use crate::{ utils, Auth, AuthErrorKind, AuthQuestion, AuthRequest, AuthResponse, AuthVerifyKind, Client, Codec, Handshake, XChaCha20Poly1305Codec, }; use bytes::BytesMut; use log::*; use std::{collections::HashMap, io}; pub struct AuthClient { inner: Client, codec: Option, jit_handshake: bool, } impl From> for AuthClient { fn from(client: Client) -> Self { Self { inner: client, codec: None, jit_handshake: false, } } } impl AuthClient { /// Sends a request to the server to establish an encrypted connection pub async fn handshake(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { let handshake = Handshake::default(); let response = self .inner .send(Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), }) .await?; match response.payload { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => { let key = handshake.handshake(public_key, salt)?; self.codec.replace(XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key)); Ok(()) } Auth::Msg { .. } => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Got unexpected encrypted message during handshake", )), } } /// Perform a handshake only if jit is enabled and no handshake has succeeded yet async fn jit_handshake(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { if self.will_jit_handshake() && !self.is_ready() { self.handshake().await } else { Ok(()) } } /// Returns true if client has successfully performed a handshake /// and is ready to communicate with the server pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool { self.codec.is_some() } /// Returns true if this client will perform a handshake just-in-time (JIT) prior to making a /// request in the scenario where the client has not already performed a handshake #[inline] pub fn will_jit_handshake(&self) -> bool { self.jit_handshake } /// Sets the jit flag on this client with `true` indicating that this client will perform a /// handshake just-in-time (JIT) prior to making a request in the scenario where the client has /// not already performed a handshake #[inline] pub fn set_jit_handshake(&mut self, flag: bool) { self.jit_handshake = flag; } /// Provides a challenge to the server and returns the answers to the questions /// asked by the client pub async fn challenge( &mut self, questions: Vec, options: HashMap, ) -> io::Result> { trace!( "AuthClient::challenge(questions = {:?}, options = {:?})", questions, options ); // Perform JIT handshake if enabled self.jit_handshake().await?; let payload = AuthRequest::Challenge { questions, options }; let encrypted_payload = self.serialize_and_encrypt(&payload)?; let response = self.inner.send(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload }).await?; match response.payload { Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match self.decrypt_and_deserialize(&encrypted_payload)? { AuthResponse::Challenge { answers } => Ok(answers), AuthResponse::Verify { .. } => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Got unexpected verify response during challenge", )), } } Auth::Handshake { .. } => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Got unexpected handshake during challenge", )), } } /// Provides a verification request to the server and returns whether or not /// the server approved pub async fn verify(&mut self, kind: AuthVerifyKind, text: String) -> io::Result { trace!("AuthClient::verify(kind = {:?}, text = {:?})", kind, text); // Perform JIT handshake if enabled self.jit_handshake().await?; let payload = AuthRequest::Verify { kind, text }; let encrypted_payload = self.serialize_and_encrypt(&payload)?; let response = self.inner.send(Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload }).await?; match response.payload { Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match self.decrypt_and_deserialize(&encrypted_payload)? { AuthResponse::Verify { valid } => Ok(valid), AuthResponse::Challenge { .. } => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Got unexpected challenge response during verify", )), } } Auth::Handshake { .. } => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Got unexpected handshake during verify", )), } } /// Provides information to the server to use as it pleases with no response expected pub async fn info(&mut self, text: String) -> io::Result<()> { trace!("AuthClient::info(text = {:?})", text); // Perform JIT handshake if enabled self.jit_handshake().await?; let payload = AuthRequest::Info { text }; let encrypted_payload = self.serialize_and_encrypt(&payload)?; { encrypted_payload }).await } /// Provides an error to the server to use as it pleases with no response expected pub async fn error(&mut self, kind: AuthErrorKind, text: String) -> io::Result<()> { trace!("AuthClient::error(kind = {:?}, text = {:?})", kind, text); // Perform JIT handshake if enabled self.jit_handshake().await?; let payload = AuthRequest::Error { kind, text }; let encrypted_payload = self.serialize_and_encrypt(&payload)?; { encrypted_payload }).await } fn serialize_and_encrypt(&mut self, payload: &AuthRequest) -> io::Result> { let codec = self.codec.as_mut().ok_or_else(|| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Handshake must be performed first (client encrypt message)", ) })?; let mut encryped_payload = BytesMut::new(); let payload = utils::serialize_to_vec(payload)?; codec.encode(&payload, &mut encryped_payload)?; Ok(encryped_payload.freeze().to_vec()) } fn decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut self, payload: &[u8]) -> io::Result { let codec = self.codec.as_mut().ok_or_else(|| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "Handshake