use crate::{ client::{Mailbox, SessionChannel}, constants::CLIENT_PIPE_CAPACITY, data::{Request, RequestData, ResponseData}, net::TransportError, }; use derive_more::{Display, Error, From}; use log::*; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::{ io, sync::{ mpsc::{ self, error::{TryRecvError, TrySendError}, }, RwLock, }, task::{JoinError, JoinHandle}, }; #[derive(Debug, Display, Error, From)] pub enum RemoteProcessError { /// When attempting to relay stdout/stderr over channels, but the channels fail ChannelDead, /// When the communication over the wire has issues TransportError(TransportError), /// When the stream of responses from the server closes without receiving /// an indicator of the process' exit status UnexpectedEof, /// When attempting to wait on the remote process, but the internal task joining failed WaitFailed(JoinError), } /// Represents a process on a remote machine #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RemoteProcess { /// Id of the process id: usize, /// Id used to map back to mailbox pub(crate) origin_id: usize, // Sender to abort req task abort_req_task_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>, // Sender to abort res task abort_res_task_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>, /// Sender for stdin pub stdin: Option, /// Receiver for stdout pub stdout: Option, /// Receiver for stderr pub stderr: Option, /// Sender for kill events kill: mpsc::Sender<()>, /// Task that waits for the process to complete wait_task: JoinHandle<()>, /// Handles the success and exit code for a completed process status: Arc), RemoteProcessError>>>>, } impl RemoteProcess { /// Spawns the specified process on the remote machine using the given session pub async fn spawn( tenant: impl Into, mut channel: SessionChannel, cmd: impl Into, args: Vec, detached: bool, ) -> Result { let tenant = tenant.into(); let cmd = cmd.into(); // Submit our run request and get back a mailbox for responses let mut mailbox = channel .mail(Request::new( tenant.as_str(), vec![RequestData::ProcRun { cmd, args, detached, }], )) .await?; // Wait until we get the first response, and get id from proc started let (id, origin_id) = match { Some(res) if res.payload.len() != 1 => { return Err(RemoteProcessError::TransportError(TransportError::IoError( io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Got wrong payload size"), ))); } Some(res) => { let origin_id = res.origin_id; match res.payload.into_iter().next().unwrap() { ResponseData::ProcStart { id } => (id, origin_id), ResponseData::Error(x) => { return Err(RemoteProcessError::TransportError(TransportError::IoError( x.into(), ))) } x => { return Err(RemoteProcessError::TransportError(TransportError::IoError( io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Got response type of {}", x.as_ref()), ), ))) } } } None => { return Err(RemoteProcessError::TransportError(TransportError::IoError( io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted), ))) } }; // Create channels for our stdin/stdout/stderr let (stdin_tx, stdin_rx) = mpsc::channel(CLIENT_PIPE_CAPACITY); let (stdout_tx, stdout_rx) = mpsc::channel(CLIENT_PIPE_CAPACITY); let (stderr_tx, stderr_rx) = mpsc::channel(CLIENT_PIPE_CAPACITY); // Used to terminate request task, either explicitly by the process or internally // by the response task when it terminates let (kill_tx, kill_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let kill_tx_2 = kill_tx.clone(); // Now we spawn a task to handle future responses that are async // such as ProcStdout, ProcStderr, and ProcDone let (abort_res_task_tx, mut abort_res_task_rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1); let res_task = tokio::spawn(async move { tokio::select! { _ = abort_res_task_rx.recv() => { panic!("killed"); } res = process_incoming_responses(id, mailbox, stdout_tx, stderr_tx, kill_tx_2) => { res } } }); // Spawn a task that takes stdin from our channel and forwards it to the remote process let (abort_req_task_tx, mut abort_req_task_rx) = mpsc::channel::<()>(1); let req_task = tokio::spawn(async move { tokio::select! { _ = abort_req_task_rx.recv() => { panic!("killed"); } res = process_outgoing_requests(tenant, id, channel, stdin_rx, kill_rx) => { res } } }); let status = Arc::new(RwLock::new(None)); let status_2 = Arc::clone(&status); let wait_task = tokio::spawn(async move { let res = match tokio::try_join!