# distant - remotely edit files and run programs [![Crates.io][distant_crates_img]][distant_crates_lnk] [![Docs.rs][distant_doc_img]][distant_doc_lnk] [![RustC 1.51+][distant_rustc_img]][distant_rustc_lnk] | Operating System | Status | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | MacOS (x86, ARM) | [![MacOS CI][distant_ci_macos_img]][distant_ci_macos_lnk] | | Linux (x86) | [![Linux CI][distant_ci_linux_img]][distant_ci_linux_lnk] | | Windows (x86) | [![Windows CI][distant_ci_windows_img]][distant_ci_windows_lnk] | [distant_crates_img]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/distant.svg [distant_crates_lnk]: https://crates.io/crates/distant [distant_doc_img]: https://docs.rs/distant/badge.svg [distant_doc_lnk]: https://docs.rs/distant [distant_rustc_img]: https://img.shields.io/badge/distant-rustc_1.51+-lightgray.svg [distant_rustc_lnk]: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2021/03/25/Rust-1.51.0.html [distant_ci_macos_img]: https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/actions/workflows/ci-macos.yml/badge.svg [distant_ci_macos_lnk]: https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/actions/workflows/ci-macos.yml [distant_ci_linux_img]: https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/actions/workflows/ci-linux.yml/badge.svg [distant_ci_linux_lnk]: https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/actions/workflows/ci-linux.yml [distant_ci_windows_img]: https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/actions/workflows/ci-windows.yml/badge.svg [distant_ci_windows_lnk]: https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/actions/workflows/ci-windows.yml 🚧 **(Alpha stage software) This program is in rapid development and may break or change frequently!** 🚧 ## Details The `distant` binary supplies both a server and client component as well as a command to start a server and configure the local client to be able to talk to the server. - Asynchronous in nature, powered by [`tokio`](https://tokio.rs/) - Data is serialized to send across the wire via [`CBOR`](https://cbor.io/) - Encryption & authentication are handled via [XChaCha20Poly1305](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8439) for an authenticated encryption scheme via [RustCrypto/ChaCha20Poly1305](https://github.com/RustCrypto/AEADs/tree/master/chacha20poly1305) Additionally, the core of the distant client and server codebase can be pulled in to be used with your own Rust crates via the `distant-core` crate. Separately, Lua bindings can be found within `distant-lua`, exported as a shared library that can be imported into lua using `require("distant_lua")`. ## Installation ### Prebuilt Binaries If you would like a pre-built binary, check out the [releases section](https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/distant/releases). ### Building from Source If you have [`cargo`](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo) installed, you can directly download and build the source via: ```bash cargo install distant ``` Alternatively, you can clone this repository and build from source following the [build guide](./BUILDING.md). ## Examples Launch a remote instance of `distant`. Calling `launch` will do the following: 1. Ssh into the specified host (in the below example, `my.example.com`) 2. Execute `distant listen --host ssh` on the remote machine 3. Receive on the local machine the credentials needed to connect to the server 4. Depending on the options specified, store/use the session settings so future calls to `distant action` can connect ```bash # Connects to my.example.com on port 22 via SSH to start a new session distant launch my.example.com # After the session is established, you can perform different operations # on the remote machine via `distant action {command} [args]` distant action copy path/to/file new/path/to/file distant action run -- echo 'Hello, this is from the other side' ``` ## License This project is licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or [apache-license][apache-license]) MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or [mit-license][mit-license]) at your option. [apache-license]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 [mit-license]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT