You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1978 lines
71 KiB

use std::io;
use derive_more::IsVariant;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use strum::{AsRefStr, EnumDiscriminants, EnumIter, EnumMessage, EnumString};
use crate::common::{
Change, DirEntry, Error, Metadata, ProcessId, SearchId, SearchQueryMatch, SystemInfo, Version,
/// Represents the payload of a successful response
Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, AsRefStr, IsVariant, EnumDiscriminants, Serialize, Deserialize,
#[strum_discriminants(strum(serialize_all = "snake_case"))]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case", deny_unknown_fields, tag = "type")]
#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum Response {
/// General okay with no extra data, returned in cases like
/// creating or removing a directory, copying a file, or renaming
/// a file
/// General-purpose failure that occurred from some request
/// Response containing some arbitrary, binary data
Blob {
/// Binary data associated with the response
#[serde(with = "serde_bytes")]
data: Vec<u8>,
/// Response containing some arbitrary, text data
Text {
/// Text data associated with the response
data: String,
/// Response to reading a directory
DirEntries {
/// Entries contained within the requested directory
entries: Vec<DirEntry>,
/// Errors encountered while scanning for entries
errors: Vec<Error>,
/// Response to a filesystem change for some watched file, directory, or symlink
/// Response to checking if a path exists
Exists { value: bool },
/// Represents metadata about some filesystem object (file, directory, symlink) on remote machine
/// Represents a search being started
SearchStarted {
/// Arbitrary id associated with search
id: SearchId,
/// Represents some subset of results for a search query (may not be all of them)
SearchResults {
/// Arbitrary id associated with search
id: SearchId,
/// Collection of matches from performing a query
matches: Vec<SearchQueryMatch>,
/// Represents a search being completed
SearchDone {
/// Arbitrary id associated with search
id: SearchId,
/// Response to starting a new process
ProcSpawned {
/// Arbitrary id associated with running process
id: ProcessId,
/// Actively-transmitted stdout as part of running process
ProcStdout {
/// Arbitrary id associated with running process
id: ProcessId,
/// Data read from a process' stdout pipe
#[serde(with = "serde_bytes")]
data: Vec<u8>,
/// Actively-transmitted stderr as part of running process
ProcStderr {
/// Arbitrary id associated with running process
id: ProcessId,
/// Data read from a process' stderr pipe
#[serde(with = "serde_bytes")]
data: Vec<u8>,
/// Response to a process finishing
ProcDone {
/// Arbitrary id associated with running process
id: ProcessId,
/// Whether or not termination was successful
success: bool,
/// Exit code associated with termination, will be missing if terminated by signal
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
code: Option<i32>,
/// Response to retrieving information about the server and the system it is on
/// Response to retrieving information about the server's version
impl From<io::Error> for Response {
fn from(x: io::Error) -> Self {
mod tests {
use super::*;
mod ok {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Ok;
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "ok",
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "ok",
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::Ok);
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Ok;
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Ok).unwrap();
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::Ok);
mod error {
use super::*;
use crate::common::ErrorKind;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Error(Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "error",
"kind": "addr_in_use",
"description": "some description",
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "error",
"kind": "addr_in_use",
"description": "some description",
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::Error(Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Error(Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Error(Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::Error(Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
mod blob {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Blob {
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "blob",
"data": [0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "blob",
"data": [0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::Blob {
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Blob {
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Blob {
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::Blob {
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
mod text {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Text {
data: String::from("some text"),
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "text",
"data": "some text",
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "text",
"data": "some text",
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::Text {
data: String::from("some text"),
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Text {
data: String::from("some text"),
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Text {
data: String::from("some text"),
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::Text {
data: String::from("some text"),
mod dir_entries {
use std::path::PathBuf;
use super::*;
use crate::common::{ErrorKind, FileType};
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_payload_to_json() {
let payload = Response::DirEntries {
entries: Vec::new(),
errors: Vec::new(),
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "dir_entries",
"entries": [],
"errors": [],
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_payload_to_json() {
let payload = Response::DirEntries {
entries: vec![DirEntry {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
file_type: FileType::File,
depth: usize::MAX,
errors: vec![Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "dir_entries",
"entries": [{
"path": "path",
"file_type": "file",
"depth": usize::MAX,
"errors": [{
"kind": "addr_in_use",
"description": "some description",
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_payload_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "dir_entries",