must be performed first (client decrypt message)", ) })?; let mut payload = BytesMut::from(payload); match codec.decode(&mut payload)? { Some(payload) => utils::deserialize_from_slice::(&payload), None => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Incomplete message received", )), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{Client, FramedTransport, Request, Response, TypedAsyncRead, TypedAsyncWrite}; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; const TIMEOUT_MILLIS: u64 = 100; #[tokio::test] async fn handshake_should_fail_if_get_unexpected_response_from_server() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client.handshake().await }); // Get the request, but send a bad response let request: Request =; match request.payload { Auth::Handshake { .. } => server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: Vec::new(), }, )) .await .unwrap(), _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), } let result = task.await.unwrap(); assert!(result.is_err(), "Handshake succeeded unexpectedly") } #[tokio::test] async fn challenge_should_fail_if_handshake_not_finished() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client.challenge(Vec::new(), HashMap::new()).await }); // Wait for a request, failing if we get one as the failure // should have prevented sending anything, but we should tokio::select! { x = TypedAsyncRead::>::read(&mut server) => { match x { Ok(Some(x)) => panic!("Unexpectedly resolved: {:?}", x), Ok(None) => {}, Err(x) => panic!("Unexpectedly failed on server side: {}", x), } }, _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => { panic!("Should have gotten server closure as part of client exit"); } } // Verify that we got an error with the method let result = task.await.unwrap(); assert!(result.is_err(), "Challenge succeeded unexpectedly") } #[tokio::test] async fn challenge_should_fail_if_receive_wrong_response() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client.handshake().await.unwrap(); client .challenge( vec![ AuthQuestion::new("question1".to_string()), AuthQuestion { text: "question2".to_string(), options: vec![("key2".to_string(), "value2".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), }, ], vec![("key".to_string(), "value".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), ) .await }); // Wait for a handshake request and set up our encryption codec let request: Request =; let mut codec = match request.payload { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => { let handshake = Handshake::default(); let key = handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(); server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key) } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Wait for a challenge request and send back wrong response let request: Request =; match request.payload { Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut codec, &encrypted_payload).unwrap() { AuthRequest::Challenge { .. } => { server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: serialize_and_encrypt( &mut codec, &AuthResponse::Verify { valid: true }, ) .unwrap(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); } _ => panic!("Server received wrong request type"), } } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Verify that we got an error with the method let result = task.await.unwrap(); assert!(result.is_err(), "Challenge succeeded unexpectedly") } #[tokio::test] async fn challenge_should_return_answers_received_from_server() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client.handshake().await.unwrap(); client .challenge( vec![ AuthQuestion::new("question1".to_string()), AuthQuestion { text: "question2".to_string(), options: vec![("key2".to_string(), "value2".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), }, ], vec![("key".to_string(), "value".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), ) .await }); // Wait for a handshake request and set up our encryption codec let request: Request =; let mut codec = match request.payload { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => { let handshake = Handshake::default(); let key = handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(); server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key) } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Wait for a challenge request and send back wrong response let request: Request =; match request.payload { Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut codec, &encrypted_payload).unwrap() { AuthRequest::Challenge { questions, options } => { assert_eq!( questions, vec![ AuthQuestion::new("question1".to_string()), AuthQuestion { text: "question2".to_string(), options: vec![("key2".to_string(), "value2".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), }, ], ); assert_eq!( options, vec![("key".to_string(), "value".to_string())] .into_iter() .collect(), ); server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: serialize_and_encrypt( &mut codec, &AuthResponse::Challenge { answers: vec![ "answer1".to_string(), "answer2".to_string(), ], }, ) .unwrap(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); } _ => panic!("Server received wrong request type"), } } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Verify that we got the right results let answers = task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(answers, vec!