use super::{link::RemoteProcessLink, CliError, CliResult}; use anyhow::Context; use distant_core::{ data::{Environment, PtySize}, DistantChannel, DistantChannelExt, RemoteCommand, }; use log::*; use std::time::Duration; use terminal_size::{terminal_size, Height, Width}; use termwiz::{ caps::Capabilities, input::{InputEvent, KeyCodeEncodeModes, KeyboardEncoding}, terminal::{new_terminal, Terminal}, }; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Shell(DistantChannel); impl Shell { pub fn new(channel: DistantChannel) -> Self { Self(channel) } pub async fn spawn( mut self, cmd: impl Into>, mut environment: Environment, ) -> CliResult { // Automatically add TERM=xterm-256color if not specified if !environment.contains_key("TERM") { environment.insert("TERM".to_string(), "xterm-256color".to_string()); } // Use provided shell, use default shell, or determine remote operating system to pick a shell let cmd = match cmd.into() { Some(cmd) => cmd, None => { let system_info = self .0 .system_info() .await .context("Failed to detect remote operating system")?; // If system reports a default shell, use it, otherwise pick a default based on the // operating system being windows or non-windows if ! { } else if"windows") { "cmd.exe".to_string() } else { "/bin/sh".to_string() } } }; let mut proc = RemoteCommand::new() .environment(environment) .pty( terminal_size() .map(|(Width(cols), Height(rows))| PtySize::from_rows_and_cols(rows, cols)), ) .spawn(self.0, &cmd) .await .with_context(|| format!("Failed to spawn {cmd}"))?; // Create a new terminal in raw mode let mut terminal = new_terminal( Capabilities::new_from_env().context("Failed to load terminal capabilities")?, ) .context("Failed to create terminal")?; terminal.set_raw_mode().context("Failed to set raw mode")?; let mut stdin = proc.stdin.take().unwrap(); let resizer = proc.clone_resizer(); tokio::spawn(async move { while let Ok(input) = terminal.poll_input(Some(Duration::new(0, 0))) { match input { Some(InputEvent::Key(ev)) => { if let Ok(input) = ev.key.encode( ev.modifiers, KeyCodeEncodeModes { encoding: KeyboardEncoding::Xterm, application_cursor_keys: false, newline_mode: false, modify_other_keys: None, }, /* is_down */ true, ) { if let Err(x) = stdin.write_str(input).await { error!("Failed to write to stdin of remote process: {}", x); break; } } } Some(InputEvent::Resized { cols, rows }) => { if let Err(x) = resizer .resize(PtySize::from_rows_and_cols(rows as u16, cols as u16)) .await { error!("Failed to resize remote process: {}", x); break; } } Some(_) => continue, None => tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)).await, } } }); // Now, map the remote shell's stdout/stderr to our own process, // while stdin is handled by the task above let link = RemoteProcessLink::from_remote_pipes( None, proc.stdout.take().unwrap(), proc.stderr.take().unwrap(), ); // Continually loop to check for terminal resize changes while the process is still running let status = proc.wait().await.context("Failed to wait for process")?; // Shut down our link link.shutdown().await; if !status.success { if let Some(code) = status.code { return Err(CliError::Exit(code as u8)); } else { return Err(CliError::FAILURE); } } Ok(()) } }