"entries": [],
"errors": [],
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::DirEntries {
entries: Vec::new(),
errors: Vec::new(),
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_payload_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "dir_entries",
"entries": [{
"path": "path",
"file_type": "file",
"depth": usize::MAX,
"errors": [{
"kind": "addr_in_use",
"description": "some description",
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::DirEntries {
entries: vec![DirEntry {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
file_type: FileType::File,
depth: usize::MAX,
errors: vec![Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_payload_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::DirEntries {
entries: Vec::new(),
errors: Vec::new(),
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_payload_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::DirEntries {
entries: vec![DirEntry {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
file_type: FileType::File,
depth: usize::MAX,
errors: vec![Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_payload_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::DirEntries {
entries: Vec::new(),
errors: Vec::new(),
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::DirEntries {
entries: Vec::new(),
errors: Vec::new(),
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_payload_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::DirEntries {
entries: vec![DirEntry {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
file_type: FileType::File,
depth: usize::MAX,
errors: vec![Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::DirEntries {
entries: vec![DirEntry {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
file_type: FileType::File,
depth: usize::MAX,
errors: vec![Error {
kind: ErrorKind::AddrInUse,
description: String::from("some description"),
mod changed {
use std::path::PathBuf;
use super::*;
use crate::common::ChangeKind;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Changed(Change {
kind: ChangeKind::Access,
paths: vec![PathBuf::from("path")],
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "changed",
"kind": "access",
"paths": ["path"],
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "changed",
"kind": "access",
"paths": ["path"],
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::Changed(Change {
kind: ChangeKind::Access,
paths: vec![PathBuf::from("path")],
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Changed(Change {
kind: ChangeKind::Access,
paths: vec![PathBuf::from("path")],
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Changed(Change {
kind: ChangeKind::Access,
paths: vec![PathBuf::from("path")],
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::Changed(Change {
kind: ChangeKind::Access,
paths: vec![PathBuf::from("path")],
mod exists {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Exists { value: true };
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "exists",
"value": true,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "exists",
"value": true,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::Exists { value: true });
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Exists { value: true };
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Exists { value: true }).unwrap();
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::Exists { value: true });
mod metadata {
use std::path::PathBuf;
use super::*;
use crate::common::{FileType, UnixMetadata, WindowsMetadata};
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_payload_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::File,
len: 0,
readonly: false,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "metadata",
"file_type": "file",
"len": 0,
"readonly": false,
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_payload_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("path")),
file_type: FileType::File,
len: u64::MAX,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
// NOTE: These values are too big to normally serialize, so we have to convert them to
// a string type, which is why the value here also needs to be a string.
let u128_max_str = u128::MAX.to_string();
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "metadata",
"canonicalized_path": "path",
"file_type": "file",
"len": u64::MAX,
"readonly": true,
"accessed": u128_max_str,
"created": u128_max_str,
"modified": u128_max_str,
"unix": {
"owner_read": true,
"owner_write": false,
"owner_exec": false,
"group_read": true,
"group_write": false,
"group_exec": false,
"other_read": true,
"other_write": false,
"other_exec": false,
"windows": {
"archive": true,
"compressed": false,
"encrypted": true,
"hidden": false,
"integrity_stream": true,
"normal": false,
"not_content_indexed": true,
"no_scrub_data": false,
"offline": true,
"recall_on_data_access": false,
"recall_on_open": true,
"reparse_point": false,
"sparse_file": true,
"system": false,
"temporary": true,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_payload_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "metadata",
"file_type": "file",
"len": 0,
"readonly": false,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::File,
len: 0,
readonly: false,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_payload_from_json() {
let u128_max_str = u128::MAX.to_string();
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "metadata",
"canonicalized_path": "path",
"file_type": "file",
"len": u64::MAX,
"readonly": true,
"accessed": u128_max_str,
"created": u128_max_str,
"modified": u128_max_str,
"unix": {
"owner_read": true,
"owner_write": false,
"owner_exec": false,
"group_read": true,
"group_write": false,
"group_exec": false,
"other_read": true,
"other_write": false,
"other_exec": false,
"windows": {
"archive": true,
"compressed": false,
"encrypted": true,
"hidden": false,
"integrity_stream": true,
"normal": false,
"not_content_indexed": true,
"no_scrub_data": false,
"offline": true,
"recall_on_data_access": false,
"recall_on_open": true,
"reparse_point": false,
"sparse_file": true,
"system": false,
"temporary": true,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("path")),
file_type: FileType::File,
len: u64::MAX,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_payload_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::File,
