use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ops::Deref; use std::path::Path; use std::{cmp, io}; use distant_core::net::server::Reply; use distant_core::protocol::{ Response, SearchId, SearchQuery, SearchQueryContentsMatch, SearchQueryMatch, SearchQueryMatchData, SearchQueryOptions, SearchQueryPathMatch, SearchQuerySubmatch, SearchQueryTarget, }; use grep::matcher::Matcher; use grep::regex::{RegexMatcher, RegexMatcherBuilder}; use grep::searcher::{BinaryDetection, Searcher, SearcherBuilder, Sink, SinkMatch}; use ignore::types::TypesBuilder; use ignore::{DirEntry, ParallelVisitor, ParallelVisitorBuilder, WalkBuilder, WalkParallel}; use log::*; use tokio::sync::{broadcast, mpsc, oneshot}; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; const MAXIMUM_SEARCH_THREADS: usize = 12; /// Holds information related to active searches on the server pub struct SearchState { channel: SearchChannel, task: JoinHandle<()>, } impl Drop for SearchState { /// Aborts the task that handles search operations and management fn drop(&mut self) { self.abort(); } } impl SearchState { pub fn new() -> Self { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let task = tokio::spawn(search_task(tx.clone(), rx)); Self { channel: SearchChannel { tx }, task, } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn clone_channel(&self) -> SearchChannel { } /// Aborts the process task pub fn abort(&self) { self.task.abort(); } } impl Deref for SearchState { type Target = SearchChannel; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { & } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SearchChannel { tx: mpsc::Sender, } impl Default for SearchChannel { /// Creates a new channel that is closed by default fn default() -> Self { let (tx, _) = mpsc::channel(1); Self { tx } } } impl SearchChannel { /// Starts a new search using the provided query pub async fn start( &self, query: SearchQuery, reply: Box>, ) -> io::Result { let (cb, rx) = oneshot::channel(); self.tx .send(InnerSearchMsg::Start { query: Box::new(query), reply, cb, }) .await .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Internal search task closed"))?; rx.await .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Response to start dropped"))? } /// Cancels an active search pub async fn cancel(&self, id: SearchId) -> io::Result<()> { let (cb, rx) = oneshot::channel(); self.tx .send(InnerSearchMsg::Cancel { id, cb }) .await .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Internal search task closed"))?; rx.await .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Response to cancel dropped"))? } } /// Internal message to pass to our task below to perform some action enum InnerSearchMsg { Start { query: Box, reply: Box>, cb: oneshot::Sender>, }, Cancel { id: SearchId, cb: oneshot::Sender>, }, InternalRemove { id: SearchId, }, } async fn search_task(tx: mpsc::Sender, mut rx: mpsc::Receiver) { let mut searches: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); while let Some(msg) = rx.recv().await { match msg { InnerSearchMsg::Start { query, reply, cb } => { let options = query.options.clone(); // Build our executor and send an error if it fails let mut executor = match SearchQueryExecutor::new(*query) { Ok(executor) => executor, Err(x) => { let _ = cb.send(Err(x)); // NOTE: We do not want to exit our task! This processes all of our search // requests, so if we exit, things have gone terrible. This is just a // regular error, so we merely continue to wait for the next request. continue; } }; // Get the unique search id let id =; // Queue up our search internally with a cancel sender searches.insert(id, executor.take_cancel_tx().unwrap()); // Report back the search id let _ = cb.send(Ok(id)); // Spawn our reporter of matches coming from the executor SearchQueryReporter { id, options, rx: executor.take_match_rx().unwrap(), reply, } .spawn(); // Spawn our executor to run executor.spawn(tx.clone()); } InnerSearchMsg::Cancel { id, cb } => { let _ = cb.send(match searches.remove(&id) { Some(tx) => { let _ = tx.send(()); Ok(()) } None => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("[Query {id}] Cancellation failed because no search found"), )), }); } InnerSearchMsg::InternalRemove { id } => { trace!("[Query {id}] Removing internal tracking"); searches.remove(&id); } } } } struct SearchQueryReporter { id: SearchId, options: SearchQueryOptions, rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver, reply: Box>, } impl SearchQueryReporter { /// Runs the reporter to completion in an async task pub fn spawn(self) { tokio::spawn(; } async fn run(self) { let Self { id, options, mut rx, reply, } = self; // Queue of matches that we hold until reaching pagination let mut matches = Vec::new(); let mut total_matches_cnt = 0; trace!("[Query {id}] Starting reporter with {options:?}"); while let Some(m) = rx.recv().await { matches.push(m); total_matches_cnt += 1; // Check if we've reached the limit, and quit if we have if let Some(len) = options.limit { if total_matches_cnt >= len { trace!("[Query {id}] Reached limit of {len} matches"); break; } } // Check if we've reached pagination size, and send queued if so if let Some(len) = options.pagination { if matches.len() as u64 >= len { trace!("[Query {id}] Reached {len} paginated matches"); if let Err(x) = reply.send(Response::SearchResults { id, matches: std::mem::take(&mut matches), }) { error!("[Query {id}] Failed to send paginated matches: {x}"); } } } } // Send any remaining matches if !matches.is_empty() { trace!