You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1045 lines
38 KiB

use std::path::PathBuf;
use bitflags::bitflags;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::common::FileType;
use crate::utils::{deserialize_u128_option, serialize_u128_option};
/// Represents metadata about some path on a remote machine.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Metadata {
/// Canonicalized path to the file or directory, resolving symlinks, only included if flagged
/// during the request.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub canonicalized_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Represents the type of the entry as a file/dir/symlink.
pub file_type: FileType,
/// Size of the file/directory/symlink in bytes.
pub len: u64,
/// Whether or not the file/directory/symlink is marked as unwriteable.
pub readonly: bool,
/// Represents the last time (in milliseconds) when the file/directory/symlink was accessed;
/// can be optional as certain systems don't support this.
/// Note that this is represented as a string and not a number when serialized!
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none",
serialize_with = "serialize_u128_option",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_u128_option"
pub accessed: Option<u128>,
/// Represents when (in milliseconds) the file/directory/symlink was created;
/// can be optional as certain systems don't support this.
/// Note that this is represented as a string and not a number when serialized!
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none",
serialize_with = "serialize_u128_option",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_u128_option"
pub created: Option<u128>,
/// Represents the last time (in milliseconds) when the file/directory/symlink was modified;
/// can be optional as certain systems don't support this.
/// Note that this is represented as a string and not a number when serialized!
skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none",
serialize_with = "serialize_u128_option",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_u128_option"
pub modified: Option<u128>,
/// Represents metadata that is specific to a unix remote machine.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub unix: Option<UnixMetadata>,
/// Represents metadata that is specific to a windows remote machine.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub windows: Option<WindowsMetadata>,
/// Represents unix-specific metadata about some path on a remote machine.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct UnixMetadata {
/// Represents whether or not owner can read from the file.
pub owner_read: bool,
/// Represents whether or not owner can write to the file.
pub owner_write: bool,
/// Represents whether or not owner can execute the file.
pub owner_exec: bool,
/// Represents whether or not associated group can read from the file.
pub group_read: bool,
/// Represents whether or not associated group can write to the file.
pub group_write: bool,
/// Represents whether or not associated group can execute the file.
pub group_exec: bool,
/// Represents whether or not other can read from the file.
pub other_read: bool,
/// Represents whether or not other can write to the file.
pub other_write: bool,
/// Represents whether or not other can execute the file.
pub other_exec: bool,
impl From<u32> for UnixMetadata {
/// Create from a unix mode bitset
fn from(mode: u32) -> Self {
let flags = UnixFilePermissionFlags::from_bits_truncate(mode);
Self {
owner_read: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OWNER_READ),
owner_write: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OWNER_WRITE),
owner_exec: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OWNER_EXEC),
group_read: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::GROUP_READ),
group_write: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::GROUP_WRITE),
group_exec: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::GROUP_EXEC),
other_read: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OTHER_READ),
other_write: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OTHER_WRITE),
other_exec: flags.contains(UnixFilePermissionFlags::OTHER_EXEC),
impl From<UnixMetadata> for u32 {
/// Convert to a unix mode bitset.
fn from(metadata: UnixMetadata) -> Self {
let mut flags = UnixFilePermissionFlags::empty();
if metadata.owner_read {
if metadata.owner_write {
if metadata.owner_exec {
if metadata.group_read {
if metadata.group_write {
if metadata.group_exec {
if metadata.other_read {
if metadata.other_write {
if metadata.other_exec {
impl UnixMetadata {
pub fn is_readonly(self) -> bool {
!(self.owner_write || self.group_write || self.other_write)
bitflags! {
struct UnixFilePermissionFlags: u32 {
const OWNER_READ = 0o400;
const OWNER_WRITE = 0o200;
const OWNER_EXEC = 0o100;
const GROUP_READ = 0o40;
const GROUP_WRITE = 0o20;
const GROUP_EXEC = 0o10;
const OTHER_READ = 0o4;
const OTHER_WRITE = 0o2;
const OTHER_EXEC = 0o1;
/// Represents windows-specific metadata about some path on a remote machine
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct WindowsMetadata {
/// Represents whether or not a file or directory is an archive
pub archive: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file or directory is compressed
pub compressed: bool,
/// Represents whether or not the file or directory is encrypted
pub encrypted: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file or directory is hidden
pub hidden: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a directory or user data stream is configured with integrity
