use anyhow::Context; use distant_core::net::auth::Verifier; use distant_core::net::manager::{Config as ManagerConfig, ManagerServer, PROTOCOL_VERSION}; use distant_core::net::server::ServerRef; use log::*; use crate::constants::{global as global_paths, user as user_paths}; use crate::options::{AccessControl, NetworkSettings}; pub struct Manager { pub access: AccessControl, pub config: ManagerConfig, pub network: NetworkSettings, } impl Manager { /// Begin listening on the network interface specified within [`NetworkConfig`] pub async fn listen(self) -> anyhow::Result { let user = self.config.user; // Version we'll use to report compatibility in talking to the manager let version = PROTOCOL_VERSION; #[cfg(unix)] { use distant_core::net::common::UnixSocketListener; let socket_path ={ if user { user_paths::UNIX_SOCKET_PATH.as_path() } else { global_paths::UNIX_SOCKET_PATH.as_path() } }); debug!("Manager wants to use unix socket @ {:?}", socket_path); // Ensure that the path to the socket exists if let Some(parent) = socket_path.parent() { tokio::fs::create_dir_all(parent) .await .with_context(|| format!("Failed to create socket directory {parent:?}"))?; } let server = ManagerServer::new(self.config) .verifier(Verifier::none()) .version(version) .start( UnixSocketListener::bind_with_permissions(socket_path, self.access.into_mode()) .await?, ) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to start manager at socket {socket_path:?}"))?; info!("Manager listening using unix socket @ {:?}", socket_path); Ok(server) } #[cfg(windows)] { use distant_core::net::common::WindowsPipeListener; let pipe_name = user { user_paths::WINDOWS_PIPE_NAME.as_str() } else { global_paths::WINDOWS_PIPE_NAME.as_str() }); debug!("Manager wants to use windows pipe @ {:?}", pipe_name); let server = ManagerServer::new(self.config) .verifier(Verifier::none()) .version(version) .start(WindowsPipeListener::bind_local(pipe_name)?) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to start manager at pipe {pipe_name:?}"))?; info!("Manager listening using windows pipe @ {:?}", pipe_name); Ok(server) } } }