mod handler; mod process; mod state; pub(crate) use process::{InputChannel, ProcessKiller, ProcessPty}; use state::State; use crate::{ constants::MAX_MSG_CAPACITY, data::{Request, Response}, net::{Codec, DataStream, Transport, TransportListener, TransportReadHalf, TransportWriteHalf}, server::{ utils::{ConnTracker, ShutdownTask}, PortRange, }, }; use futures::stream::{Stream, StreamExt}; use log::*; use std::{net::IpAddr, sync::Arc}; use tokio::{ io::{self, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite}, net::TcpListener, sync::{mpsc, Mutex}, task::{JoinError, JoinHandle}, time::Duration, }; /// Represents a server that listens for requests, processes them, and sends responses pub struct DistantServer { conn_task: JoinHandle<()>, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct DistantServerOptions { pub shutdown_after: Option, pub max_msg_capacity: usize, } impl Default for DistantServerOptions { fn default() -> Self { Self { shutdown_after: None, max_msg_capacity: MAX_MSG_CAPACITY, } } } impl DistantServer { /// Bind to an IP address and port from the given range, taking an optional shutdown duration /// that will shutdown the server if there is no active connection after duration pub async fn bind( addr: IpAddr, port: PortRange, codec: U, opts: DistantServerOptions, ) -> io::Result<(Self, u16)> where U: Codec + Send + 'static, { debug!("Binding to {} in range {}", addr, port); let listener = TcpListener::bind(port.make_socket_addrs(addr).as_slice()).await?; let port = listener.local_addr()?.port(); debug!("Bound to port: {}", port); let stream = TransportListener::initialize(listener, move |stream| { Transport::new(stream, codec.clone()) }) .into_stream(); Ok((Self::initialize(Box::pin(stream), opts), port)) } /// Initialize a distant server using the provided listener pub fn initialize(stream: S, opts: DistantServerOptions) -> Self where T: DataStream + Send + 'static, U: Codec + Send + 'static, S: Stream> + Send + Unpin + 'static, { // Build our state for the server let state: Arc> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(State::default())); let (shutdown, tracker) = ShutdownTask::maybe_initialize(opts.shutdown_after); // Spawn our connection task let conn_task = tokio::spawn(async move { connection_loop(stream, state, tracker, shutdown, opts.max_msg_capacity).await }); Self { conn_task } } /// Waits for the server to terminate pub async fn wait(self) -> Result<(), JoinError> { self.conn_task.await } /// Aborts the server by aborting the internal task handling new connections pub fn abort(&self) { self.conn_task.abort(); } } async fn connection_loop( mut stream: S, state: Arc>, tracker: Option>>, shutdown: Option, max_msg_capacity: usize, ) where T: DataStream + Send + 'static, U: Codec + Send + 'static, S: Stream> + Send + Unpin + 'static, { let inner = async move { loop { match { Some(transport) => { let conn_id = rand::random(); debug!( " Established against {}", conn_id, transport.to_connection_tag() ); if let Err(x) = on_new_conn( transport, conn_id, Arc::clone(&state), tracker.as_ref().map(Arc::clone), max_msg_capacity, ) .await { error!(" Failed handshake: {}", conn_id, x); } } None => { info!("Listener shutting down"); break; } }; } }; match shutdown { Some(shutdown) => tokio::select! { _ = inner => {} _ = shutdown => { warn!("Reached shutdown timeout, so terminating"); } }, None => inner.await, } } /// Processes a new connection, performing a handshake, and then spawning two tasks to handle /// input and output, returning join handles for the input and output tasks respectively async fn on_new_conn( transport: Transport, conn_id: usize, state: Arc>, tracker: Option>>, max_msg_capacity: usize, ) -> io::Result> where T: DataStream, U: Codec + Send + 'static, { // Update our tracker to reflect the new connection if let Some(ct) = tracker.as_ref() { ct.lock().await.increment(); } // Split the transport into read and write halves so we can handle input // and output concurrently let (t_read, t_write) = transport.into_split(); let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(max_msg_capacity); // Spawn a new task that loops to handle requests from the client let state_2 = Arc::clone(&state); let req_task = tokio::spawn(async move { request_loop(conn_id, state_2, t_read, tx).await; }); // Spawn a new task that loops to handle responses to the client let res_task = tokio::spawn(async move { response_loop(conn_id, t_write, rx).await }); // Spawn cleanup task that waits on our req & res tasks to complete let cleanup_task = tokio::spawn(async move { // Wait for both receiving and sending tasks to complete before marking // the connection as complete let _ = tokio::join!