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use super::{DataStream, PlainCodec, Transport};
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use tokio::{
io::{self, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, ReadBuf},
/// Represents a data stream comprised of two inmemory channels
pub struct InmemoryStream {
incoming: InmemoryStreamReadHalf,
outgoing: InmemoryStreamWriteHalf,
impl InmemoryStream {
pub fn new(incoming: mpsc::Receiver<Vec<u8>>, outgoing: mpsc::Sender<Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
Self {
incoming: InmemoryStreamReadHalf::new(incoming),
outgoing: InmemoryStreamWriteHalf::new(outgoing),
/// Returns (incoming_tx, outgoing_rx, stream)
pub fn make(buffer: usize) -> (mpsc::Sender<Vec<u8>>, mpsc::Receiver<Vec<u8>>, Self) {
let (incoming_tx, incoming_rx) = mpsc::channel(buffer);
let (outgoing_tx, outgoing_rx) = mpsc::channel(buffer);
Self::new(incoming_rx, outgoing_tx),
/// Returns pair of streams that are connected such that one sends to the other and
/// vice versa
pub fn pair(buffer: usize) -> (Self, Self) {
let (tx, rx, stream) = Self::make(buffer);
(stream, Self::new(rx, tx))
impl AsyncRead for InmemoryStream {
fn poll_read(
mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &mut ReadBuf<'_>,
) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
Pin::new(&mut self.incoming).poll_read(cx, buf)
impl AsyncWrite for InmemoryStream {
fn poll_write(
mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &[u8],
) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
Pin::new(&mut self.outgoing).poll_write(cx, buf)
fn poll_flush(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
Pin::new(&mut self.outgoing).poll_flush(cx)
fn poll_shutdown(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
Pin::new(&mut self.outgoing).poll_shutdown(cx)
/// Read portion of an inmemory channel
pub struct InmemoryStreamReadHalf {
rx: mpsc::Receiver<Vec<u8>>,
overflow: Vec<u8>,
impl InmemoryStreamReadHalf {
pub fn new(rx: mpsc::Receiver<Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
Self {
overflow: Vec::new(),
impl AsyncRead for InmemoryStreamReadHalf {
fn poll_read(
mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &mut ReadBuf<'_>,
) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
// If we cannot fit any more into the buffer at the moment, we wait
if buf.remaining() == 0 {
return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
"Cannot poll as buf.remaining() == 0",
// If we have overflow from the last poll, put that in the buffer
if !self.overflow.is_empty() {
if self.overflow.len() > buf.remaining() {
let extra = self.overflow.split_off(buf.remaining());
self.overflow = extra;
} else {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
// Otherwise, we poll for the next batch to read in
self.rx.poll_recv(cx).map(|x| match x {
Some(mut x) => {
if x.len() > buf.remaining() {
self.overflow = x.split_off(buf.remaining());
None => Ok(()),
/// Write portion of an inmemory channel
pub struct InmemoryStreamWriteHalf(mpsc::Sender<Vec<u8>>);
impl InmemoryStreamWriteHalf {
pub fn new(tx: mpsc::Sender<Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
impl AsyncWrite for InmemoryStreamWriteHalf {
fn poll_write(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &[u8],
) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
use futures::FutureExt;
let n = buf.len();
let f = self.0.send(buf.to_vec()).map(|x| match x {
Ok(_) => Ok(n),
Err(_) => Ok(0),
fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
fn poll_shutdown(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
impl DataStream for InmemoryStream {
type Read = InmemoryStreamReadHalf;
type Write = InmemoryStreamWriteHalf;
fn to_connection_tag(&self) -> String {
fn into_split(self) -> (Self::Read, Self::Write) {
(self.incoming, self.outgoing)
impl Transport<InmemoryStream, PlainCodec> {
/// Produces a pair of inmemory transports that are connected to each other using
/// a standard codec
/// Sets the buffer for message passing for each underlying stream to the given buffer size
pub fn pair(
buffer: usize,
) -> (
Transport<InmemoryStream, PlainCodec>,
Transport<InmemoryStream, PlainCodec>,
) {
let (a, b) = InmemoryStream::pair(buffer);
let a = Transport::new(a, PlainCodec::new());
let b = Transport::new(b, PlainCodec::new());
(a, b)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt};
fn to_connection_tag_should_be_hardcoded_string() {
let (_, _, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
assert_eq!(stream.to_connection_tag(), "inmemory-stream");
async fn make_should_return_sender_that_sends_data_to_stream() {
let (tx, _, mut stream) = InmemoryStream::make(3);
tx.send(b"test msg 1".to_vec()).await.unwrap();
tx.send(b"test msg 2".to_vec()).await.unwrap();
tx.send(b"test msg 3".to_vec()).await.unwrap();
// Should get data matching a singular message
let mut buf = [0; 256];
let len = buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"test msg 1");
// Next call would get the second message
let len = buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"test msg 2");
// When the last of the senders is dropped, we should still get
