use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::path::PathBuf; use anyhow::Context; use dialoguer::console::Term; use dialoguer::theme::ColorfulTheme; use dialoguer::Select; use distant_core::net::common::ConnectionId; use distant_core::net::manager::{ Config as NetManagerConfig, ConnectHandler, LaunchHandler, ManagerClient, }; use log::*; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use service_manager::{ ServiceInstallCtx, ServiceLabel, ServiceLevel, ServiceManager, ServiceStartCtx, ServiceStopCtx, ServiceUninstallCtx, }; use tabled::{Table, Tabled}; use crate::cli::common::{MsgReceiver, MsgSender}; use crate::cli::{Cache, Client, Manager}; use crate::options::{Format, ManagerServiceSubcommand, ManagerSubcommand, NetworkSettings}; use crate::{CliError, CliResult}; /// [`ServiceLabel`] for our manager in the form `rocks.distant.manager` static SERVICE_LABEL: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| ServiceLabel { qualifier: String::from("rocks"), organization: String::from("distant"), application: String::from("manager"), }); mod handlers; pub fn run(cmd: ManagerSubcommand) -> CliResult { match &cmd { ManagerSubcommand::Listen { daemon, .. } if *daemon => run_daemon(cmd), _ => { let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().context("Failed to start up runtime")?; rt.block_on(async_run(cmd)) } } } #[cfg(windows)] fn run_daemon(_cmd: ManagerSubcommand) -> CliResult { use crate::cli::Spawner; let pid = Spawner::spawn_running_background(Vec::new()) .context("Failed to spawn background process")?; println!("[distant manager detached, pid = {}]", pid); Ok(()) } #[cfg(unix)] fn run_daemon(cmd: ManagerSubcommand) -> CliResult { use fork::{daemon, Fork}; debug!("Forking process"); match daemon(true, true) { Ok(Fork::Child) => { let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().context("Failed to start up runtime")?; rt.block_on(async { async_run(cmd).await })?; Ok(()) } Ok(Fork::Parent(pid)) => { println!("[distant manager detached, pid = {pid}]"); if fork::close_fd().is_err() { Err(CliError::Error(anyhow::anyhow!("Fork failed to close fd"))) } else { Ok(()) } } Err(_) => Err(CliError::Error(anyhow::anyhow!("Fork failed"))), } } async fn async_run(cmd: ManagerSubcommand) -> CliResult { match cmd { ManagerSubcommand::Service(ManagerServiceSubcommand::Start { kind, user }) => { debug!("Starting manager service via {:?}", kind); let mut manager = ::target_or_native(kind) .context("Failed to detect native service manager")?; if user { manager .set_level(ServiceLevel::User) .context("Failed to set service manager to user level")?; } manager .start(ServiceStartCtx { label: SERVICE_LABEL.clone(), }) .context("Failed to start service")?; Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::Service(ManagerServiceSubcommand::Stop { kind, user }) => { debug!("Stopping manager service via {:?}", kind); let mut manager = ::target_or_native(kind) .context("Failed to detect native service manager")?; if user { manager .set_level(ServiceLevel::User) .context("Failed to set service manager to user level")?; } manager .stop(ServiceStopCtx { label: SERVICE_LABEL.clone(), }) .context("Failed to stop service")?; Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::Service(ManagerServiceSubcommand::Install { kind, user, args: extra_args, }) => { debug!("Installing manager service via {:?}", kind); let mut manager = ::target_or_native(kind) .context("Failed to detect native service manager")?; let mut args = vec![OsString::from("manager"), OsString::from("listen")]; if user { args.push(OsString::from("--user")); manager .set_level(ServiceLevel::User) .context("Failed to set service manager to user level")?; } for arg in extra_args { args.push(arg.into()); } manager .install(ServiceInstallCtx { label: SERVICE_LABEL.clone(), // distant manager listen program: std::env::current_exe() .ok() .unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from("distant")), args, }) .context("Failed to install service")?; Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::Service(ManagerServiceSubcommand::Uninstall { kind, user }) => { debug!("Uninstalling manager service via {:?}", kind); let mut manager = ::target_or_native(kind) .context("Failed to detect native service manager")?; if user { manager .set_level(ServiceLevel::User) .context("Failed to set service manager to user level")?; } manager .uninstall(ServiceUninstallCtx { label: SERVICE_LABEL.clone(), }) .context("Failed to uninstall service")?; Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::Listen { access, daemon: _daemon, network, user, } => { let access = access.unwrap_or_default(); info!( "Starting manager (network = {})", if cfg!(windows) && network.windows_pipe.is_some() { format!("custom:windows:{}", network.windows_pipe.as_ref().unwrap()) } else if cfg!(unix) && network.unix_socket.is_some() { format!("custom:unix:{:?}", network.unix_socket.as_ref().unwrap()) } else if user { "user".to_string() } else { "global".to_string() } ); let manager = Manager { access, config: NetManagerConfig { user, launch_handlers: { let mut handlers: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); handlers.insert( "manager".to_string(), Box::new(handlers::ManagerLaunchHandler::new()), ); #[cfg(any(feature = "libssh", feature = "ssh2"))] handlers.insert("ssh".to_string(), Box::new(handlers::SshLaunchHandler)); handlers }, connect_handlers: { let mut handlers: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); handlers.insert( "distant".to_string(), Box::new(handlers::DistantConnectHandler), ); #[cfg(any(feature = "libssh", feature = "ssh2"))] handlers.insert("ssh".to_string(), Box::new(handlers::SshConnectHandler)); handlers }, ..Default::default() }, network, } .listen() .await .context("Failed to start manager")?; // Let our server run to completion manager.await.context("Failed to wait on manager")?; info!