use crate::{ utils, Auth, AuthErrorKind, AuthQuestion, AuthRequest, AuthResponse, AuthVerifyKind, Codec, Handshake, Server, ServerCtx, XChaCha20Poly1305Codec, }; use async_trait::async_trait; use bytes::BytesMut; use log::*; use std::{collections::HashMap, io}; use tokio::sync::RwLock; /// Type signature for a dynamic on_challenge function pub type AuthChallengeFn = dyn Fn(Vec, HashMap) -> Vec + Send + Sync; /// Type signature for a dynamic on_verify function pub type AuthVerifyFn = dyn Fn(AuthVerifyKind, String) -> bool + Send + Sync; /// Type signature for a dynamic on_info function pub type AuthInfoFn = dyn Fn(String) + Send + Sync; /// Type signature for a dynamic on_error function pub type AuthErrorFn = dyn Fn(AuthErrorKind, String) + Send + Sync; /// Represents an [`AuthServer`] where all handlers are stored on the heap pub type HeapAuthServer = AuthServer, Box, Box, Box>; /// Server that handles authentication pub struct AuthServer where ChallengeFn: Fn(Vec, HashMap) -> Vec + Send + Sync, VerifyFn: Fn(AuthVerifyKind, String) -> bool + Send + Sync, InfoFn: Fn(String) + Send + Sync, ErrorFn: Fn(AuthErrorKind, String) + Send + Sync, { pub on_challenge: ChallengeFn, pub on_verify: VerifyFn, pub on_info: InfoFn, pub on_error: ErrorFn, } #[async_trait] impl Server for AuthServer where ChallengeFn: Fn(Vec, HashMap) -> Vec + Send + Sync, VerifyFn: Fn(AuthVerifyKind, String) -> bool + Send + Sync, InfoFn: Fn(String) + Send + Sync, ErrorFn: Fn(AuthErrorKind, String) + Send + Sync, { type Request = Auth; type Response = Auth; type LocalData = RwLock>; async fn on_request(&self, ctx: ServerCtx) { let reply = ctx.reply.clone(); match ctx.request.payload { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => { trace!( "Received handshake request from client, request id = {}", ); let handshake = Handshake::default(); match handshake.handshake(public_key, salt) { Ok(key) => { ctx.local_data .write() .await .replace(XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key)); trace!( "Sending reciprocal handshake to client, response origin id = {}", ); if let Err(x) = reply .send(Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), }) .await { error!("[Conn {}] {}", ctx.connection_id, x); } } Err(x) => { error!("[Conn {}] {}", ctx.connection_id, x); return; } } } Auth::Msg { ref encrypted_payload, } => { trace!( "Received auth msg, encrypted payload size = {}", encrypted_payload.len() ); // Attempt to decrypt the message so we can understand what to do let request = match ctx.local_data.write().await.as_mut() { Some(codec) => { let mut payload = BytesMut::from(encrypted_payload.as_slice()); match codec.decode(&mut payload) { Ok(Some(payload)) => { utils::deserialize_from_slice::(&payload) } Ok(None) => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Incomplete message received", )), Err(x) => Err(x), } } None => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Handshake must be performed first (server decrypt message)", )), }; let response = match request { Ok(request) => match request { AuthRequest::Challenge { questions, options } => { trace!("Received challenge request"); trace!("questions = {:?}", questions); trace!("options = {:?}", options); let answers = (self.on_challenge)(questions, options); AuthResponse::Challenge { answers } } AuthRequest::Verify { kind, text } => { trace!("Received verify request"); trace!("kind = {:?}", kind); trace!("text = {:?}", text); let valid = (self.on_verify)(kind, text); AuthResponse::Verify { valid } } AuthRequest::Info { text } => { trace!("Received info request"); trace!("text = {:?}", text); (self.on_info)(text); return; } AuthRequest::Error { kind, text } => { trace!("Received error request"); trace!("kind = {:?}", kind); trace!("text = {:?}", text); (self.on_error)(kind, text); return; } }, Err(x) => { error!("[Conn {}] {}", ctx.connection_id, x); return; } }; // Serialize and encrypt the message before sending it back let encrypted_payload = match ctx.local_data.write().await.as_mut() { Some(codec) => { let mut encrypted_payload = BytesMut::new(); // Convert the response into bytes for us to send back match utils::serialize_to_vec(&response) { Ok(bytes) => match codec.encode(&bytes, &mut encrypted_payload) { Ok(_) => Ok(encrypted_payload.freeze().to_vec()), Err(x) => Err(x), }, Err(x) => Err(x), } } None => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Handshake must be performed first (server encrypt messaage)", )), }; match encrypted_payload { Ok(encrypted_payload) => { if let Err(x) = reply.send(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload }).await { error!("[Conn {}] {}", ctx.connection_id, x); return; } } Err(x) => { error!("[Conn {}] {}", ctx.connection_id, x); return; } } } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{ IntoSplit, MpscListener, MpscTransport, Request, Response, ServerExt, ServerRef, TypedAsyncRead, TypedAsyncWrite, }; use tokio::sync::mpsc; const TIMEOUT_MILLIS: u64 = 100; #[tokio::test] async fn should_not_reply_if_receive_encrypted_msg_without_handshake_first() { let (mut t, _) = spawn_auth_server( /* on_challenge */ |_, _| Vec::new(), /* on_verify */ |_, _| false, /* on_info */ |_| {}, /* on_error */ |_, _| {}, ) .await .expect("Failed to spawn server"); // Send an encrypted message before establishing a handshake t.write(Request::new(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: Vec::new(), })) .await .expect("Failed to send request to server"); // Wait for a response, failing if we get one tokio::select! { x = => panic!