(req_task, res_task) { Ok((_, res)) => res, Err(x) => Err(RemoteProcessError::from(x)), }; status_2.write().await.replace(res); }); Ok(Self { id, origin_id, abort_req_task_tx, abort_res_task_tx, stdin: Some(RemoteStdin(stdin_tx)), stdout: Some(RemoteStdout(stdout_rx)), stderr: Some(RemoteStderr(stderr_rx)), kill: kill_tx, wait_task, status, }) } /// Returns the id of the running process pub fn id(&self) -> usize { } /// Checks if the process has completed, returning the exit status if it has, without /// consuming the process itself. Note that this does not include join errors that can /// occur when aborting and instead converts any error to a status of false. To acquire /// the actual error, you must call `wait` pub async fn status(&self) -> Option<(bool, Option)> {|x| match x { Ok((success, exit_code)) => (*success, *exit_code), Err(_) => (false, None), }) } /// Waits for the process to terminate, returning the success status and an optional exit code pub async fn wait(self) -> Result<(bool, Option), RemoteProcessError> { // Wait for the process to complete before we try to get the status let _ = self.wait_task.await; // NOTE: If we haven't received an exit status, this lines up with the UnexpectedEof error self.status .write() .await .take() .unwrap_or_else(|| Err(RemoteProcessError::UnexpectedEof)) } /// Aborts the process by forcing its response task to shutdown, which means that a call /// to `wait` will return an error. Note that this does **not** send a kill request, so if /// you want to be nice you should send the request before aborting. pub fn abort(&self) { let _ = self.abort_req_task_tx.try_send(()); let _ = self.abort_res_task_tx.try_send(()); } /// Submits a kill request for the running process pub async fn kill(&mut self) -> Result<(), RemoteProcessError> { self.kill .send(()) .await .map_err(|_| RemoteProcessError::ChannelDead)?; Ok(()) } } /// A handle to a remote process' standard input (stdin) #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RemoteStdin(mpsc::Sender); impl RemoteStdin { /// Tries to write to the stdin of the remote process, returning ok if immediately /// successful, `WouldBlock` if would need to wait to send data, and `BrokenPipe` /// if stdin has been closed pub fn try_write(&mut self, data: impl Into) -> io::Result<()> { match self.0.try_send(data.into()) { Ok(data) => Ok(data), Err(TrySendError::Full(_)) => Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock)), Err(TrySendError::Closed(_)) => Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)), } } /// Writes data to the stdin of a specific remote process pub async fn write(&mut self, data: impl Into) -> io::Result<()> { self.0 .send(data.into()) .await .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, x)) } /// Checks if stdin has been closed pub fn is_closed(&self) -> bool { self.0.is_closed() } } /// A handle to a remote process' standard output (stdout) #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RemoteStdout(mpsc::Receiver); impl RemoteStdout { /// Tries to receive latest stdout for a remote process, yielding `None` /// if no stdout is available, and `BrokenPipe` if stdout has been closed pub fn try_read(&mut self) -> io::Result> { match self.0.try_recv() { Ok(data) => Ok(Some(data)), Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => Ok(None), Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)), } } /// Retrieves the latest stdout for a specific remote process, and `BrokenPipe` if stdout has /// been closed pub async fn read(&mut self) -> io::Result { self.0 .recv() .await .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)) } } /// A handle to a remote process' stderr #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RemoteStderr(mpsc::Receiver); impl RemoteStderr { /// Tries to receive latest stderr for a remote process, yielding `None` /// if no stderr is available, and `BrokenPipe` if stderr has been closed pub fn try_read(&mut self) -> io::Result> { match self.0.try_recv() { Ok(data) => Ok(Some(data)), Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => Ok(None), Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)), } } /// Retrieves the latest stderr for a specific remote process, and `BrokenPipe` if stderr has /// been closed pub async fn read(&mut self) -> io::Result { self.0 .recv() .await .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)) } } /// Helper function that loops, processing outgoing stdin requests to a remote process as well as /// supporting a kill request to terminate the remote process async fn process_outgoing_requests( tenant: String, id: usize, mut channel: SessionChannel, mut stdin_rx: mpsc::Receiver, mut kill_rx: mpsc::Receiver<()>, ) -> Result<(), RemoteProcessError> { let result = loop { tokio::select! { data = stdin_rx.recv() => { match data { Some(data) => Request::new( tenant.as_str(), vec![RequestData::ProcStdin { id, data }] ) ).await?, None => break Err(RemoteProcessError::ChannelDead), } } msg = kill_rx.recv() => { if msg.is_some() { tenant.as_str(), vec![RequestData::ProcKill { id }], )).await?; break Ok(()); } else { break Err(RemoteProcessError::ChannelDead); } } } }; trace!