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use crate::config::BindAddress;
use clap::Args;
use distant_core::Map;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::path::PathBuf;
#[derive(Args, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ClientLaunchConfig {
pub distant: ClientLaunchDistantConfig,
pub ssh: ClientLaunchSshConfig,
impl From<Map> for ClientLaunchConfig {
fn from(mut map: Map) -> Self {
Self {
distant: ClientLaunchDistantConfig {
bin: map.remove("distant.bin"),
bind_server: map
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<BindAddress>().ok()),
args: map.remove("distant.args"),
no_shell: map
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<bool>().ok())
ssh: ClientLaunchSshConfig {
bin: map.remove("ssh.bin"),
#[cfg(any(feature = "libssh", feature = "ssh2"))]
backend: map
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<distant_ssh2::SshBackend>().ok()),
external: map
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<bool>().ok())
identity_file: map
.and_then(|x| x.parse::<PathBuf>().ok()),
impl From<ClientLaunchConfig> for Map {
fn from(config: ClientLaunchConfig) -> Self {
let mut this = Self::new();
if let Some(x) = config.distant.bin {
this.insert("distant.bin".to_string(), x);
if let Some(x) = config.distant.bind_server {
this.insert("distant.bind_server".to_string(), x.to_string());
if let Some(x) = config.distant.args {
this.insert("distant.args".to_string(), x);
if let Some(x) = config.ssh.bin {
this.insert("ssh.bin".to_string(), x);
#[cfg(any(feature = "libssh", feature = "ssh2"))]
if let Some(x) = config.ssh.backend {
this.insert("ssh.backend".to_string(), x.to_string());
this.insert("ssh.external".to_string(), config.ssh.external.to_string());
if let Some(x) = config.ssh.identity_file {
#[derive(Args, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ClientLaunchDistantConfig {
/// Path to distant program on remote machine to execute via ssh;
/// by default, this program needs to be available within PATH as
/// specified when compiling ssh (not your login shell)
#[clap(name = "distant", long)]
pub bin: Option<String>,
/// Control the IP address that the server binds to.
/// The default is `ssh', in which case the server will reply from the IP address that the SSH
/// connection came from (as found in the SSH_CONNECTION environment variable). This is
/// useful for multihomed servers.
/// With --bind-server=any, the server will reply on the default interface and will not bind to
/// a particular IP address. This can be useful if the connection is made through sslh or
/// another tool that makes the SSH connection appear to come from localhost.
/// With --bind-server=IP, the server will attempt to bind to the specified IP address.
#[clap(name = "distant-bind-server", long, value_name = "ssh|any|IP")]
pub bind_server: Option<BindAddress>,
/// Additional arguments to provide to the server
#[clap(name = "distant-args", long, allow_hyphen_values(true))]
pub args: Option<String>,
/// If specified, will not launch distant using a login shell but instead execute it directly
pub no_shell: bool,
#[derive(Args, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ClientLaunchSshConfig {
/// Path to ssh program on local machine to execute when using external ssh
#[clap(name = "ssh", long)]
pub bin: Option<String>,
/// If using native ssh integration, represents the backend
#[cfg(any(feature = "libssh", feature = "ssh2"))]
#[clap(name = "ssh-backend", long)]
pub backend: Option<distant_ssh2::SshBackend>,
/// If specified, will use the external ssh program to launch the server
/// instead of the native integration; does nothing if the ssh2 feature is
/// not enabled as there is no other option than external ssh
#[clap(name = "ssh-external", long)]
pub external: bool,
/// Explicit identity file to use with ssh
#[clap(name = "ssh-identity-file", short = 'i', long)]
pub identity_file: Option<PathBuf>,