# [Pylon](https://github.com/pylonide/pylon) is a web based integrated # development environment built with Node.js as a backend and with a # supercharged JavaScript/HTML5 frontend, licensed under GPL version 3. This # project originates from Cloud9 v2 project. source ./.env docker run -d \ --name=pylon \ -e PUID=${PUID:-1024} `# for GroupID` \ -e PGID=${PGID:-100} `# for UserID` \ -e TZ=${TZ:-Europe/Amsterdam} `# Specify a timezone to use for example Europe/Amsterdam` \ -e GITURL=https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-pylon.git `# optional` `# Specify a git repo to checkout on first startup` \ -e PYUSER=myuser `# optional` `# Specify a basic auth user.` \ -e PYPASS=mypass `# optional` `# Specify a basic auth password.` \ -p 3131:3131 `# The port for the Pylon web interface` \ -v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/pylon/config:/config `# Configuration files.` \ -v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/pylon/code:/code `# optional` `# Optionally if you want the bind mount your own code and have changes survive container upgrades.` \ --restart unless-stopped \ ghcr.io/linuxserver/pylon