# [Prowlarr](https://github.com/Prowlarr/Prowlarr) is a indexer manager/proxy # built on the popular arr .net/reactjs base stack to integrate with your # various PVR apps. Prowlarr supports both Torrent Trackers and Usenet Indexers. # It integrates seamlessly with Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, and Readarr offering # complete management of your indexers with no per app Indexer setup required # (we do it all). . ./.env docker run -d \ --name=prowlarr \ -e PUID=${PUID:-1024} `# for UserID` \ -e PGID=${PGID:-100} `# for GroupID` \ -e TZ=${TZ:-Europe/Amsterdam} `# specify a timezone to use, see this [list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones#List).` \ -p 9696:9696 `# The port for the Prowlarr web UI` \ -v ${BASEDIR:-/volume1/docker}/prowlarr/config:/config `# Database and Prowlarr configs` \ --restart unless-stopped \ ghcr.io/linuxserver/prowlarr