(req_task, res_task); state.lock().await.cleanup_connection(conn_id).await; if let Some(ct) = tracker.as_ref() { ct.lock().await.decrement(); } }); Ok(cleanup_task) } /// Repeatedly reads in new requests, processes them, and sends their responses to the /// response loop async fn request_loop( conn_id: usize, state: Arc>, mut transport: TransportReadHalf, tx: mpsc::Sender, ) where T: AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'static, U: Codec, { loop { match transport.receive::().await { Ok(Some(req)) => { debug!( " Received request of type{} {}", conn_id, if req.payload.len() > 1 { "s" } else { "" }, req.to_payload_type_string() ); if let Err(x) = handler::process(conn_id, Arc::clone(&state), req, tx.clone()).await { error!(" {}", conn_id, x); break; } } Ok(None) => { trace!(" Input from connection closed", conn_id); break; } Err(x) => { error!(" {}", conn_id, x); break; } } } // Properly close off any associated process' stdin given that we can't get new // requests to send more stdin to them state.lock().await.close_stdin_for_connection(conn_id); } /// Repeatedly sends responses out over the wire async fn response_loop( conn_id: usize, mut transport: TransportWriteHalf, mut rx: mpsc::Receiver, ) where T: AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin + 'static, U: Codec, { while let Some(res) = rx.recv().await { debug!( " Sending response of type{} {}", conn_id, if res.payload.len() > 1 { "s" } else { "" }, res.to_payload_type_string() ); if let Err(x) = transport.send(res).await { error!(" {}", conn_id, x); break; } } trace!(" Output to connection closed", conn_id); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{ data::{RequestData, ResponseData}, net::{InmemoryStream, PlainCodec}, }; use std::pin::Pin; #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn make_transport_stream() -> ( mpsc::Sender>, Pin> + Send>>, ) { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::>(1); let stream = futures::stream::unfold(rx, |mut rx| async move { rx.recv() |transport| (transport, rx)) }); (tx, Box::pin(stream)) } #[tokio::test] async fn wait_should_return_ok_when_all_inner_tasks_complete() { let (tx, stream) = make_transport_stream(); let server = DistantServer::initialize(stream, Default::default()); // Conclude all server tasks by closing out the listener drop(tx); let result = server.wait().await; assert!(result.is_ok(), "Unexpected result: {:?}", result); } #[tokio::test] async fn wait_should_return_error_when_server_aborted() { let (_tx, stream) = make_transport_stream(); let server = DistantServer::initialize(stream, Default::default()); server.abort(); match server.wait().await { Err(x) if x.is_cancelled() => {} x => panic!("Unexpected result: {:?}", x), } } #[tokio::test] async fn server_should_receive_requests_and_send_responses_to_appropriate_connections() { let (tx, stream) = make_transport_stream(); let _server = DistantServer::initialize(stream, Default::default()); // Send over a "connection" let (mut t1, t2) = Transport::make_pair(); tx.send(t2).await.unwrap(); // Send a request t1.send(Request::new( "test-tenant", vec![RequestData::SystemInfo {}], )) .await .unwrap(); // Get a response let res = t1.receive::().await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(res.payload.len() == 1, "Unexpected payload size"); assert!( matches!(res.payload[0], ResponseData::SystemInfo { .. }), "Unexpected response: {:?}", res.payload[0] ); } #[tokio::test] async fn server_should_shutdown_if_no_connections_after_shutdown_duration() { let (_tx, stream) = make_transport_stream(); let server = DistantServer::initialize( stream, DistantServerOptions { shutdown_after: Some(Duration::from_millis(50)), max_msg_capacity: 1, }, ); let result = server.wait().await; assert!(result.is_ok(), "Unexpected result: {:?}", result); } }