pub integrity_stream: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file does not have other attributes set
pub normal: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file or directory is not to be indexed by content indexing
/// service
pub not_content_indexed: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a user data stream is not to be read by the background data
/// integrity scanner
pub no_scrub_data: bool,
/// Represents whether or not the data of a file is not available immediately
pub offline: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file or directory is not fully present locally
pub recall_on_data_access: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file or directory has no physical representation on the local
/// system (is virtual)
pub recall_on_open: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file or directory has an associated reparse point, or a file is
/// a symbolic link
pub reparse_point: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file is a sparse file
pub sparse_file: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file or directory is used partially or exclusively by the
/// operating system
pub system: bool,
/// Represents whether or not a file is being used for temporary storage
pub temporary: bool,
impl From<u32> for WindowsMetadata {
/// Create from a windows file attribute bitset
fn from(file_attributes: u32) -> Self {
let flags = WindowsFileAttributeFlags::from_bits_truncate(file_attributes);
Self {
archive: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::ARCHIVE),
compressed: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::COMPRESSED),
encrypted: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::ENCRYPTED),
hidden: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::HIDDEN),
integrity_stream: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::INTEGRITY_SYSTEM),
normal: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::NORMAL),
not_content_indexed: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED),
no_scrub_data: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::NO_SCRUB_DATA),
offline: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::OFFLINE),
recall_on_data_access: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::RECALL_ON_DATA_ACCESS),
recall_on_open: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::RECALL_ON_OPEN),
reparse_point: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::REPARSE_POINT),
sparse_file: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::SPARSE_FILE),
system: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::SYSTEM),
temporary: flags.contains(WindowsFileAttributeFlags::TEMPORARY),
impl From<WindowsMetadata> for u32 {
/// Convert to a windows file attribute bitset
fn from(metadata: WindowsMetadata) -> Self {
let mut flags = WindowsFileAttributeFlags::empty();
if metadata.archive {
if metadata.compressed {
if metadata.encrypted {
if metadata.hidden {
if metadata.integrity_stream {
if metadata.normal {
if metadata.not_content_indexed {
if metadata.no_scrub_data {
if metadata.offline {
if metadata.recall_on_data_access {
if metadata.recall_on_open {
if metadata.reparse_point {
if metadata.sparse_file {
if metadata.system {
if metadata.temporary {
bitflags! {
struct WindowsFileAttributeFlags: u32 {
const ARCHIVE = 0x20;
const COMPRESSED = 0x800;
const ENCRYPTED = 0x4000;
const HIDDEN = 0x2;
const INTEGRITY_SYSTEM = 0x8000;
const NORMAL = 0x80;
const NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED = 0x2000;
const NO_SCRUB_DATA = 0x20000;
const OFFLINE = 0x1000;
const RECALL_ON_DATA_ACCESS = 0x400000;
const RECALL_ON_OPEN = 0x40000;
const REPARSE_POINT = 0x400;
const SPARSE_FILE = 0x200;
const SYSTEM = 0x4;
const TEMPORARY = 0x100;
const VIRTUAL = 0x10000;
mod tests {
use super::*;
mod metadata {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_metadata_to_json() {
let metadata = Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
let value = serde_json::to_value(metadata).unwrap();
"file_type": "dir",
"len": 999,
"readonly": true,
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_metadata_to_json() {
let metadata = Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("test-dir")),
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
// NOTE: These values are too big to normally serialize, so we have to convert them to
// a string type, which is why the value here also needs to be a string.
let max_u128_str = u128::MAX.to_string();
let value = serde_json::to_value(metadata).unwrap();
"canonicalized_path": "test-dir",
"file_type": "dir",
"len": 999,
"readonly": true,
"accessed": max_u128_str,
"created": max_u128_str,
"modified": max_u128_str,
"unix": {
"owner_read": true,
"owner_write": false,
"owner_exec": false,
"group_read": true,
"group_write": false,
"group_exec": false,
"other_read": true,
"other_write": false,
"other_exec": false,
"windows": {
"archive": true,
"compressed": false,
"encrypted": true,
"hidden": false,
"integrity_stream": true,
"normal": false,
"not_content_indexed": true,
"no_scrub_data": false,
"offline": true,
"recall_on_data_access": false,
"recall_on_open": true,
"reparse_point": false,
"sparse_file": true,
"system": false,
"temporary": true,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_metadata_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"file_type": "dir",
"len": 999,
"readonly": true,
let metadata: Metadata = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_metadata_from_json() {
// NOTE: These values are too big to normally serialize, so we have to convert them to
// a string type, which is why the value here also needs to be a string.