// the rest of the data that was sent first before getting
// an indicator that there is no more data
let len = buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"test msg 3");
let len = buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(len, 0, "Unexpectedly got more data");
async fn make_should_return_receiver_that_receives_data_from_stream() {
let (_, mut rx, mut stream) = InmemoryStream::make(3);
stream.write_all(b"test msg 1").await.unwrap();
stream.write_all(b"test msg 2").await.unwrap();
stream.write_all(b"test msg 3").await.unwrap();
// Should get data matching a singular message
assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, Some(b"test msg 1".to_vec()));
// Next call would get the second message
assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, Some(b"test msg 2".to_vec()));
// When the stream is dropped, we should still get
// the rest of the data that was sent first before getting
// an indicator that there is no more data
assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, Some(b"test msg 3".to_vec()));
assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None, "Unexpectedly got more data");
async fn into_split_should_provide_a_read_half_that_receives_from_sender() {
let (tx, _, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(3);
let (mut read_half, _) = stream.into_split();
tx.send(b"test msg 1".to_vec()).await.unwrap();
tx.send(b"test msg 2".to_vec()).await.unwrap();
tx.send(b"test msg 3".to_vec()).await.unwrap();
// Should get data matching a singular message
let mut buf = [0; 256];
let len = buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"test msg 1");
// Next call would get the second message
let len = buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"test msg 2");
// When the last of the senders is dropped, we should still get
// the rest of the data that was sent first before getting
// an indicator that there is no more data
let len = buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buf[..len], b"test msg 3");
let len = buf).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(len, 0, "Unexpectedly got more data");
async fn into_split_should_provide_a_write_half_that_sends_to_receiver() {
let (_, mut rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(3);
let (_, mut write_half) = stream.into_split();
write_half.write_all(b"test msg 1").await.unwrap();
write_half.write_all(b"test msg 2").await.unwrap();
write_half.write_all(b"test msg 3").await.unwrap();
// Should get data matching a singular message
assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, Some(b"test msg 1".to_vec()));
// Next call would get the second message
assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, Some(b"test msg 2".to_vec()));
// When the stream is dropped, we should still get
// the rest of the data that was sent first before getting
// an indicator that there is no more data
assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, Some(b"test msg 3".to_vec()));
assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None, "Unexpectedly got more data");
async fn read_half_should_fail_if_buf_has_no_space_remaining() {
let (_tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (mut t_read, _t_write) = stream.into_split();
let mut buf = [0u8; 0];
match buf).await {
Err(x) if x.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Other => {}
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
async fn read_half_should_update_buf_with_all_overflow_from_last_read_if_it_all_fits() {
let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (mut t_read, _t_write) = stream.into_split();
tx.send(vec![1, 2, 3]).await.expect("Failed to send");
let mut buf = [0u8; 2];
// First, read part of the data (first two bytes)
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 2 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[1, 2]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
// Second, we send more data because the last message was placed in overflow
tx.send(vec![4, 5, 6]).await.expect("Failed to send");
// Third, read remainder of the overflow from first message (third byte)
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 1 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[3]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
// Fourth, verify that we start to receive the next overflow
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 2 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[4, 5]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
// Fifth, verify that we get the last bit of overflow
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 1 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[6]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
async fn read_half_should_update_buf_with_some_of_overflow_that_can_fit() {
let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (mut t_read, _t_write) = stream.into_split();
tx.send(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).await.expect("Failed to send");
let mut buf = [0u8; 2];
// First, read part of the data (first two bytes)
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 2 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[1, 2]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
