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use bitflags::bitflags;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::utils;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(default, deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct SetPermissionsOptions {
/// Whether or not to exclude symlinks from traversal entirely, meaning that permissions will
/// not be set on symlinks (usually resolving the symlink and setting the permission of the
/// referenced file or directory) that are explicitly provided or show up during recursion.
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "utils::is_false")]
pub exclude_symlinks: bool,
/// Whether or not to traverse symlinks when recursively setting permissions. Note that this
/// does NOT influence setting permissions when encountering a symlink as most platforms will
/// resolve the symlink before setting permissions.
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "utils::is_false")]
pub follow_symlinks: bool,
/// Whether or not to set the permissions of the file hierarchies rooted in the paths, instead
/// of just the paths themselves.
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "utils::is_false")]
pub recursive: bool,
/// Represents permissions to apply to some path on a remote machine
/// When used to set permissions on a file, directory, or symlink,
/// only fields that are set (not `None`) will be applied.
/// On `Unix` platforms, this translates directly into the mode that
/// you would find with `chmod`. On all other platforms, this uses the
/// write flags to determine whether or not to set the readonly status.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Permissions {
/// Represents whether or not owner can read from the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub owner_read: Option<bool>,
/// Represents whether or not owner can write to the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub owner_write: Option<bool>,
/// Represents whether or not owner can execute the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub owner_exec: Option<bool>,
/// Represents whether or not associated group can read from the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub group_read: Option<bool>,
/// Represents whether or not associated group can write to the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub group_write: Option<bool>,
/// Represents whether or not associated group can execute the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub group_exec: Option<bool>,
/// Represents whether or not other can read from the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub other_read: Option<bool>,
/// Represents whether or not other can write to the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub other_write: Option<bool>,
/// Represents whether or not other can execute the file
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub other_exec: Option<bool>,
impl Permissions {
/// Creates a set of [`Permissions`] that indicate readonly status.
/// ```
/// use distant_protocol::Permissions;
/// let permissions = Permissions::readonly();
/// assert_eq!(permissions.is_readonly(), Some(true));
/// assert_eq!(permissions.is_writable(), Some(false));
/// ```
pub fn readonly() -> Self {
Self {
owner_write: Some(false),
group_write: Some(false),
other_write: Some(false),
owner_read: Some(true),
group_read: Some(true),
other_read: Some(true),
owner_exec: None,
group_exec: None,
other_exec: None,
/// Creates a set of [`Permissions`] that indicate globally writable status.
/// ```
/// use distant_protocol::Permissions;
/// let permissions = Permissions::writable();
/// assert_eq!(permissions.is_readonly(), Some(false));
/// assert_eq!(permissions.is_writable(), Some(true));
/// ```
pub fn writable() -> Self {
Self {
owner_write: Some(true),
group_write: Some(true),
other_write: Some(true),
owner_read: Some(true),
group_read: Some(true),
other_read: Some(true),
owner_exec: None,
group_exec: None,
other_exec: None,
/// Returns true if the permission set has a value specified for each permission (no `None`
/// settings).
/// ```
/// use distant_protocol::Permissions;
/// let permissions = Permissions {
/// owner_write: Some(true),
/// group_write: Some(false),
/// other_write: Some(true),
/// owner_read: Some(false),
/// group_read: Some(true),
/// other_read: Some(false),
/// owner_exec: Some(true),
/// group_exec: Some(false),
/// other_exec: Some(true),
/// };
/// assert!(permissions.is_complete());
/// ```
pub fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
&& self.owner_write.is_some()
&& self.owner_exec.is_some()
&& self.group_read.is_some()
&& self.group_write.is_some()
&& self.group_exec.is_some()
&& self.other_read.is_some()
&& self.other_write.is_some()
&& self.other_exec.is_some()
/// Returns `true` if permissions represent readonly, `false` if permissions represent
/// writable, and `None` if no permissions have been set to indicate either status.
/// ```
/// use distant_protocol::Permissions;
/// assert_eq!(
/// Permissions { owner_write: Some(true), ..Default::default() }.is_readonly(),
/// Some(false)
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// Permissions { owner_write: Some(false), ..Default::default() }.is_readonly(),
/// Some(true)
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// Permissions { ..Default::default() }.is_writable(),
/// None
/// );
/// ```
pub fn is_readonly(&self) -> Option<bool> {
// Negate the writable status to indicate whether or not readonly
self.is_writable().map(|x| !x)
/// Returns `true` if permissions represent ability to write, `false` if permissions represent
/// inability to write, and `None` if no permissions have been set to indicate either status.
