# [Ubooquity](https://vaemendis.net/ubooquity/) is a free, lightweight and easy- # to-use home server for your comics and ebooks. Use it to access your files # from anywhere, with a tablet, an e-reader, a phone or a computer. source ./.env docker run -d \ --name=ubooquity \ -e PUID=${PUID:-1024} `# for GroupID` \ -e PGID=${PGID:-100} `# for UserID` \ -e TZ=${TZ:-Europe/Amsterdam} `# Specify a timezone to use for example Europe/Amsterdam` \ -e MAXMEM= `# To set the maximum memory. ( ex: set '1024' for 1GB )` \ -p 2202:2202 `# The library port.` \ -p 2203:2203 `# The admin port.` \ -v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/ubooquity/config:/config `# Config files and database for ubooquity.` \ -v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/ubooquity/books:/books `# Location of books.` \ -v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/ubooquity/comics:/comics `# Location of comics.` \ -v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/ubooquity/files:/files `# Location of raw files.` \ --restart unless-stopped \ ghcr.io/linuxserver/ubooquity