use assert_fs::prelude::*; use rstest::*; use serde_json::json; use test_log::test; use crate::common::fixtures::*; const FILE_CONTENTS: &str = r#" some text on multiple lines that is a file's contents "#; #[rstest] #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_support_json_output(mut api_process: CtxCommand) { validate_authentication(&mut api_process).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); let id = rand::random::().to_string(); let req = json!({ "id": id, "payload": { "type": "file_write", "path": file.to_path_buf(), "data": FILE_CONTENTS.as_bytes().to_vec(), }, }); let res = api_process.write_and_read_json(req).await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(res["origin_id"], id, "JSON: {res}"); assert_eq!( res["payload"], json!({ "type": "ok" }), "JSON: {res}" ); // NOTE: We wait a little bit to give the OS time to fully write to file std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); // Because we're talking to a local server, we can verify locally file.assert(FILE_CONTENTS); } #[rstest] #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_support_json_output_for_error(mut api_process: CtxCommand) { validate_authentication(&mut api_process).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("missing-dir").child("missing-file"); let id = rand::random::().to_string(); let req = json!({ "id": id, "payload": { "type": "file_write", "path": file.to_path_buf(), "data": FILE_CONTENTS.as_bytes().to_vec(), }, }); let res = api_process.write_and_read_json(req).await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(res["origin_id"], id, "JSON: {res}"); assert_eq!(res["payload"]["type"], "error", "JSON: {res}"); assert_eq!(res["payload"]["kind"], "not_found", "JSON: {res}"); // Because we're talking to a local server, we can verify locally file.assert(predicates::path::missing()); }