// Second, we send more data because the last message was placed in overflow
tx.send(vec![6]).await.expect("Failed to send");
// Third, read next chunk of the overflow from first message (next two byte)
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 2 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[3, 4]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
// Fourth, read last chunk of the overflow from first message (fifth byte)
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 1 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[5]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
async fn read_half_should_update_buf_with_all_of_inner_channel_when_it_fits() {
let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (mut t_read, _t_write) = stream.into_split();
let mut buf = [0u8; 5];
tx.send(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).await.expect("Failed to send");
// First, read all of data that fits exactly
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 5 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
tx.send(vec![6, 7, 8]).await.expect("Failed to send");
// Second, read data that fits within buf
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 3 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[6, 7, 8]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
async fn read_half_should_update_buf_with_some_of_inner_channel_that_can_fit_and_add_rest_to_overflow(
) {
let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (mut t_read, _t_write) = stream.into_split();
let mut buf = [0u8; 1];
tx.send(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).await.expect("Failed to send");
// Attempt a read that places more in overflow
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 1 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[1]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
// Verify overflow contains the rest
assert_eq!(&t_read.overflow, &[2, 3, 4, 5]);
// Queue up extra data that will not be read until overflow is finished
tx.send(vec![6, 7, 8]).await.expect("Failed to send");
// Read next data point
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 1 => assert_eq!(&buf[..n], &[2]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
// Verify overflow contains the rest without having added extra data
assert_eq!(&t_read.overflow, &[3, 4, 5]);
async fn read_half_should_yield_pending_if_no_data_available_on_inner_channel() {
let (_tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (mut t_read, _t_write) = stream.into_split();
let mut buf = [0u8; 1];
// Attempt a read that should yield ok with no change, which is what should
// happen when nothing is read into buf
let f = buf);
match futures::poll!(f) {
Poll::Pending => {}
x => panic!("Unexpected poll result: {:?}", x),
async fn read_half_should_not_update_buf_if_inner_channel_closed() {
let (tx, _rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (mut t_read, _t_write) = stream.into_split();
let mut buf = [0u8; 1];
// Drop the channel that would be sending data to the transport
// Attempt a read that should yield ok with no change, which is what should
// happen when nothing is read into buf
match buf).await {
Ok(n) if n == 0 => assert_eq!(&buf, &[0]),
x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x),
async fn write_half_should_return_buf_len_if_can_send_immediately() {
let (_tx, mut rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (_t_read, mut t_write) = stream.into_split();
// Write that is not waiting should always succeed with full contents
let n = t_write.write(&[1, 2, 3]).await.expect("Failed to write");
assert_eq!(n, 3, "Unexpected byte count returned");
// Verify we actually had the data sent
let data = rx.try_recv().expect("Failed to recv data");
assert_eq!(data, &[1, 2, 3]);
async fn write_half_should_return_support_eventually_sending_by_retrying_when_not_ready() {
let (_tx, mut rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (_t_read, mut t_write) = stream.into_split();
// Queue a write already so that we block on the next one
t_write.write(&[1, 2, 3]).await.expect("Failed to write");
// Verify that the next write is pending
let f = t_write.write(&[4, 5]);
match futures::poll!(&mut f) {
Poll::Pending => {}
x => panic!("Unexpected poll result: {:?}", x),
// Consume first batch of data so future of second can continue
let data = rx.try_recv().expect("Failed to recv data");
assert_eq!(data, &[1, 2, 3]);
// Verify that poll now returns success
match futures::poll!(f) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(n)) if n == 2 => {}
x => panic!("Unexpected poll result: {:?}", x),
// Consume second batch of data
let data = rx.try_recv().expect("Failed to recv data");
assert_eq!(data, &[4, 5]);
async fn write_half_should_zero_if_inner_channel_closed() {
let (_tx, rx, stream) = InmemoryStream::make(1);
let (_t_read, mut t_write) = stream.into_split();
// Drop receiving end that transport would talk to
// Channel is dropped, so return 0 to indicate no bytes sent
let n = t_write.write(&[1, 2, 3]).await.expect("Failed to write");
assert_eq!(n, 0, "Unexpected byte count returned");