("[Query {id}] Sending {} remaining matches", matches.len()); if let Err(x) = reply.send(Response::SearchResults { id, matches }) { error!("[Query {id}] Failed to send final matches: {x}"); } } // Report that we are done trace!("[Query {id}] Reporting as done"); if let Err(x) = reply.send(Response::SearchDone { id }) { error!("[Query {id}] Failed to send done status: {x}"); } } } struct SearchQueryExecutor { id: SearchId, query: SearchQuery, walker: WalkParallel, matcher: RegexMatcher, cancel_tx: Option>, cancel_rx: broadcast::Receiver<()>, match_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, match_rx: Option>, } impl SearchQueryExecutor { /// Creates a new executor pub fn new(query: SearchQuery) -> io::Result { let (cancel_tx, cancel_rx) = broadcast::channel(1); let (match_tx, match_rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let regex = query.condition.to_regex_string(); let mut matcher_builder = RegexMatcherBuilder::new(); matcher_builder .case_insensitive(false) .case_smart(false) .multi_line(true) .dot_matches_new_line(false) .swap_greed(false) .ignore_whitespace(false) .unicode(true) .octal(false) .line_terminator(Some(b'\n')); let matcher = matcher_builder .build(®ex) .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, x))?; if query.paths.is_empty() { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "missing paths")); } // Build our list of paths so we can ensure we weed out duplicates let mut target_paths = Vec::new(); for mut path in query.paths.iter().map(Deref::deref) { // For each explicit path, we will add it directly UNLESS we // are searching upward and have a max depth > 0 to avoid // searching this path twice if !query.options.upward || query.options.max_depth == Some(0) { target_paths.push(path); } // For going in the upward direction, we will add ancestor paths as long // as the max depth allows it if query.options.upward { let mut remaining = query.options.max_depth; if query.options.max_depth.is_none() || query.options.max_depth > Some(0) { while let Some(parent) = path.parent() { // If we have a maximum depth and it has reached zero, we // don't want to include any more paths if remaining == Some(0) { break; } path = parent; target_paths.push(path); if let Some(x) = remaining.as_mut() { *x -= 1; } } } } } target_paths.sort_unstable(); target_paths.dedup(); // Construct the walker with our paths let mut walker_builder = WalkBuilder::new(target_paths[0]); for path in &target_paths[1..] { walker_builder.add(path); } // Apply common configuration options to our walker walker_builder .follow_links(query.options.follow_symbolic_links) .threads(cmp::min(MAXIMUM_SEARCH_THREADS, num_cpus::get())) .types( TypesBuilder::new() .add_defaults() .build() .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, x))?, ) .standard_filters(false) .hidden(query.options.ignore_hidden) .ignore(query.options.use_ignore_files) .parents(query.options.use_parent_ignore_files) .git_ignore(query.options.use_git_ignore_files) .git_global(query.options.use_global_git_ignore_files) .git_exclude(query.options.use_git_exclude_files) .skip_stdout(true); if query.options.upward { // If traversing upward, we need to use max depth to determine how many // path segments to support, break those up, and add them. The max // depth setting itself should be 1 to avoid searching anything but // the immediate children of each path component walker_builder.max_depth(Some(1)); } else { // Otherwise, we apply max depth like expected walker_builder.max_depth( query .options .max_depth .as_ref() .copied() .map(|d| d as usize), ); } Ok(Self { id: rand::random(), query, matcher, walker: walker_builder.build_parallel(), cancel_tx: Some(cancel_tx), cancel_rx, match_tx, match_rx: Some(match_rx), }) } pub fn id(&self) -> SearchId { } pub fn take_cancel_tx(&mut self) -> Option> { self.cancel_tx.take() } pub fn take_match_rx(&mut self) -> Option> { self.match_rx.take() } /// Runs the executor to completion in another thread pub fn spawn(self, tx: mpsc::Sender) { tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let id =;; // Once complete, we need to send a request to remove the search from our list let _ = tx.blocking_send(InnerSearchMsg::InternalRemove { id }); }); } fn run(self) { let id =; let walker = self.walker; let tx = self.match_tx; let cancel = self.cancel_rx; let matcher = self.matcher; // Create our path filter we will use to filter out entries that do not match filter let include_path_filter = match self.query.options.include.as_ref() { Some(condition) => match SearchQueryPathFilter::new(&condition.to_regex_string()) { Ok(filter) => { trace!("[Query {id}] Using regex include path filter for {condition:?}"); filter } Err(x) => { error!("[Query {id}] Failed to instantiate include path filter: {x}"); return; } }, None => { trace!("[Query {id}] Using fixed include path filter of true"); SearchQueryPathFilter::fixed(true) } }; // Create our path filter we will use to filter out entries that match filter let exclude_path_filter = match self.query.options.exclude.as_ref() { Some(condition) => match SearchQueryPathFilter::new(&condition.to_regex_string()) { Ok(filter) => { trace!("[Query {id}] Using regex exclude path filter for {condition:?}"); filter } Err(x) => { error!("[Query {id}] Failed to instantiate exclude path filter: {x}"); return; } }, None => { trace!