("Process outgoing channel closed"); result } /// Helper function that loops, processing incoming stdout & stderr requests from a remote process async fn process_incoming_responses( proc_id: usize, mut mailbox: Mailbox, stdout_tx: mpsc::Sender, stderr_tx: mpsc::Sender, kill_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>, ) -> Result<(bool, Option), RemoteProcessError> { while let Some(res) = { // Check if any of the payload data is the termination let exit_status = res.payload.iter().find_map(|data| match data { ResponseData::ProcDone { id, success, code } if *id == proc_id => { Some((*success, *code)) } _ => None, }); // Next, check for stdout/stderr and send them along our channels // TODO: What should we do about unexpected data? For now, just ignore for data in res.payload { match data { ResponseData::ProcStdout { id, data } if id == proc_id => { let _ = stdout_tx.send(data).await; } ResponseData::ProcStderr { id, data } if id == proc_id => { let _ = stderr_tx.send(data).await; } _ => {} } } // If we got a termination, then exit accordingly if let Some((success, code)) = exit_status { // Flag that the other task should conclude let _ = kill_tx.try_send(()); return Ok((success, code)); } } // Flag that the other task should conclude let _ = kill_tx.try_send(()); trace!("Process incoming channel closed"); Err(RemoteProcessError::UnexpectedEof) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{ client::Session, data::{Error, ErrorKind, Response}, net::{InmemoryStream, PlainCodec, Transport}, }; use std::time::Duration; fn make_session() -> (Transport, Session) { let (t1, t2) = Transport::make_pair(); (t1, Session::initialize(t2).unwrap()) } #[tokio::test] async fn spawn_should_return_invalid_data_if_payload_size_unexpected() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session transport .send(Response::new("test-tenant",, Vec::new())) .await .unwrap(); // Get the spawn result and verify let result = spawn_task.await.unwrap(); assert!( matches!( &result, Err(RemoteProcessError::TransportError(TransportError::IoError(x))) if x.kind() == io::ErrorKind::InvalidData ), "Unexpected result: {:?}", result ); } #[tokio::test] async fn spawn_should_return_invalid_data_if_did_not_get_a_indicator_that_process_started() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::Error(Error { kind: ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, description: String::from("some error"), })], )) .await .unwrap(); // Get the spawn result and verify let result = spawn_task.await.unwrap(); assert!( matches!( &result, Err(RemoteProcessError::TransportError(TransportError::IoError(x))) if x.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe ), "Unexpected result: {:?}", result ); } #[tokio::test] async fn kill_should_return_error_if_internal_tasks_already_completed() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then abort it to make kill fail let mut proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); proc.abort(); // Ensure that the other tasks are aborted before continuing tokio::task::yield_now().await; let result = proc.kill().await; assert!( matches!(result, Err(RemoteProcessError::ChannelDead)), "Unexpected result: {:?}", result ); } #[tokio::test] async fn kill_should_send_proc_kill_request_and_then_cause_stdin_forwarding_to_close() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then kill it let mut proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(proc.kill().await.is_ok(), "Failed to send kill request"); // Verify the kill request was sent let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!( req.payload.len(), 1, "Unexpected payload length for kill request" ); assert_eq!(req.payload[0], RequestData::ProcKill { id }); // Verify we can no longer write to stdin anymore assert_eq!( proc.stdin .as_mut() .unwrap() .write("some stdin") .await .unwrap_err() .kind(), io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe ); } #[tokio::test] async fn stdin_should_be_forwarded_from_receiver_field() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then send stdin let mut proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); proc.stdin .as_mut() .unwrap() .write("some input") .await .unwrap(); // Verify that a request is made through the session match &transport .receive::() .await .unwrap() .unwrap() .payload[0] { RequestData::ProcStdin { id, data } => { assert_eq!(*id, 12345); assert_eq!(data, "some input"); } x => panic!