/// ```
/// use distant_protocol::Permissions;
/// assert_eq!(
/// Permissions { owner_write: Some(true), ..Default::default() }.is_writable(),
/// Some(true)
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// Permissions { owner_write: Some(false), ..Default::default() }.is_writable(),
/// Some(false)
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// Permissions { ..Default::default() }.is_writable(),
/// None
/// );
/// ```
pub fn is_writable(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match (self.owner_write, self.group_write, self.other_write) {
(None, None, None) => None,
(owner, group, other) => {
Some(owner.unwrap_or(false) || group.unwrap_or(false) || other.unwrap_or(false))
/// Applies `other` settings to `self`, overwriting any of the permissions in `self` with `other`.
/// ```
/// use distant_protocol::Permissions;
/// let mut a = Permissions {
/// owner_read: Some(true),
/// owner_write: Some(false),
/// owner_exec: None,
/// ..Default::default()
/// };
/// let b = Permissions {
/// owner_read: Some(false),
/// owner_write: None,
/// owner_exec: Some(true),
/// ..Default::default()
/// };
/// a.apply_from(&b);
/// assert_eq!(a, Permissions {
/// owner_read: Some(false),
/// owner_write: Some(false),
/// owner_exec: Some(true),
/// ..Default::default()
/// });
/// ```
pub fn apply_from(&mut self, other: &Self) {
macro_rules! apply {
($key:ident) => {{
if let Some(value) = other.$key {
self.$key = Some(value);
/// Applies `self` settings to `other`, overwriting any of the permissions in `other` with
/// `self`.
/// ```
/// use distant_protocol::Permissions;
/// let a = Permissions {
/// owner_read: Some(true),
/// owner_write: Some(false),
/// owner_exec: None,
/// ..Default::default()
/// };
/// let mut b = Permissions {
/// owner_read: Some(false),
/// owner_write: None,
/// owner_exec: Some(true),
/// ..Default::default()
/// };
/// a.apply_to(&mut b);
/// assert_eq!(b, Permissions {
/// owner_read: Some(true),
/// owner_write: Some(false),
/// owner_exec: Some(true),
/// ..Default::default()
/// });
/// ```
pub fn apply_to(&self, other: &mut Self) {
Self::apply_from(other, self)
/// Converts a Unix `mode` into the permission set.
pub fn from_unix_mode(mode: u32) -> Self {
let flags = UnixFilePermissionFlags::from_bits_truncate(mode);
Self {
owner_read: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OWNER_READ)),
owner_write: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OWNER_WRITE)),
owner_exec: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OWNER_EXEC)),
group_read: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::GROUP_READ)),
group_write: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::GROUP_WRITE)),
group_exec: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::GROUP_EXEC)),
other_read: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OTHER_READ)),
other_write: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OTHER_WRITE)),
other_exec: Some(flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OTHER_EXEC)),
/// Converts to a Unix `mode` from a permission set. For any missing setting, a 0 bit is used.
/// ```
/// use distant_protocol::Permissions;
/// assert_eq!(Permissions {
/// owner_read: Some(true),
/// owner_write: Some(true),
/// owner_exec: Some(true),
/// group_read: Some(true),
/// group_write: Some(true),
/// group_exec: Some(true),
/// other_read: Some(true),
/// other_write: Some(true),
/// other_exec: Some(true),
/// }.to_unix_mode(), 0o777);
/// assert_eq!(Permissions {
/// owner_read: Some(true),
/// owner_write: Some(false),
/// owner_exec: Some(false),
/// group_read: Some(true),
/// group_write: Some(false),
/// group_exec: Some(false),
/// other_read: Some(true),
/// other_write: Some(false),
/// other_exec: Some(false),
/// }.to_unix_mode(), 0o444);
/// assert_eq!(Permissions {
/// owner_exec: Some(true),
/// group_exec: Some(true),
/// other_exec: Some(true),
/// ..Default::default()
/// }.to_unix_mode(), 0o111);
/// ```
pub fn to_unix_mode(&self) -> u32 {
let mut flags = UnixFilePermissionFlags::empty();
macro_rules! is_true {
($opt:expr) => {{
$opt.is_some() && $opt.unwrap()
if is_true!(self.owner_read) {
if is_true!(self.owner_write) {
if is_true!(self.owner_exec) {
if is_true!(self.group_read) {
if is_true!(self.group_write) {
if is_true!(self.group_exec) {
if is_true!(self.other_read) {
if is_true!(self.other_write) {
if is_true!(self.other_exec) {
impl From<std::fs::Permissions> for Permissions {
/// Converts [`std::fs::Permissions`] into [`Permissions`] using
/// [`std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt::mode`] to supply the bitset.
fn from(permissions: std::fs::Permissions) -> Self {
use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
impl From<std::fs::Permissions> for Permissions {
/// Converts [`std::fs::Permissions`] into [`Permissions`] using the `readonly` flag.
