# Codimd gives you access to all your files wherever you are. CodiMD is a real- # time, multi-platform collaborative markdown note editor. This means that you # can write notes with other people on your desktop, tablet or even on the # phone. You can sign-in via multiple auth providers like Facebook, Twitter, # GitHub and many more on the homepage. version: "3" services: mariadb: image: linuxserver/mariadb:latest container_name: codimd_mariadb restart: always volumes: - :/config environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD= - MYSQL_DATABASE=codimd - MYSQL_USER=codimd - MYSQL_PASSWORD= - PGID=1000 - PUID=1000 - TZ=Europe/London codimd: image: linuxserver/codimd:latest container_name: codimd restart: always depends_on: - mariadb volumes: - :/config environment: - DB_HOST=mariadb - DB_USER=codimd - DB_PASS= - DB_NAME=codimd - DB_PORT=3306 - PGID=1000 - PUID=1000 - TZ=Europe/London ports: - "3000:3000"