("[Query {id}] Using fixed exclude path filter of false"); SearchQueryPathFilter::fixed(false) } }; let options_filter = SearchQueryOptionsFilter { target:, options: self.query.options.clone(), }; let mut builder = SearchQueryExecutorParallelVistorBuilder { search_id:, target:, cancel, tx, matcher: &matcher, include_path_filter: &include_path_filter, exclude_path_filter: &exclude_path_filter, options_filter: &options_filter, }; // Search all entries for matches and report them // // NOTE: This should block waiting for all threads to complete walker.visit(&mut builder); } } struct SearchQueryExecutorParallelVistorBuilder<'a> { search_id: SearchId, target: SearchQueryTarget, cancel: broadcast::Receiver<()>, tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, matcher: &'a RegexMatcher, include_path_filter: &'a SearchQueryPathFilter, exclude_path_filter: &'a SearchQueryPathFilter, options_filter: &'a SearchQueryOptionsFilter, } impl<'a> ParallelVisitorBuilder<'a> for SearchQueryExecutorParallelVistorBuilder<'a> { fn build(&mut self) -> Box { // For files that are searched as part of a recursive search // // Details: // * Will quit early if detecting binary file due to null byte // // NOTE: Searchers are not Send/Sync so we must create them here let implicit_searcher = SearcherBuilder::new() .binary_detection(BinaryDetection::quit(0)) .build(); // For files that are searched because they are provided as one of our initial paths // (so explicitly by the user) // // Details: // * Will convert binary data with null bytes into newlines // // NOTE: Searchers are not Send/Sync so we must create them here let explicit_searcher = SearcherBuilder::new() .binary_detection(BinaryDetection::convert(0)) .build(); Box::new(SearchQueryExecutorParallelVistor { search_id: self.search_id, target:, cancel: self.cancel.resubscribe(), tx: self.tx.clone(), matcher: self.matcher, implicit_searcher, explicit_searcher, include_path_filter: self.include_path_filter, exclude_path_filter: self.exclude_path_filter, options_filter: self.options_filter, }) } } struct SearchQueryExecutorParallelVistor<'a> { search_id: SearchId, target: SearchQueryTarget, cancel: broadcast::Receiver<()>, tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, matcher: &'a RegexMatcher, implicit_searcher: Searcher, explicit_searcher: Searcher, include_path_filter: &'a SearchQueryPathFilter, exclude_path_filter: &'a SearchQueryPathFilter, options_filter: &'a SearchQueryOptionsFilter, } impl<'a> ParallelVisitor for SearchQueryExecutorParallelVistor<'a> { fn visit(&mut self, entry: Result) -> ignore::WalkState { use ignore::WalkState; let id = self.search_id; // Get the entry, skipping errors with directories, and continuing on // errors with non-directories let entry = match entry { Ok(entry) => entry, Err(_) => return WalkState::Skip, }; // Validate the path of the entry should be processed // // NOTE: We do not SKIP here as we cannot cancel a directory traversal early as this can // cause us to miss relevant submatches deeper in the traversal if !self.include_path_filter.filter(entry.path()) || self.exclude_path_filter.filter(entry.path()) || !self.options_filter.filter(&entry) { return WalkState::Continue; } // Check if we are being interrupted, and if so exit our loop early match self.cancel.try_recv() { Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => (), _ => { debug!("[Query {id}] Cancelled"); return WalkState::Quit; } } // Pick searcher based on whether this was an explicit or recursive path let searcher = if entry.depth() == 0 { &mut self.explicit_searcher } else { &mut self.implicit_searcher }; let res = match { // Perform the search against the path itself SearchQueryTarget::Path => { let path_str = entry.path().to_string_lossy(); searcher.search_slice( self.matcher, path_str.as_bytes(), SearchQueryPathSink { search_id: id, path: entry.path(), matcher: self.matcher, callback: |m| Ok(self.tx.send(m).is_ok()), }, ) } // Perform the search against the file's contents SearchQueryTarget::Contents => searcher.search_path( self.matcher, entry.path(), SearchQueryContentsSink { search_id: id, path: entry.path(), matcher: self.matcher, callback: |m| Ok(self.tx.send(m).is_ok()), }, ), }; if let Err(x) = res { error!("[Query {id}] Search failed for {:?}: {x}", entry.path()); } WalkState::Continue } } struct SearchQueryPathFilter { matcher: Option, default_value: bool, } impl SearchQueryPathFilter { pub fn new(regex: &str) -> io::Result { Ok(Self { matcher: Some( RegexMatcher::new(regex) .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, x))?, ), default_value: false, }) } /// Returns a filter that always returns `value` pub fn fixed(value: bool) -> Self { Self { matcher: None, default_value: value, } } /// Returns true if path passes the filter pub fn filter(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> bool { self.try_filter(path).unwrap_or(false) } fn try_filter(&self, path: impl AsRef) -> io::Result { match &self.matcher { Some(matcher) => matcher .is_match(path.as_ref().to_string_lossy().as_bytes()) .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, x)), None => Ok(self.default_value), } } } struct SearchQueryOptionsFilter { target: SearchQueryTarget, options: SearchQueryOptions, } impl SearchQueryOptionsFilter { pub fn filter(&self, entry: &DirEntry) -> bool { // Check if filetype is allowed let file_type_allowed = self.options.allowed_file_types.is_empty() || entry .file_type() .map(|ft| self.options.allowed_file_types.contains(&ft.into())) .unwrap_or_default(); // Check if target is appropriate let targeted = match { SearchQueryTarget::Contents => { entry.file_type().map(|ft| ft.is_file()).unwrap_or_default() } _ => true, }; file_type_allowed && targeted } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct SearchQueryPathSink<'a, M, F> where M: Matcher, F: FnMut(SearchQueryMatch) -> Result, { search_id: SearchId, path: &'a Path, matcher: &'a M, callback: F, } impl<'a, M, F> Sink for SearchQueryPathSink<'a, M, F> where M: Matcher, F: FnMut(SearchQueryMatch) -> Result, { type Error = io::Error; fn matched(&mut self, _searcher: &Searcher, mat: &SinkMatch<'_>) -> Result { let mut submatches = Vec::new(); // Find all matches within the line let res = self.matcher.find_iter(mat.bytes(), |m| { let bytes = &mat.bytes()[m]; submatches.push(SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: match std::str::from_utf8(bytes) { Ok(s) => SearchQueryMatchData::Text(s.to_string()), Err(_) => SearchQueryMatchData::Bytes(bytes.to_vec()), }, start: m.start() as u64, end: m.end() as u64, }); true }); if let Err(x) = res { error!