len: 0,
readonly: false,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_payload_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("path")),
file_type: FileType::File,
len: u64::MAX,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_payload_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::File,
len: 0,
readonly: false,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::File,
len: 0,
readonly: false,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_payload_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("path")),
file_type: FileType::File,
len: u64::MAX,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::Metadata(Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("path")),
file_type: FileType::File,
len: u64::MAX,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
mod search_started {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::SearchStarted { id: SearchId::MAX };
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "search_started",
"id": SearchId::MAX,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "search_started",
"id": SearchId::MAX,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::SearchStarted { id: SearchId::MAX });
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::SearchStarted { id: SearchId::MAX };
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf =
rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::SearchStarted { id: SearchId::MAX })
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::SearchStarted { id: SearchId::MAX });
mod search_results {
use std::path::PathBuf;
use super::*;
use crate::common::{SearchQueryContentsMatch, SearchQueryMatch, SearchQuerySubmatch};
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::SearchResults {
id: SearchId::MAX,
matches: vec![SearchQueryMatch::Contents(SearchQueryContentsMatch {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
lines: "some lines".into(),
line_number: u64::MAX,
absolute_offset: u64::MAX,
submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch::new("text", u64::MAX, u64::MAX)],
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "search_results",
"id": SearchId::MAX,
"matches": [{
"type": "contents",
"path": "path",
"lines": "some lines",
"line_number": u64::MAX,
"absolute_offset": u64::MAX,
"submatches": [{
"match": "text",
"start": u64::MAX,
"end": u64::MAX,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "search_results",
"id": SearchId::MAX,
"matches": [{
"type": "contents",
"path": "path",
"lines": "some lines",
"line_number": u64::MAX,
"absolute_offset": u64::MAX,
"submatches": [{
"match": "text",
"start": u64::MAX,
"end": u64::MAX,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::SearchResults {
id: SearchId::MAX,
matches: vec![SearchQueryMatch::Contents(SearchQueryContentsMatch {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
lines: "some lines".into(),
line_number: u64::MAX,
absolute_offset: u64::MAX,
submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch::new("text", u64::MAX, u64::MAX)],
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::SearchResults {
id: SearchId::MAX,
matches: vec![SearchQueryMatch::Contents(SearchQueryContentsMatch {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
lines: "some lines".into(),
line_number: u64::MAX,
absolute_offset: u64::MAX,
submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch::new("text", u64::MAX, u64::MAX)],
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is results. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::SearchResults {
id: SearchId::MAX,
matches: vec![SearchQueryMatch::Contents(SearchQueryContentsMatch {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
lines: "some lines".into(),
line_number: u64::MAX,
absolute_offset: u64::MAX,
submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch::new("text", u64::MAX, u64::MAX)],
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::SearchResults {
id: SearchId::MAX,
matches: vec![SearchQueryMatch::Contents(SearchQueryContentsMatch {
path: PathBuf::from("path"),
lines: "some lines".into(),
line_number: u64::MAX,
absolute_offset: u64::MAX,
submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch::new("text", u64::MAX, u64::MAX)],
mod search_done {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::SearchDone { id: SearchId::MAX };
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "search_done",
"id": SearchId::MAX,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "search_done",
"id": SearchId::MAX,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::SearchDone { id: SearchId::MAX });
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::SearchDone { id: SearchId::MAX };
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::SearchDone { id: SearchId::MAX })
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::SearchDone { id: SearchId::MAX });
mod proc_spawned {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::ProcSpawned { id: ProcessId::MAX };
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "proc_spawned",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "proc_spawned",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::ProcSpawned { id: ProcessId::MAX });
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::ProcSpawned { id: ProcessId::MAX };
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf =
rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::ProcSpawned { id: ProcessId::MAX })
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(payload, Response::ProcSpawned { id: ProcessId::MAX });
mod proc_stdout {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::ProcStdout {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "proc_stdout",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
"data": vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "proc_stdout",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
"data": vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::ProcStdout {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::ProcStdout {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::ProcStdout {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::ProcStdout {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
mod proc_stderr {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::ProcStderr {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "proc_stderr",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