("Unexpected request: {:?}", x), } } #[tokio::test] async fn stdout_should_be_forwarded_to_receiver_field() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then read stdout let mut proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStdout { id, data: String::from("some out"), }], )) .await .unwrap(); let out = proc.stdout.as_mut().unwrap().read().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(out, "some out"); } #[tokio::test] async fn stderr_should_be_forwarded_to_receiver_field() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then read stderr let mut proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStderr { id, data: String::from("some err"), }], )) .await .unwrap(); let out = proc.stderr.as_mut().unwrap().read().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(out, "some err"); } #[tokio::test] async fn status_should_return_none_if_not_done() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then check its status let proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); let result = proc.status().await; assert_eq!(result, None, "Unexpectedly got proc status: {:?}", result); } #[tokio::test] async fn status_should_return_false_for_success_if_internal_tasks_fail() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then abort it to make internal tasks fail let proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); proc.abort(); // Wait a bit to ensure the other tasks abort tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; // Peek at the status to confirm the result let result = proc.status().await; match result { Some((false, None)) => {} x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x), } } #[tokio::test] async fn status_should_return_process_status_when_done() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then spawn a task for it to complete let proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send a process completion response to pass along exit status and conclude wait transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcDone { id, success: true, code: Some(123), }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Wait a bit to ensure the status gets transmitted tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; // Finally, verify that we complete and get the expected results assert_eq!(proc.status().await, Some((true, Some(123)))); } #[tokio::test] async fn wait_should_return_error_if_internal_tasks_fail() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then abort it to make internal tasks fail let proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); proc.abort(); let result = proc.wait().await; assert!( matches!(result, Err(RemoteProcessError::WaitFailed(_))), "Unexpected result: {:?}", result ); } #[tokio::test] async fn wait_should_return_error_if_connection_terminates_before_receiving_done_response() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then terminate session connection let proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Ensure that the spawned task gets a chance to wait on stdout/stderr tokio::task::yield_now().await; drop(transport); // Ensure that the other tasks are cancelled before continuing tokio::task::yield_now().await; let result = proc.wait().await; assert!( matches!(result, Err(RemoteProcessError::UnexpectedEof)), "Unexpected result: {:?}", result ); } #[tokio::test] async fn receiving_done_response_should_result_in_wait_returning_exit_information() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); // Create a task for process spawning as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let spawn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { RemoteProcess::spawn( String::from("test-tenant"), session.clone_channel(), String::from("cmd"), vec![String::from("arg")], false, ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req = transport.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back a response through the session let id = 12345; transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcStart { id }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Receive the process and then spawn a task for it to complete let proc = spawn_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); let proc_wait_task = tokio::spawn(proc.wait()); // Send a process completion response to pass along exit status and conclude wait transport .send(Response::new( "test-tenant",, vec![ResponseData::ProcDone { id, success: false, code: Some(123), }], )) .await .unwrap(); // Finally, verify that we complete and get the expected results assert_eq!(proc_wait_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(), (false, Some(123))); } }