( "[Query {}] SearchQueryPathSink encountered matcher error: {x}", self.search_id ); } // If we have at least one submatch, then we have a match let should_continue = if !submatches.is_empty() { let r#match = SearchQueryMatch::Path(SearchQueryPathMatch { path: self.path.to_path_buf(), submatches, }); (self.callback)(r#match)? } else { true }; Ok(should_continue) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct SearchQueryContentsSink<'a, M, F> where M: Matcher, F: FnMut(SearchQueryMatch) -> Result, { search_id: SearchId, path: &'a Path, matcher: &'a M, callback: F, } impl<'a, M, F> Sink for SearchQueryContentsSink<'a, M, F> where M: Matcher, F: FnMut(SearchQueryMatch) -> Result, { type Error = io::Error; fn matched(&mut self, _searcher: &Searcher, mat: &SinkMatch<'_>) -> Result { let mut submatches = Vec::new(); // Find all matches within the line let res = self.matcher.find_iter(mat.bytes(), |m| { let bytes = &mat.bytes()[m]; submatches.push(SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: match std::str::from_utf8(bytes) { Ok(s) => SearchQueryMatchData::Text(s.to_string()), Err(_) => SearchQueryMatchData::Bytes(bytes.to_vec()), }, start: m.start() as u64, end: m.end() as u64, }); true }); if let Err(x) = res { error!( "[Query {}] SearchQueryContentsSink encountered matcher error: {x}", self.search_id ); } // If we have at least one submatch, then we have a match let should_continue = if !submatches.is_empty() { let r#match = SearchQueryMatch::Contents(SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: self.path.to_path_buf(), lines: match std::str::from_utf8(mat.bytes()) { Ok(s) => SearchQueryMatchData::Text(s.to_string()), Err(_) => SearchQueryMatchData::Bytes(mat.bytes().to_vec()), }, // NOTE: Since we are defining the searcher, we control always including the line // number, so we can safely unwrap here line_number: mat.line_number().unwrap(), // NOTE: absolute_byte_offset from grep tells us where the bytes start for the // match, but not inclusive of where within the match absolute_offset: mat.absolute_byte_offset(), submatches, }); (self.callback)(r#match)? } else { true }; Ok(should_continue) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::path::PathBuf; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use distant_core::protocol::{FileType, SearchQueryCondition, SearchQueryMatchData}; use test_log::test; use super::*; fn make_path(path: &str) -> PathBuf { use std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR_STR; // Ensure that our path is compliant with the current platform let path = path.replace('/', MAIN_SEPARATOR_STR); PathBuf::from(path) } fn setup_dir(files: Vec<(&str, &str)>) -> assert_fs::TempDir { let root = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); for (path, contents) in files { root.child(make_path(path)).write_str(contents).unwrap(); } root } fn get_matches(data: Response) -> Vec { match data { Response::SearchResults { matches, .. } => matches, x => panic!("Did not get search results: {x:?}"), } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_send_event_when_query_finished() { let root = setup_dir(Vec::new()); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Path, condition: SearchQueryCondition::equals(""), options: Default::default(), }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_send_all_matches_at_once_by_default() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", ""), ("path/to/file2.txt", ""), ("other/file.txt", ""), ("dir/other/bin", ""), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Path, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("other"), options: Default::default(), }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_path_match()) .collect::>(); matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| m.path.to_path_buf()); // Root path len (including trailing separator) + 1 to be at start of child path let child_start = (root.path().to_string_lossy().len() + 1) as u64; assert_eq!( matches, vec![ SearchQueryPathMatch { path: root.child(make_path("dir/other")).to_path_buf(), submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("other".to_string()), start: child_start + 4, end: child_start + 9, }] }, SearchQueryPathMatch { path: root.child(make_path("dir/other/bin")).to_path_buf(), submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("other".to_string()), start: child_start + 4, end: child_start + 9, }] }, SearchQueryPathMatch { path: root.child(make_path("other")).to_path_buf(), submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("other".to_string()), start: child_start, end: child_start + 5, }] }, SearchQueryPathMatch { path: root.child(make_path("other/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("other".to_string()), start: child_start, end: child_start + 5, }] }, ] ); assert_eq!