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use indoc::indoc;
use rstest::*;
use crate::cli::fixtures::*;
const EXPECTED_TABLE: &str = indoc! {"
| kind | description |
| cancel_search | Supports canceling an active search against the filesystem |
| capabilities | Supports retrieving capabilities |
| copy | Supports copying files, directories, and symlinks |
| dir_create | Supports creating directory |
| dir_read | Supports reading directory |
| exists | Supports checking if a path exists |
| file_append | Supports appending to binary file |
| file_append_text | Supports appending to text file |
| file_read | Supports reading binary file |
| file_read_text | Supports reading text file |
| file_write | Supports writing binary file |
| file_write_text | Supports writing text file |
| metadata | Supports retrieving metadata about a file, directory, or symlink |
| proc_kill | Supports killing a spawned process |
| proc_resize_pty | Supports resizing the pty of a spawned process |
| proc_spawn | Supports spawning a process |
| proc_stdin | Supports sending stdin to a spawned process |
| remove | Supports removing files, directories, and symlinks |
| rename | Supports renaming files, directories, and symlinks |
| search | Supports searching filesystem using queries |
| system_info | Supports retrieving system information |
| unwatch | Supports unwatching filesystem for changes |
| watch | Supports watching filesystem for changes |
fn should_output_capabilities(ctx: DistantManagerCtx) {