example Europe/Amsterdam - TZ=${TZ:-Europe/Amsterdam} # Specify your discord bot token. - DISCORD__TOKEN= # Specify your Overseerr API key. Leave blank if using Radarr/Sonarr. - OVERSEERR__API= # Specify your Overseerr URL. Leave blank if using Radarr/Sonarr. - OVERSEERR__URL=http://localhost:5055 # Specify your Radarr API key. Leave blank if using Overseerr. - RADARR__API= # Specify your Radarr URL. Leave blank if using Overseerr. - RADARR__URL=http://localhost:7878 # Specify your Sonarr API key. Leave blank if using Overseerr. - SONARR__API= # Specify your Sonarr URL. Leave blank if using Overseerr. - SONARR__URL=http://localhost:8989 # Sets the maximum size of the search results selection - DISCORD__MAX_RESULTS=25 # optional # Sets the style of the request alert message. One of `:plain` `:embed` `:none` - DISCORD__REQUESTED_MSG_STYLE=:plain # optional # The name of the quality profile to use by default for Sonarr - SONARR__QUALITY_PROFILE= # optional # The name of the quality profile to use by default for Radarr - RADARR__QUALITY_PROFILE= # optional # The root folder to use by default for Sonarr - SONARR__ROOTFOLDER= # optional # The root folder to use by default for Radarr - RADARR__ROOTFOLDER= # optional # The name of the language profile to use by default for Sonarr - SONARR__LANGUAGE_PROFILE= # optional # The Overseerr user id to use by default if there is no associated discord account for the requester - OVERSEERR__DEFAULT_ID= # optional # Sets whether users can request partial seasons. - PARTIAL_SEASONS=true # optional # The log level for the logging backend. This can be changed for debugging purposes. One of trace `:debug` `:info` `:warn` `:error` `:fatal` `:report` - LOG_LEVEL=:info # optional # For passing additional java options. - JAVA_OPTS= # optional volumes: # Contains all relevant configuration files. - ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/doplarr/config:/config restart: unless-stopped