( rx.recv().await, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id }) ); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_support_targeting_paths() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", ""), ("path/to/file2.txt", ""), ("other/file.txt", ""), ("other/dir/bin", ""), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Path, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("path"), options: Default::default(), }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_path_match()) .collect::>(); matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| m.path.to_path_buf()); // Root path len (including trailing separator) + 1 to be at start of child path let child_start = (root.path().to_string_lossy().len() + 1) as u64; assert_eq!( matches, vec![ SearchQueryPathMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path")).to_path_buf(), submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("path".to_string()), start: child_start, end: child_start + 4, }] }, SearchQueryPathMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to")).to_path_buf(), submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("path".to_string()), start: child_start, end: child_start + 4, }] }, SearchQueryPathMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file1.txt")).to_path_buf(), submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("path".to_string()), start: child_start, end: child_start + 4, }] }, SearchQueryPathMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file2.txt")).to_path_buf(), submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("path".to_string()), start: child_start, end: child_start + 4, }] } ] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_support_targeting_contents() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", "some\nlines of text in\na\nfile"), ("path/to/file2.txt", "more text"), ("other/file.txt", "some other file with text"), ("other/dir/bin", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf"), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("text"), options: Default::default(), }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_contents_match()) .collect::>(); matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| m.path.to_path_buf()); assert_eq!( matches, vec![ SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("other/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("some other file with text"), line_number: 1, absolute_offset: 0, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 21, end: 25, }] }, SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file1.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("lines of text in\n"), line_number: 2, absolute_offset: 5, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 9, end: 13, }] }, SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file2.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("more text"), line_number: 1, absolute_offset: 0, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 5, end: 9, }] } ] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_support_multiple_submatches() { let root = setup_dir(vec![("path/to/file.txt", "aa ab ac\nba bb bc\nca cb cc")]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex(r"[abc][ab]"), options: Default::default(), }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_contents_match()) .collect::>(); matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| m.line_number); assert_eq!( matches, vec![ SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("aa ab ac\n"), line_number: 1, absolute_offset: 0, submatches: vec![ SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("aa".to_string()), start: 0, end: 2, }, SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("ab".to_string()), start: 3, end: 5, } ] }, SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("ba bb bc\n"), line_number: 2, absolute_offset: 9, submatches: vec![ SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("ba".to_string()), start: 0, end: 2, }, SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("bb".to_string()), start: 3, end: 5, } ] }, SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("ca cb cc"), line_number: 3, absolute_offset: 18, submatches: vec![ SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("ca".to_string()), start: 0, end: 2, }, SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("cb".to_string()), start: 3, end: 5, } ] }, ] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_send_paginated_results_if_specified() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", "some\nlines of text in\na\nfile"), ("path/to/file2.txt", "more text"), ("other/file.txt", "some other file with text"), ("other/dir/bin", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf"), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("text"), options: SearchQueryOptions { pagination: Some(2), ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); // Collect all matches here let mut matches = Vec::new(); // Get first two matches let paginated_matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_contents_match()) .collect::>(); assert_eq!(paginated_matches.len(), 2); matches.extend(paginated_matches); // Get last match let paginated_matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_contents_match()) .collect::>(); assert_eq!(paginated_matches.len(), 1); matches.extend(paginated_matches); // Sort our matches so we can check them all matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| m.path.to_path_buf()); assert_eq!