/// This will not set executable flags, but will set all read and write flags with write flags
/// being `false` if `readonly`, otherwise set to `true`.
fn from(permissions: std::fs::Permissions) -> Self {
if permissions.readonly() {
} else {
impl From<Permissions> for std::fs::Permissions {
/// Converts [`Permissions`] into [`std::fs::Permissions`] using
/// [`std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt::from_mode`].
fn from(permissions: Permissions) -> Self {
use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
bitflags! {
struct UnixFilePermissionFlags: u32 {
const OWNER_READ = 0o400;
const OWNER_WRITE = 0o200;
const OWNER_EXEC = 0o100;
const GROUP_READ = 0o40;
const GROUP_WRITE = 0o20;
const GROUP_EXEC = 0o10;
const OTHER_READ = 0o4;
const OTHER_WRITE = 0o2;
const OTHER_EXEC = 0o1;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_permissions_to_json() {
let permissions = Permissions {
owner_read: None,
owner_write: None,
owner_exec: None,
group_read: None,
group_write: None,
group_exec: None,
other_read: None,
other_write: None,
other_exec: None,
let value = serde_json::to_value(permissions).unwrap();
assert_eq!(value, serde_json::json!({}));
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_permissions_to_json() {
let permissions = Permissions {
owner_read: Some(true),
owner_write: Some(false),
owner_exec: Some(true),
group_read: Some(false),
group_write: Some(true),
group_exec: Some(false),
other_read: Some(true),
other_write: Some(false),
other_exec: Some(true),
let value = serde_json::to_value(permissions).unwrap();
"owner_read": true,
"owner_write": false,
"owner_exec": true,
"group_read": false,
"group_write": true,
"group_exec": false,
"other_read": true,
"other_write": false,
"other_exec": true,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_permissions_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({});
let permissions: Permissions = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Permissions {
owner_read: None,
owner_write: None,
owner_exec: None,
group_read: None,
group_write: None,
group_exec: None,
other_read: None,
other_write: None,
other_exec: None,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_permissions_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"owner_read": true,
"owner_write": false,
"owner_exec": true,
"group_read": false,
"group_write": true,
"group_exec": false,
"other_read": true,
"other_write": false,
"other_exec": true,
let permissions: Permissions = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Permissions {
owner_read: Some(true),
owner_write: Some(false),
owner_exec: Some(true),
group_read: Some(false),
group_write: Some(true),
group_exec: Some(false),
other_read: Some(true),
other_write: Some(false),
other_exec: Some(true),
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_permissions_to_msgpack() {
let permissions = Permissions {
owner_read: None,
owner_write: None,
owner_exec: None,
group_read: None,
group_write: None,
group_exec: None,
other_read: None,
other_write: None,
other_exec: None,
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&permissions).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_permissions_to_msgpack() {
let permissions = Permissions {
owner_read: Some(true),
owner_write: Some(false),
owner_exec: Some(true),
group_read: Some(true),
group_write: Some(false),
group_exec: Some(true),
other_read: Some(true),
other_write: Some(false),
other_exec: Some(true),
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&permissions).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_permissions_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or preventing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Permissions {
owner_read: None,
owner_write: None,
owner_exec: None,
group_read: None,
group_write: None,
group_exec: None,
other_read: None,
other_write: None,
other_exec: None,
let permissions: Permissions = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Permissions {
owner_read: None,
owner_write: None,
owner_exec: None,
group_read: None,
group_write: None,
group_exec: None,
other_read: None,
other_write: None,
other_exec: None,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_permissions_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or preventing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Permissions {
owner_read: Some(true),
owner_write: Some(false),
owner_exec: Some(true),
group_read: Some(true),
group_write: Some(false),
group_exec: Some(true),
other_read: Some(true),
other_write: Some(false),
other_exec: Some(true),
let permissions: Permissions = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Permissions {
owner_read: Some(true),
owner_write: Some(false),
owner_exec: Some(true),
group_read: Some(true),
group_write: Some(false),
group_exec: Some(true),
other_read: Some(true),
other_write: Some(false),
other_exec: Some(true),