# [Mastodon](https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/) is a free, open-source # social network server based on ActivityPub where users can follow friends and # discover new ones.. --- version: "2.1" services: mastodon: image: ghcr.io/linuxserver/mastodon container_name: mastodon environment: # for UserID - PUID=${PUID:-1024} # for GroupID - PGID=${PGID:-100} # Specify a timezone to use for example Europe/Amsterdam - TZ=${TZ:-Europe/Amsterdam} # This is the unique identifier of your server in the network. It cannot be safely changed later. - LOCAL_DOMAIN=example.com # Redis server hostname - REDIS_HOST=redis # Redis port - REDIS_PORT=6379 # Postgres database hostname - DB_HOST=db # Postgres username - DB_USER=mastodon # Postgres db name - DB_NAME=mastodon # Postgres password - DB_PASS=mastodon # Portgres port - DB_PORT=5432 # Enable or disable Elasticsearch (requires a separate ES instance) - ES_ENABLED=false # Browser session secret. Changing it will break all active browser sessions. - SECRET_KEY_BASE= # MFA secret. Changing it will break two-factor authentication. - OTP_SECRET= # Push notification private key. Changing it will break push notifications. - VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY= # Push notification public key. Changing it will break push notifications. - VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY= # SMTP server for email notifications - SMTP_SERVER=mail.example.com # SMTP server port - SMTP_PORT=25 # SMTP username - SMTP_LOGIN= # SMTP password - SMTP_PASSWORD= # From address for emails send from Mastodon - SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS=notifications@example.com # Enable or disable S3 storage of uploaded files - S3_ENABLED=false # This can be set if you want your server identifier to be different to the subdomain hosting Mastodon. See [https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/config/#basic](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/config/#basic) - WEB_DOMAIN=mastodon.example.com # optional # Elasticsearch server hostname - ES_HOST=es # optional # Elasticsearch port - ES_PORT=9200 # optional # Elasticsearch username - ES_USER=elastic # optional # Elasticsearch password - ES_PASS=elastic # optional # S3 bucket hostname - S3_BUCKET= # optional # S3 bucket access key ID - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= # optional # S3 bucket secret access key - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= # optional # Alternate hostname for object fetching if you are front the S3 connections. - S3_ALIAS_HOST= # optional volumes: # Contains all relevant configuration files. - ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/mastodon/config:/config ports: # Port for web frontend - 80:80 # Port for web frontend - 443:443 restart: unless-stopped