( matches, vec![ SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("other/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("some other file with text"), line_number: 1, absolute_offset: 0, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 21, end: 25, }] }, SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file1.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("lines of text in\n"), line_number: 2, absolute_offset: 5, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 9, end: 13, }] }, SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file2.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("more text"), line_number: 1, absolute_offset: 0, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 5, end: 9, }] } ] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_send_maximum_of_limit_results_if_specified() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", "some\nlines of text in\na\nfile"), ("path/to/file2.txt", "more text"), ("other/file.txt", "some other file with text"), ("other/dir/bin", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf"), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("text"), options: SearchQueryOptions { limit: Some(2), ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); // Get all matches and verify the len let matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()); assert_eq!(matches.len(), 2); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_send_maximum_of_limit_results_with_pagination_if_specified() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", "some\nlines of text in\na\nfile"), ("path/to/file2.txt", "more text"), ("other/file.txt", "some other file with text"), ("other/dir/bin", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf"), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("text"), options: SearchQueryOptions { pagination: Some(1), limit: Some(2), ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); // Verify that we get one match at a time up to the limit let matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()); assert_eq!(matches.len(), 1); let matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()); assert_eq!(matches.len(), 1); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_traverse_no_deeper_than_max_depth_if_specified() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", ""), ("path/to/file2.txt", ""), ("other/file.txt", ""), ("other/dir/bin", ""), ]); async fn test_max_depth( root: &assert_fs::TempDir, depth: u64, expected_paths: Vec, ) { let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Path, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex(".*"), options: SearchQueryOptions { max_depth: Some(depth), ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut paths = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_path_match()) .map(|m| m.path) .collect::>(); paths.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(paths, expected_paths); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } // Maximum depth of 0 should only include root test_max_depth(&root, 0, vec![root.to_path_buf()]).await; // Maximum depth of 1 should only include root and children test_max_depth( &root, 1, vec![ root.to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("other")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("path")).to_path_buf(), ], ) .await; // Maximum depth of 2 should only include root and children and grandchildren test_max_depth( &root, 2, vec![ root.to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("other")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("other/dir")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("other/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("path")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("path/to")).to_path_buf(), ], ) .await; // Maximum depth of 3 should include everything we have in our test test_max_depth( &root, 3, vec![ root.to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("other")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("other/dir")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("other/dir/bin")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("other/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("path")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("path/to")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("path/to/file1.txt")).to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("path/to/file2.txt")).to_path_buf(), ], ) .await; } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_filter_searched_paths_to_only_those_that_match_include_regex() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", "some\nlines of text in\na\nfile"), ("path/to/file2.txt", "more text"), ("other/file.txt", "some other file with text"), ("other/dir/bin", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf"), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("text"), options: SearchQueryOptions { include: Some(SearchQueryCondition::regex("other")), ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_contents_match()) .collect::>(); matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| m.path.to_path_buf()); assert_eq!( matches, vec![SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("other/file.