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mod buf;
mod constants;
mod environment;
mod exit;
mod link;
mod msg;
mod opt;
mod output;
mod session;
mod stdin;
mod subcommand;
mod utils;
use log::error;
pub use exit::{ExitCode, ExitCodeError};
/// Main entrypoint into the program
pub fn run() {
let opt = opt::Opt::load();
let logger = init_logging(&opt.common, opt.subcommand.is_remote_process());
if let Err(x) = {
if !x.is_silent() {
error!("Exiting due to error: {}", x);
fn init_logging(opt: &opt::CommonOpt, is_remote_process: bool) -> flexi_logger::LoggerHandle {
use flexi_logger::{FileSpec, LevelFilter, LogSpecification, Logger};
let modules = &["distant", "distant_core"];
// Disable logging for everything but our binary, which is based on verbosity
let mut builder = LogSpecification::builder();
// For each module, configure logging
for module in modules {
builder.module(module, opt.log_level.to_log_level_filter());
// If quiet, we suppress all logging output
// NOTE: For a process request, unless logging to a file, we also suppress logging output
// to avoid unexpected results when being treated like a process
// Without this, CI tests can sporadically fail when getting the exit code of a
// process because an error log is provided about failing to broadcast a response
// on the client side
if opt.quiet || (is_remote_process && opt.log_file.is_none()) {
builder.module(module, LevelFilter::Off);
// Create our logger, but don't initialize yet
let logger = Logger::with(;
// If provided, log to file instead of stderr
let logger = if let Some(path) = opt.log_file.as_ref() {
logger.log_to_file(FileSpec::try_from(path).expect("Failed to create log file spec"))
} else {
logger.start().expect("Failed to initialize logger")