use std::future::Future; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::str::FromStr; use std::time::Duration; use std::{fmt, io}; use serde::de::{DeserializeOwned, Deserializer, Error as SerdeError, Visitor}; use serde::ser::Serializer; use serde::Serialize; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; pub fn serialize_to_vec(value: &T) -> io::Result> { rmp_serde::encode::to_vec_named(value) .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Serialize failed: {x}"))) } pub fn deserialize_from_slice(slice: &[u8]) -> io::Result { rmp_serde::decode::from_slice(slice).map_err(|x| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Deserialize failed: {x}"), ) }) } /// From pub fn deserialize_from_str<'de, D, T>(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, T: FromStr, T::Err: fmt::Display, { struct Helper(PhantomData); impl<'de, S> Visitor<'de> for Helper where S: FromStr, ::Err: fmt::Display, { type Value = S; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(formatter, "a string") } fn visit_str(self, value: &str) -> Result where E: SerdeError, { value.parse::().map_err(SerdeError::custom) } } deserializer.deserialize_str(Helper(PhantomData)) } /// From pub fn serialize_to_str(value: &T, serializer: S) -> Result where T: fmt::Display, S: Serializer, { serializer.collect_str(&value) } pub(crate) struct Timer where T: Send + 'static, { active_timer: Option>, callback: JoinHandle, duration: Duration, trigger: mpsc::Sender, } impl Timer where T: Send + 'static, { /// Create a new callback to trigger `future` that will be executed after `duration` is /// exceeded. The timer is not started yet until `start` is invoked pub fn new(duration: Duration, future: F) -> Self where F: Future + Send + 'static, { let (trigger, mut trigger_rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let callback = tokio::spawn(async move { trigger_rx.recv().await; future.await }); Self { active_timer: None, callback, duration, trigger, } } /// Starts the timer, re-starting the countdown if already running. If the callback has already /// been completed, this timer will not invoke it again; however, this will start the timer /// itself, which will wait the duration and then fail to trigger the callback pub fn start(&mut self) { // Cancel the active timer task self.stop(); self.active_timer = None; // Exit early if callback completed as starting will do nothing if self.callback.is_finished() { return; } // Create a new active timer task let duration = self.duration; let trigger = self.trigger.clone(); self.active_timer = Some(tokio::spawn(async move { tokio::time::sleep(duration).await; let _ = trigger.send(true).await; })); } /// Stops the timer, cancelling the internal task, but leaving the callback in place in case /// the timer is re-started later pub fn stop(&self) { if let Some(task) = self.active_timer.as_ref() { task.abort(); } } /// Returns true if the timer is actively running pub fn is_running(&self) -> bool { self.active_timer.is_some() && !self.active_timer.as_ref().unwrap().is_finished() } /// Aborts the timer's callback task and internal task to trigger the callback, which means /// that the timer will never complete the callback and starting will have no effect pub fn abort(&self) { self.stop(); self.callback.abort(); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; mod timer { use test_log::test; use super::*; #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_not_invoke_callback_regardless_of_time_if_not_started() { let timer = Timer::new(Duration::default(), async {}); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!( !timer.callback.is_finished(), "Callback completed unexpectedly" ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_not_invoke_callback_if_only_stop_called() { let timer = Timer::new(Duration::default(), async {}); timer.stop(); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!( !timer.callback.is_finished(), "Callback completed unexpectedly" ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_finish_callback_but_not_trigger_it_if_abort_called() { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let timer = Timer::new(Duration::default(), async move { let _ = tx.send(()).await; }); timer.abort(); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(timer.callback.is_finished(), "Callback not finished"); assert!(rx.try_recv().is_err(), "Callback triggered unexpectedly"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_trigger_callback_after_time_elapses_once_started() { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let mut timer = Timer::new(Duration::default(), async move { let _ = tx.send(()).await; }); timer.start(); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(timer.callback.is_finished(), "Callback not finished"); assert!(rx.try_recv().is_ok(), "Callback not triggered"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn should_trigger_callback_even_if_timer_dropped() { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let mut timer = Timer::new(Duration::default(), async move { let _ = tx.send(()).await; }); timer.start(); drop(timer); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(300)).await; assert!(rx.try_recv().is_ok(), "Callback not triggered"); } } }