You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
7.0 KiB

use crate::{
data::{Error, Request, RequestData, Response, ResponseData},
net::{Client, DataStream},
use derive_more::IsVariant;
use log::*;
use std::marker::Unpin;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use tokio::{
io::{self, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite},
oneshot::{self, error::TryRecvError},
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, IsVariant)]
pub enum LoopConfig {
Proc { id: usize },
impl From<LoopConfig> for Format {
fn from(config: LoopConfig) -> Self {
match config {
LoopConfig::Json => Self::Json,
LoopConfig::Proc { .. } | LoopConfig::Shell => Self::Shell,
/// Starts a new action loop that processes requests and receives responses
/// id represents the id of a remote process
pub async fn interactive_loop<T>(
mut client: Client<T>,
tenant: String,
config: LoopConfig,
) -> io::Result<()>
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + DataStream + Unpin + 'static,
let mut stream = client.to_response_broadcast_stream();
// Create a channel that can report when we should stop the loop based on a received request
let (tx_stop, mut rx_stop) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
// We also want to spawn a task to handle sending stdin to the remote process
let mut rx = spawn_stdin_reader();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut buf = StringBuf::new();
while let Some(data) = rx.recv().await {
match config {
// Special exit condition for interactive format
_ if buf.trim() == "exit" => {
if let Err(_) = tx_stop.send(()) {
error!("Failed to close interactive loop!");
// For json format, all stdin is treated as individual requests
LoopConfig::Json => {
let (lines, new_buf) = buf.into_full_lines();
buf = new_buf;
// For each complete line, parse it as json and
if let Some(lines) = lines {
for data in lines.lines() {
debug!("Client sending request: {:?}", data);
let result = serde_json::from_str(&data)
.map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, x));
match result {
Ok(req) => match client.send(req).await {
Ok(res) => match format_response(Format::Json, res) {
Ok(out) => out.print(),
Err(x) => error!("Failed to format response: {}", x),
Err(x) => {
error!("Failed to send request: {}", x)
Err(x) => {
error!("Failed to serialize request ('{}'): {}", data, x);
// For interactive shell format, parse stdin as individual commands
LoopConfig::Shell => {
let (lines, new_buf) = buf.into_full_lines();
buf = new_buf;
if let Some(lines) = lines {
for data in lines.lines() {
trace!("Shell processing line: {:?}", data);
if data.trim().is_empty() {
debug!("Client sending command: {:?}", data);
// NOTE: We have to stick something in as the first argument as clap/structopt
// expect the binary name as the first item in the iterator
let result = RequestData::from_iter_safe(
.chain(data.trim().split(' ').filter(|s| !s.trim().is_empty())),
match result {
Ok(data) => {
match client
.send(Request::new(tenant.as_str(), vec![data]))
Ok(res) => match format_response(Format::Shell, res) {
Ok(out) => out.print(),
Err(x) => error!("Failed to format response: {}", x),
Err(x) => {
error!("Failed to send request: {}", x)
Err(x) => {
error!("Failed to parse command: {}", x);
// For non-interactive shell format, all stdin is treated as a proc's stdin
LoopConfig::Proc { id } => {
debug!("Client sending stdin: {:?}", data);
let req =
Request::new(tenant.as_str(), vec![RequestData::ProcStdin { id, data }]);
let result = client.send(req).await;
if let Err(x) = result {
error!("Failed to send stdin to remote process ({}): {}", id, x);
while let Err(TryRecvError::Empty) = rx_stop.try_recv() {
if let Some(res) = {
let res = res.map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, x))?;
// NOTE: If the loop is for a proxy process, we should assume that the payload
// is all-or-nothing for the done check
let done = config.is_proc() && res.payload.iter().any(|x| x.is_proc_done());
format_response(config.into(), res)?.print();
// If we aren't interactive but are just running a proc and
// we've received the end of the proc, we should exit
if done {
// If we have nothing else in our stream, we should also exit
} else {