use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use anyhow::Context; use distant_core::net::auth::Verifier; use distant_core::net::common::{Host, SecretKey32, Version}; use distant_core::net::server::{Server, ServerConfig as NetServerConfig}; use distant_core::protocol::PROTOCOL_VERSION; use distant_core::DistantSingleKeyCredentials; use distant_local::{Config as LocalConfig, WatchConfig as LocalWatchConfig}; use log::*; use crate::options::ServerSubcommand; use crate::{CliError, CliResult}; pub fn run(cmd: ServerSubcommand) -> CliResult { match &cmd { ServerSubcommand::Listen { daemon, .. } if *daemon => run_daemon(cmd), ServerSubcommand::Listen { .. } => { let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().context("Failed to start up runtime")?; rt.block_on(async_run(cmd, false)) } } } #[cfg(windows)] fn run_daemon(_cmd: ServerSubcommand) -> CliResult { use std::ffi::OsString; use distant_core::net::common::{Listener, TransportExt, WindowsPipeListener}; use crate::cli::Spawner; let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().context("Failed to start up runtime")?; rt.block_on(async { let name = format!("distant_{}_{}", std::process::id(), rand::random::()); let mut listener = WindowsPipeListener::bind_local(name.as_str()) .with_context(|| "Failed to bind to local named pipe {name:?}")?; let pid = Spawner::spawn_running_background(vec![ OsString::from("--output-to-local-pipe"), OsString::from(name), ]) .context("Failed to spawn background process")?; println!("[distant server detached, pid = {}]", pid); // Wait to receive a connection from the above process let transport = listener .accept() .await .context("Failed to receive connection from background process to send credentials")?; // Get the credentials and print them let mut s = String::new(); let n = transport .read_to_string(&mut s) .await .context("Failed to receive credentials")?; if n == 0 { anyhow::bail!("No credentials received from spawned server"); } let credentials = s[..n] .trim() .parse::() .context("Failed to parse server credentials")?; println!("\r"); println!("{}", credentials); println!("\r"); io::stdout() .flush() .context("Failed to print server credentials")?; Ok(()) }) .map_err(CliError::Error) } #[cfg(unix)] fn run_daemon(cmd: ServerSubcommand) -> CliResult { use fork::{daemon, Fork}; // NOTE: We keep the stdin, stdout, stderr open so we can print out the pid with the parent debug!("Forking process"); match daemon(true, true) { Ok(Fork::Child) => { let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().context("Failed to start up runtime")?; rt.block_on(async { async_run(cmd, true).await })?; Ok(()) } Ok(Fork::Parent(pid)) => { println!("[distant server detached, pid = {pid}]"); if fork::close_fd().is_err() { Err(CliError::Error(anyhow::anyhow!("Fork failed to close fd"))) } else { Ok(()) } } Err(_) => Err(CliError::Error(anyhow::anyhow!("Fork failed"))), } } async fn async_run(cmd: ServerSubcommand, _is_forked: bool) -> CliResult { match cmd { #[allow(unused_variables)] ServerSubcommand::Listen { host, port, use_ipv6, shutdown, current_dir, watch, daemon: _, key_from_stdin, output_to_local_pipe, } => { let host = host.into_inner(); trace!("Starting server using unresolved host '{host}'"); let addr = host.resolve(use_ipv6).await?; // If specified, change the current working directory of this program if let Some(path) = current_dir { debug!("Setting current directory to {:?}", path); std::env::set_current_dir(path).context("Failed to set new current directory")?; } // Bind & start our server let key = if key_from_stdin { debug!("Reading secret key from stdin"); let mut buf = [0u8; 32]; io::stdin() .read_exact(&mut buf) .context("Failed to read secret key from stdin")?; SecretKey32::from(buf) } else { SecretKey32::default() }; let port = port.into_inner(); debug!( "Starting local API server, binding to {} {}", addr, if port.is_ephemeral() { format!("with port in range {port}") } else { "using an ephemeral port".to_string() } ); let handler = distant_local::new_handler(LocalConfig { watch: LocalWatchConfig { native: !watch.watch_polling, poll_interval:, compare_contents: watch.watch_compare_contents, debounce_timeout: watch.watch_debounce_timeout.into_inner().into(), debounce_tick_rate:, }, }) .context("Failed to create local distant api")?; let server = Server::tcp() .config(NetServerConfig { shutdown: shutdown.into_inner(), ..Default::default() }) .handler(handler) .verifier(Verifier::static_key(key.clone())) .version(Version::new( PROTOCOL_VERSION.major, PROTOCOL_VERSION.minor, PROTOCOL_VERSION.patch, )) .start(addr, port) .await .with_context(|| format!("Failed to start server @ {addr} with {port}"))?; let credentials = DistantSingleKeyCredentials { host: Host::from(addr), port: server.port(), key, username: None, }; info!( "Server listening at {}:{}",, credentials.port ); // Print information about port, key, etc. // NOTE: Following mosh approach of printing to make sure there's no garbage floating around #[cfg(not(windows))] { println!("\r"); println!("{credentials}"); println!("\r"); io::stdout() .flush() .context("Failed to print credentials")?; } #[cfg(windows)] if let Some(name) = output_to_local_pipe { use distant_core::net::common::{TransportExt, WindowsPipeTransport}; let transport = WindowsPipeTransport::connect_local(&name) .await .with_context(|| format!("Failed to connect to local pipe named {name:?}"))?; transport .write_all(credentials.to_string().as_bytes()) .await .context("Failed to send credentials through pipe")?; } else { println!("\r"); println!("{}", credentials); println!("\r"); io::stdout() .flush() .context("Failed to print credentials")?; } // For the child, we want to fully disconnect it from pipes, which we do now #[cfg(unix)] if _is_forked && fork::close_fd().is_err() { return Err(CliError::Error(anyhow::anyhow!("Fork failed to close fd"))); } // Let our server run to completion server.await.context("Failed to wait on server")?; info!("Server is shutting down"); } } Ok(()) }