let max_u128_str = u128::MAX.to_string();
let value = serde_json::json!({
"canonicalized_path": "test-dir",
"file_type": "dir",
"len": 999,
"readonly": true,
"accessed": max_u128_str,
"created": max_u128_str,
"modified": max_u128_str,
"unix": {
"owner_read": true,
"owner_write": false,
"owner_exec": false,
"group_read": true,
"group_write": false,
"group_exec": false,
"other_read": true,
"other_write": false,
"other_exec": false,
"windows": {
"archive": true,
"compressed": false,
"encrypted": true,
"hidden": false,
"integrity_stream": true,
"normal": false,
"not_content_indexed": true,
"no_scrub_data": false,
"offline": true,
"recall_on_data_access": false,
"recall_on_open": true,
"reparse_point": false,
"sparse_file": true,
"system": false,
"temporary": true,
let metadata: Metadata = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("test-dir")),
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_minimal_metadata_to_msgpack() {
let metadata = Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&metadata).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_full_metadata_to_msgpack() {
let metadata = Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("test-dir")),
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&metadata).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_minimal_metadata_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or preventing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
let metadata: Metadata = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Metadata {
canonicalized_path: None,
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: None,
created: None,
modified: None,
unix: None,
windows: None,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_full_metadata_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or preventing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("test-dir")),
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
let metadata: Metadata = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
Metadata {
canonicalized_path: Some(PathBuf::from("test-dir")),
file_type: FileType::Dir,
len: 999,
readonly: true,
accessed: Some(u128::MAX),
created: Some(u128::MAX),
modified: Some(u128::MAX),
unix: Some(UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
windows: Some(WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
mod unix_metadata {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let metadata = UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
let value = serde_json::to_value(metadata).unwrap();
"owner_read": true,
"owner_write": false,
"owner_exec": false,
"group_read": true,
"group_write": false,
"group_exec": false,
"other_read": true,
"other_write": false,
"other_exec": false,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"owner_read": true,
"owner_write": false,
"owner_exec": false,
"group_read": true,
"group_write": false,
"group_exec": false,
"other_read": true,
"other_write": false,
"other_exec": false,
let metadata: UnixMetadata = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let metadata = UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&metadata).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or preventing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
let metadata: UnixMetadata = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
UnixMetadata {
owner_read: true,
owner_write: false,
owner_exec: false,
group_read: true,
group_write: false,
group_exec: false,
other_read: true,
other_write: false,
other_exec: false,
mod windows_metadata {
use super::*;
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_json() {
let metadata = WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
let value = serde_json::to_value(metadata).unwrap();
"archive": true,
"compressed": false,
"encrypted": true,
"hidden": false,
"integrity_stream": true,
"normal": false,
"not_content_indexed": true,
"no_scrub_data": false,
"offline": true,
"recall_on_data_access": false,
"recall_on_open": true,
"reparse_point": false,
"sparse_file": true,
"system": false,
"temporary": true,
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_json() {
let value = serde_json::json!({
"archive": true,
"compressed": false,
"encrypted": true,
"hidden": false,
"integrity_stream": true,
"normal": false,
"not_content_indexed": true,
"no_scrub_data": false,
"offline": true,
"recall_on_data_access": false,
"recall_on_open": true,
"reparse_point": false,
"sparse_file": true,
"system": false,
"temporary": true,
let metadata: WindowsMetadata = serde_json::from_value(value).unwrap();
WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
fn should_be_able_to_serialize_to_msgpack() {
let metadata = WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
// NOTE: We don't actually check the output here because it's an implementation detail
// and could change as we change how serialization is done. This is merely to verify
// that we can serialize since there are times when serde fails to serialize at
// runtime.
let _ = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&metadata).unwrap();
fn should_be_able_to_deserialize_from_msgpack() {
// NOTE: It may seem odd that we are serializing just to deserialize, but this is to
// verify that we are not corrupting or preventing issues when serializing on a
// client/server and then trying to deserialize on the other side. This has happened
// enough times with minor changes that we need tests to verify.
let buf = rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(&WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,
let metadata: WindowsMetadata = rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
WindowsMetadata {
archive: true,
compressed: false,
encrypted: true,
hidden: false,
integrity_stream: true,
normal: false,
not_content_indexed: true,
no_scrub_data: false,
offline: true,
recall_on_data_access: false,
recall_on_open: true,
reparse_point: false,
sparse_file: true,
system: false,
temporary: true,