"data": vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "proc_stderr",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
"data": vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::ProcStderr {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::ProcStderr {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
// NOTE: We don't actually check the errput here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::ProcStderr {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::ProcStderr {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
data: vec![0, 1, 2, u8::MAX],
mod proc_done {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_payload_to_json() {
let payload = Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: false,
code: None,
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "proc_done",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
"success": false,
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_payload_to_json() {
let payload = Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: true,
code: Some(i32::MAX),
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "proc_done",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
"success": true,
"code": i32::MAX,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_payload_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "proc_done",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
"success": false,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: false,
code: None,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_payload_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "proc_done",
"id": ProcessId::MAX,
"success": true,
"code": i32::MAX,
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: true,
code: Some(i32::MAX),
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_payload_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: false,
code: None,
// NOTE: We don't actually check the errput here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_payload_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: true,
code: Some(i32::MAX),
// NOTE: We don't actually check the errput here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_payload_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: false,
code: None,
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: false,
code: None,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_payload_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: true,
code: Some(i32::MAX),
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::ProcDone {
id: ProcessId::MAX,
success: true,
code: Some(i32::MAX),
mod system_info {
use std::path::PathBuf;
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::SystemInfo(SystemInfo {
family: String::from("family"),
os: String::from("os"),
arch: String::from("arch"),
current_dir: PathBuf::from("current-dir"),
main_separator: '/',
username: String::from("username"),
shell: String::from("shell"),
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "system_info",
"family": "family",
"os": "os",
"arch": "arch",
"current_dir": "current-dir",
"main_separator": '/',
"username": "username",
"shell": "shell",
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "system_info",
"family": "family",
"os": "os",
"arch": "arch",
"current_dir": "current-dir",
"main_separator": '/',
"username": "username",
"shell": "shell",
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::SystemInfo(SystemInfo {
family: String::from("family"),
os: String::from("os"),
arch: String::from("arch"),
current_dir: PathBuf::from("current-dir"),
main_separator: '/',
username: String::from("username"),
shell: String::from("shell"),
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::SystemInfo(SystemInfo {
family: String::from("family"),
os: String::from("os"),
arch: String::from("arch"),
current_dir: PathBuf::from("current-dir"),
main_separator: '/',
username: String::from("username"),
shell: String::from("shell"),
// NOTE: We don't actually check the errput here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::SystemInfo(SystemInfo {
family: String::from("family"),
os: String::from("os"),
arch: String::from("arch"),
current_dir: PathBuf::from("current-dir"),
main_separator: '/',
username: String::from("username"),
shell: String::from("shell"),
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::SystemInfo(SystemInfo {
family: String::from("family"),
os: String::from("os"),
arch: String::from("arch"),
current_dir: PathBuf::from("current-dir"),
main_separator: '/',
username: String::from("username"),
shell: String::from("shell"),
mod version {
use super::*;
use crate::common::{Capabilities, Capability};
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let payload = Response::Version(Version {
server_version: String::from("some version"),
protocol_version: (1, 2, 3),
capabilities: [Capability {
kind: String::from("some kind"),
description: String::from("some description"),
let value = serde_json::to_value(payload).unwrap();
"type": "version",
"server_version": "some version",
"protocol_version": [1, 2, 3],
"capabilities": [{
"kind": "some kind",
"description": "some description",
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"type": "version",
"server_version": "some version",
"protocol_version": [1, 2, 3],
"capabilities": Capabilities::all(),
let payload: Response = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Response::Version(Version {
server_version: String::from("some version"),
protocol_version: (1, 2, 3),
capabilities: Capabilities::all(),
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let payload = Response::Version(Version {
server_version: String::from("some version"),
protocol_version: (1, 2, 3),
capabilities: Capabilities::all(),
// NOTE: We don't actually check the errput here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&payload).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or causing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Response::Version(Version {
server_version: String::from("some version"),
protocol_version: (1, 2, 3),
capabilities: Capabilities::all(),
let payload: Response = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Response::Version(Version {
server_version: String::from("some version"),
protocol_version: (1, 2, 3),
capabilities: Capabilities::all(),