("Manager is shutting down"); Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::Capabilities { format, network } => { debug!("Connecting to manager"); let mut client = connect_to_manager(format, network).await?; debug!("Getting list of capabilities"); let caps = client .capabilities() .await .context("Failed to get list of capabilities")?; debug!("Got capabilities: {caps:?}"); match format { Format::Json => { println!( "{}", serde_json::to_string(&caps) .context("Failed to format capabilities as json")? ); } Format::Shell => { #[derive(Tabled)] struct CapabilityRow { kind: String, description: String, } println!( "{}", Table::new(caps.into_sorted_vec().into_iter().map(|cap| { CapabilityRow { kind: cap.kind, description: cap.description, } })) ); } } Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::Info { format, id, network, } => { debug!("Connecting to manager"); let mut client = connect_to_manager(format, network).await?; debug!("Getting info about connection {}", id); let info = client .info(id) .await .context("Failed to get info about connection")?; debug!("Got info: {info:?}"); match format { Format::Json => { println!( "{}", serde_json::to_string(&info) .context("Failed to format connection info as json")? ); } Format::Shell => { #[derive(Tabled)] struct InfoRow { id: ConnectionId, scheme: String, host: String, port: String, options: String, } println!( "{}", Table::new(vec![InfoRow { id:, scheme: info.destination.scheme.unwrap_or_default(), host:, port: info .destination .port .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_default(), options: info.options.to_string() }]) ); } } Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::List { cache, format, network, } => { debug!("Connecting to manager"); let mut client = connect_to_manager(format, network).await?; debug!("Getting list of connections"); let list = client .list() .await .context("Failed to get list of connections")?; debug!("Got list: {list:?}"); debug!("Looking up selected connection"); let selected = Cache::read_from_disk_or_default(cache) .await .context("Failed to look up selected connection")? .data .selected; debug!("Using selected: {selected}"); match format { Format::Json => { println!( "{}", serde_json::to_string(&list) .context("Failed to format connection list as json")? ); } Format::Shell => { #[derive(Tabled)] struct ListRow { selected: bool, id: ConnectionId, scheme: String, host: String, port: String, } println!( "{}", Table::new(list.into_iter().map(|(id, destination)| { ListRow { selected: *selected == id, id, scheme: destination.scheme.unwrap_or_default(), host:, port:|x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or_default(), } })) ); } } Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::Kill { format, id, network, } => { debug!("Connecting to manager"); let mut client = connect_to_manager(format, network).await?; debug!("Killing connection {}", id); client .kill(id) .await .with_context(|| format!("Failed to kill connection to server {id}"))?; debug!("Connection killed"); match format { Format::Json => println!("{}", json!({"type": "ok"})), Format::Shell => (), } Ok(()) } ManagerSubcommand::Select { cache, connection, format, network, } => { let mut cache = Cache::read_from_disk_or_default(cache) .await .context("Failed to look up cache")?; match connection { Some(id) => { * = id; cache.write_to_disk().await?; Ok(()) } None => { debug!("Connecting to manager"); let mut client = connect_to_manager(format, network).await?; let list = client .list() .await .context("Failed to get a list of managed connections")?; if list.is_empty() { return Err(CliError::Error(anyhow::anyhow!( "No connection available in manager" ))); } // Figure out the current selection let current = list .iter() .enumerate() .find_map(|(i, (id, _))| { if * == *id { Some(i) } else { None } }) .unwrap_or_default(); trace!("Building selection prompt of {} choices", list.len()); let items: Vec = list .iter() .map(|(_, destination)| { format!( "{}{}{}", destination .scheme .as_ref() .map(|scheme| format!(r"{scheme}://")) .unwrap_or_default(),, destination .port .map(|port| format!(":{port}")) .unwrap_or_default() ) }) .collect(); // Prompt for a selection, with None meaning no change let selected = match format { Format::Shell => { trace!("Rendering prompt"); Select::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default()) .items(&items) .default(current) .interact_on_opt(&Term::stderr()) .context("Failed to render prompt")? } Format::Json => { // Print out choices MsgSender::from_stdout() .send_blocking(&json!({ "type": "select", "choices": items, "current": current, })) .context("Failed to send JSON choices")?; // Wait for a response let msg = MsgReceiver::from_stdin() .recv_blocking::() .context("Failed to receive JSON selection")?; // Verify the response type is "selected" match msg.get("type") { Some(value) if value == "selected" => msg .get("choice") .and_then(|value| value.as_u64()) .map(|choice| choice as usize), Some(value) => { return Err(CliError::Error(anyhow::anyhow!( "Unexpected 'type' field value: {value}" ))) } None => { return Err(CliError::Error(anyhow::anyhow!( "Missing 'type' field" ))) } } } }; match selected { Some(index) => { trace!("Selected choice {}", index); if let Some((id, _)) = list.iter().nth(index) { debug!("Updating selected connection id in cache to {}", id); * = *id; cache.write_to_disk().await?; } Ok(()) } None => { debug!("No change in selection of default connection id"); Ok(()) } } } } } } } async fn connect_to_manager( format: Format, network: NetworkSettings, ) -> anyhow::Result { debug!("Connecting to manager"); Ok(match format { Format::Shell => Client::new(network) .using_prompt_auth_handler() .connect() .await .context("Failed to connect to manager")?, Format::Json => Client::new(network) .using_json_auth_handler() .connect() .await .context("Failed to connect to manager")?, }) }