("Unexpectedly resolved: {:?}", x), _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => {} } } #[tokio::test] async fn should_reply_to_handshake_request_with_new_public_key_and_salt() { let (mut t, _) = spawn_auth_server( /* on_challenge */ |_, _| Vec::new(), /* on_verify */ |_, _| false, /* on_info */ |_| {}, /* on_error */ |_, _| {}, ) .await .expect("Failed to spawn server"); // Send a handshake let handshake = Handshake::default(); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), })) .await .expect("Failed to send request to server"); // Wait for a handshake response tokio::select! { x = => { let response = x.expect("Request failed").expect("Response missing"); match response.payload { Auth::Handshake { .. } => {}, Auth::Msg { .. } => panic!("Received unexpected encryped message during handshake"), } } _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => panic!("Ran out of time waiting on response"), } } #[tokio::test] async fn should_not_reply_if_receive_invalid_encrypted_msg() { let (mut t, _) = spawn_auth_server( /* on_challenge */ |_, _| Vec::new(), /* on_verify */ |_, _| false, /* on_info */ |_| {}, /* on_error */ |_, _| {}, ) .await .expect("Failed to spawn server"); // Send a handshake let handshake = Handshake::default(); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), })) .await .expect("Failed to send request to server"); // Complete handshake let key = match { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(), Auth::Msg { .. } => panic!("Received unexpected encryped message during handshake"), }; // Send a bad chunk of data let _codec = XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: vec![1, 2, 3, 4], })) .await .unwrap(); // Wait for a response, failing if we get one tokio::select! { x = => panic!("Unexpectedly resolved: {:?}", x), _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => {} } } #[tokio::test] async fn should_invoke_appropriate_function_when_receive_challenge_request_and_reply() { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (mut t, _) = spawn_auth_server( /* on_challenge */ move |questions, options| { tx.try_send((questions, options)).unwrap(); vec!["answer1".to_string(), "answer2".to_string()] }, /* on_verify */ |_, _| false, /* on_info */ |_| {}, /* on_error */ |_, _| {}, ) .await .expect("Failed to spawn server"); // Send a handshake let handshake = Handshake::default(); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), })) .await .expect("Failed to send request to server"); // Complete handshake let key = match { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(), Auth::Msg { .. } => panic!("Received unexpected encryped message during handshake"), }; // Send an error request let mut codec = XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: serialize_and_encrypt( &mut codec, &AuthRequest::Challenge { questions: vec![ AuthQuestion::new("question1".to_string()), AuthQuestion { text: "question2".to_string(), options: vec![("key".to_string(), "value".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), }, ], options: vec![("hello".to_string(), "world".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), }, ) .unwrap(), })) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that the handler was triggered let (questions, options) = rx.recv().await.expect("Channel closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!( questions, vec![ AuthQuestion::new("question1".to_string()), AuthQuestion { text: "question2".to_string(), options: vec![("key".to_string(), "value".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), } ] ); assert_eq!( options, vec![("hello".to_string(), "world".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect() ); // Wait for a response and verify that it matches what we expect tokio::select! { x = => { let response = x.expect("Request failed").expect("Response missing"); match response.payload { Auth::Handshake { .. } => panic!("Received unexpected handshake"), Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut codec, &encrypted_payload).unwrap() { AuthResponse::Challenge { answers } => assert_eq!( answers, vec!["answer1".to_string(), "answer2".to_string()] ), _ => panic!("Got wrong response for verify"), } }, } } _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => {} } } #[tokio::test] async fn should_invoke_appropriate_function_when_receive_verify_request_and_reply() { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (mut t, _) = spawn_auth_server( /* on_challenge */ |_, _| Vec::new(), /* on_verify */ move |kind, text| { tx.try_send((kind, text)).unwrap(); true }, /* on_info */ |_| {}, /* on_error */ |_, _| {}, ) .await .expect("Failed to spawn server"); // Send a handshake let handshake = Handshake::default(); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), })) .await .expect("Failed to send request to server"); // Complete handshake let key = match { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(), Auth::Msg { .. } => panic!