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("some other file with text"), line_number: 1, absolute_offset: 0, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 21, end: 25, }] }] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_filter_searched_paths_to_only_those_that_do_not_match_exclude_regex() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", "some\nlines of text in\na\nfile"), ("path/to/file2.txt", "more text"), ("other/file.txt", "some other file with text"), ("other/dir/bin", "asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf"), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("text"), options: SearchQueryOptions { exclude: Some(SearchQueryCondition::regex("other")), ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_contents_match()) .collect::>(); matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| m.path.to_path_buf()); assert_eq!( matches, vec![ SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file1.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("lines of text in\n"), line_number: 2, absolute_offset: 5, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 9, end: 13, }] }, SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file2.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("more text"), line_number: 1, absolute_offset: 0, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 5, end: 9, }] } ] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_return_binary_match_data_if_match_is_not_utf8_but_path_is_explicit() { let root = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let bin_file = root.child(make_path("file.bin")); // Write some invalid bytes, a newline, and then "hello" bin_file .write_binary(&[0, 159, 146, 150, 10, 72, 69, 76, 76, 79]) .unwrap(); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); // NOTE: We provide regex that matches an invalid UTF-8 character by disabling the u flag // and checking for 0x9F (159) let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![bin_file.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex(r"(?-u:\x9F)"), options: Default::default(), }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_contents_match()) .collect::>(); // NOTE: Null bytes are treated as newlines, so that shifts us to being on "line 2" // and associated other shifts assert_eq!( matches, vec![SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("file.bin")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::bytes([159, 146, 150, 10]), line_number: 2, absolute_offset: 1, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::bytes([159]), start: 0, end: 1, }] },] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_not_return_binary_match_data_if_match_is_not_utf8_and_not_explicit_path() { let root = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let bin_file = root.child(make_path("file.bin")); // Write some invalid bytes, a newline, and then "hello" bin_file .write_binary(&[0, 159, 146, 150, 10, 72, 69, 76, 76, 79]) .unwrap(); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); // NOTE: We provide regex that matches an invalid UTF-8 character by disabling the u flag // and checking for 0x9F (159) let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex(r"(?-u:\x9F)"), options: Default::default(), }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); // Get done indicator next as there were no matches let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_filter_searched_paths_to_only_those_are_an_allowed_file_type() { let root = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = root.child(make_path("file")); file.touch().unwrap(); root.child(make_path("dir")).create_dir_all().unwrap(); root.child(make_path("symlink")) .symlink_to_file(file.path()) .unwrap(); async fn test_allowed_file_types( root: &assert_fs::TempDir, allowed_file_types: Vec, expected_paths: Vec, ) { let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Path, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex(".*"), options: SearchQueryOptions { allowed_file_types: allowed_file_types.iter().copied().collect(), ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut paths = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_path_match()) .map(|m| m.path) .collect::>(); paths.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!( paths, expected_paths, "Path types did not match allowed: {allowed_file_types:?}" ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } // Empty set of allowed types falls back to allowing everything test_allowed_file_types( &root, vec![], vec![ root.to_path_buf(), root.child("dir").to_path_buf(), root.child("file").to_path_buf(), root.child("symlink").to_path_buf(), ], ) .await; test_allowed_file_types( &root, vec![FileType::File], vec![root.child("file").to_path_buf()], ) .await; test_allowed_file_types( &root, vec![FileType::Dir], vec![root.to_path_buf(), root.child("dir").to_path_buf()], ) .await; test_allowed_file_types( &root, vec![FileType::Symlink], vec![root.child("symlink").to_path_buf()], ) .await; } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_follow_not_symbolic_links_if_specified_in_options() { let root = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = root.child(make_path("file")); file.touch().unwrap(); let dir = root.child(make_path("dir")); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); root.child(make_path("file_symlink")) .symlink_to_file(file.path()) .unwrap(); root.child(make_path("dir_symlink")) .symlink_to_dir(dir.path()) .unwrap(); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Path, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex(".*"), options: SearchQueryOptions { follow_symbolic_links: true, ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut paths = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_path_match()) .map(|m| m.path) .collect::>(); paths.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!