("Received unexpected encryped message during handshake"), }; // Send an error request let mut codec = XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: serialize_and_encrypt( &mut codec, &AuthRequest::Verify { kind: AuthVerifyKind::Host, text: "some text".to_string(), }, ) .unwrap(), })) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that the handler was triggered let (kind, text) = rx.recv().await.expect("Channel closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!(kind, AuthVerifyKind::Host); assert_eq!(text, "some text"); // Wait for a response and verify that it matches what we expect tokio::select! { x = => { let response = x.expect("Request failed").expect("Response missing"); match response.payload { Auth::Handshake { .. } => panic!("Received unexpected handshake"), Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut codec, &encrypted_payload).unwrap() { AuthResponse::Verify { valid } => assert!(valid, "Got verify, but valid was wrong"), _ => panic!("Got wrong response for verify"), } }, } } _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => {} } } #[tokio::test] async fn should_invoke_appropriate_function_when_receive_info_request() { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (mut t, _) = spawn_auth_server( /* on_challenge */ |_, _| Vec::new(), /* on_verify */ |_, _| false, /* on_info */ move |text| { tx.try_send(text).unwrap(); }, /* on_error */ |_, _| {}, ) .await .expect("Failed to spawn server"); // Send a handshake let handshake = Handshake::default(); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), })) .await .expect("Failed to send request to server"); // Complete handshake let key = match { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(), Auth::Msg { .. } => panic!("Received unexpected encryped message during handshake"), }; // Send an error request let mut codec = XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: serialize_and_encrypt( &mut codec, &AuthRequest::Info { text: "some text".to_string(), }, ) .unwrap(), })) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that the handler was triggered let text = rx.recv().await.expect("Channel closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!(text, "some text"); // Wait for a response, failing if we get one tokio::select! { x = => panic!("Unexpectedly resolved: {:?}", x), _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => {} } } #[tokio::test] async fn should_invoke_appropriate_function_when_receive_error_request() { let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1); let (mut t, _) = spawn_auth_server( /* on_challenge */ |_, _| Vec::new(), /* on_verify */ |_, _| false, /* on_info */ |_| {}, /* on_error */ move |kind, text| { tx.try_send((kind, text)).unwrap(); }, ) .await .expect("Failed to spawn server"); // Send a handshake let handshake = Handshake::default(); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), })) .await .expect("Failed to send request to server"); // Complete handshake let key = match { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(), Auth::Msg { .. } => panic!("Received unexpected encryped message during handshake"), }; // Send an error request let mut codec = XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key); t.write(Request::new(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: serialize_and_encrypt( &mut codec, &AuthRequest::Error { kind: AuthErrorKind::FailedChallenge, text: "some text".to_string(), }, ) .unwrap(), })) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that the handler was triggered let (kind, text) = rx.recv().await.expect("Channel closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!(kind, AuthErrorKind::FailedChallenge); assert_eq!(text, "some text"); // Wait for a response, failing if we get one tokio::select! { x = => panic!("Unexpectedly resolved: {:?}", x), _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => {} } } async fn wait_ms(ms: u64) { use std::time::Duration; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(ms)).await; } fn serialize_and_encrypt( codec: &mut XChaCha20Poly1305Codec, payload: &AuthRequest, ) -> io::Result> { let mut encryped_payload = BytesMut::new(); let payload = utils::serialize_to_vec(payload)?; codec.encode(&payload, &mut encryped_payload)?; Ok(encryped_payload.freeze().to_vec()) } fn decrypt_and_deserialize( codec: &mut XChaCha20Poly1305Codec, payload: &[u8], ) -> io::Result { let mut payload = BytesMut::from(payload); match codec.decode(&mut payload)? { Some(payload) => utils::deserialize_from_slice::(&payload), None => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Incomplete message received", )), } } async fn spawn_auth_server( on_challenge: ChallengeFn, on_verify: VerifyFn, on_info: InfoFn, on_error: ErrorFn, ) -> io::Result<( MpscTransport, Response>, Box, )> where ChallengeFn: Fn(Vec, HashMap) -> Vec + Send + Sync + 'static, VerifyFn: Fn(AuthVerifyKind, String) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'static, InfoFn: Fn(String) + Send + Sync + 'static, ErrorFn: Fn(AuthErrorKind, String) + Send + Sync + 'static, { let server = AuthServer { on_challenge, on_verify, on_info, on_error, }; // Create a test listener where we will forward a connection let (tx, listener) = MpscListener::channel(100); // Make bounded transport pair and send off one of them to act as our connection let (transport, connection) = MpscTransport::, Response>::pair(100); tx.send(connection.into_split()) .await .expect("Failed to feed listener a connection"); let server = server.start(listener)?; Ok((transport, server)) } }