( paths, vec![ root.to_path_buf(), root.child("dir").to_path_buf(), root.child("dir_symlink").to_path_buf(), root.child("file").to_path_buf(), root.child("file_symlink").to_path_buf(), ] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_follow_symbolic_links_if_specified_in_options() { let root = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = root.child(make_path("file")); file.touch().unwrap(); let dir = root.child(make_path("dir")); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); root.child(make_path("file_symlink")) .symlink_to_file(file.path()) .unwrap(); root.child(make_path("dir_symlink")) .symlink_to_dir(dir.path()) .unwrap(); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); // NOTE: Following symlobic links on its own does nothing, but when combined with a file // type filter, it will evaluate the underlying type of symbolic links and filter // based on that instead of the the symbolic link let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![root.path().to_path_buf()], target: SearchQueryTarget::Path, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex(".*"), options: SearchQueryOptions { allowed_file_types: vec![FileType::File].into_iter().collect(), follow_symbolic_links: true, ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut paths = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_path_match()) .map(|m| m.path) .collect::>(); paths.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!( paths, vec![ root.child("file").to_path_buf(), root.child("file_symlink").to_path_buf(), ] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_support_being_supplied_more_than_one_path() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", "some\nlines of text in\na\nfile"), ("path/to/file2.txt", "more text"), ]); let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![ root.child(make_path("path/to/file1.txt")) .path() .to_path_buf(), root.child(make_path("path/to/file2.txt")) .path() .to_path_buf(), ], target: SearchQueryTarget::Contents, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex("text"), options: Default::default(), }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); let mut matches = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_contents_match()) .collect::>(); matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| m.path.to_path_buf()); assert_eq!( matches, vec![ SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file1.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("lines of text in\n"), line_number: 2, absolute_offset: 5, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 9, end: 13, }] }, SearchQueryContentsMatch { path: root.child(make_path("path/to/file2.txt")).to_path_buf(), lines: SearchQueryMatchData::text("more text"), line_number: 1, absolute_offset: 0, submatches: vec![SearchQuerySubmatch { r#match: SearchQueryMatchData::Text("text".to_string()), start: 5, end: 9, }] } ] ); let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_support_searching_upward_with_max_depth_applying_in_reverse() { let root = setup_dir(vec![ ("path/to/file1.txt", ""), ("path/to/file2.txt", ""), ("path/to/child/file1.txt", ""), ("path/to/child/file2.txt", ""), ("path/file1.txt", ""), ("path/file2.txt", ""), ("other/file1.txt", ""), ("other/file2.txt", ""), ("file1.txt", ""), ("file2.txt", ""), ]); // Make a path within root path let p = |path: &str| root.child(make_path(path)).to_path_buf(); async fn test_max_depth( path: PathBuf, regex: &str, depth: impl Into>, expected_paths: Vec, ) { let state = SearchState::new(); let (reply, mut rx) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let query = SearchQuery { paths: vec![path], target: SearchQueryTarget::Path, condition: SearchQueryCondition::regex(regex), options: SearchQueryOptions { max_depth: depth.into(), upward: true, ..Default::default() }, }; let search_id = state.start(query, Box::new(reply)).await.unwrap(); // If we expect to get no paths, then there won't be results, otherwise check if !expected_paths.is_empty() { let mut paths = get_matches(rx.recv().await.unwrap()) .into_iter() .filter_map(|m| m.into_path_match()) .map(|m| m.path) .collect::>(); paths.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(paths, expected_paths); } let data = rx.recv().await; assert_eq!(data, Some(Response::SearchDone { id: search_id })); assert_eq!(rx.recv().await, None); } // Maximum depth of 0 should only include current file if it matches test_max_depth( p("path/to/file1.txt"), "to", 0, vec![p("path/to/file1.txt")], ) .await; test_max_depth(p("path/to"), "other", 0, vec![]).await; // Maximum depth of 0 will still look through an explicit path's entries test_max_depth( p("path/to"), "to", 0, vec![ p("path/to"), p("path/to/child"), p("path/to/file1.txt"), p("path/to/file2.txt"), ], ) .await; // Maximum depth of 1 should only include path and its parent directory & entries test_max_depth( p("path/to/file1.txt"), "to", 1, vec![ p("path/to"), p("path/to/child"), p("path/to/file1.txt"), p("path/to/file2.txt"), ], ) .await; // Maximum depth of 2 should search path, parent, and grandparent test_max_depth( p("path/to/file1.txt"), "file1", 2, vec![p("path/file1.txt"), p("path/to/file1.txt")], ) .await; // Maximum depth greater than total path elements should just search all of them test_max_depth( p("path/to/file1.txt"), "file1", 99, vec![p("file1.txt"), p("path/file1.txt"), p("path/to/file1.txt")], ) .await; // No max depth will also search all ancestor paths test_max_depth( p("path/to/file1.txt"), "file1", None, vec![p("file1.txt"), p("path/file1.txt"), p("path/to/file1.txt")], ) .await; } }