["answer1".to_string(), "answer2".to_string()]); } #[tokio::test] async fn verify_should_fail_if_handshake_not_finished() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client .verify(AuthVerifyKind::Host, "some text".to_string()) .await }); // Wait for a request, failing if we get one as the failure // should have prevented sending anything, but we should tokio::select! { x = TypedAsyncRead::>::read(&mut server) => { match x { Ok(Some(x)) => panic!("Unexpectedly resolved: {:?}", x), Ok(None) => {}, Err(x) => panic!("Unexpectedly failed on server side: {}", x), } }, _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => { panic!("Should have gotten server closure as part of client exit"); } } // Verify that we got an error with the method let result = task.await.unwrap(); assert!(result.is_err(), "Verify succeeded unexpectedly") } #[tokio::test] async fn verify_should_fail_if_receive_wrong_response() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client.handshake().await.unwrap(); client .verify(AuthVerifyKind::Host, "some text".to_string()) .await }); // Wait for a handshake request and set up our encryption codec let request: Request =; let mut codec = match request.payload { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => { let handshake = Handshake::default(); let key = handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(); server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key) } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Wait for a verify request and send back wrong response let request: Request =; match request.payload { Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut codec, &encrypted_payload).unwrap() { AuthRequest::Verify { .. } => { server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: serialize_and_encrypt( &mut codec, &AuthResponse::Challenge { answers: Vec::new(), }, ) .unwrap(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); } _ => panic!("Server received wrong request type"), } } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Verify that we got an error with the method let result = task.await.unwrap(); assert!(result.is_err(), "Verify succeeded unexpectedly") } #[tokio::test] async fn verify_should_return_valid_bool_received_from_server() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client.handshake().await.unwrap(); client .verify(AuthVerifyKind::Host, "some text".to_string()) .await }); // Wait for a handshake request and set up our encryption codec let request: Request =; let mut codec = match request.payload { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => { let handshake = Handshake::default(); let key = handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(); server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key) } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Wait for a challenge request and send back wrong response let request: Request =; match request.payload { Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut codec, &encrypted_payload).unwrap() { AuthRequest::Verify { kind, text } => { assert_eq!(kind, AuthVerifyKind::Host); assert_eq!(text, "some text"); server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload: serialize_and_encrypt( &mut codec, &AuthResponse::Verify { valid: true }, ) .unwrap(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); } _ => panic!("Server received wrong request type"), } } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Verify that we got the right results let valid = task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert!(valid, "Got verify response, but valid was set incorrectly"); } #[tokio::test] async fn info_should_fail_if_handshake_not_finished() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move {"some text".to_string()).await }); // Wait for a request, failing if we get one as the failure // should have prevented sending anything, but we should tokio::select! { x = TypedAsyncRead::>::read(&mut server) => { match x { Ok(Some(x)) => panic!("Unexpectedly resolved: {:?}", x), Ok(None) => {}, Err(x) => panic!("Unexpectedly failed on server side: {}", x), } }, _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => { panic!("Should have gotten server closure as part of client exit"); } } // Verify that we got an error with the method let result = task.await.unwrap(); assert!(result.is_err(), "Info succeeded unexpectedly") } #[tokio::test] async fn info_should_send_the_server_a_request_but_not_wait_for_a_response() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client.handshake().await.unwrap();"some text".to_string()).await }); // Wait for a handshake request and set up our encryption codec let request: Request =; let mut codec = match request.payload { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => { let handshake = Handshake::default(); let key = handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(); server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key) } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Wait for a request let request: Request =; match request.payload { Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut codec, &encrypted_payload).unwrap() { AuthRequest::Info { text } => { assert_eq!(text, "some text"); } _ => panic!("Server received wrong request type"), } } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Verify that we got the right results task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn error_should_fail_if_handshake_not_finished() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client .error(AuthErrorKind::FailedChallenge, "some text".to_string()) .await }); // Wait for a request, failing if we get one as the failure // should have prevented sending anything, but we should tokio::select! { x = TypedAsyncRead::>::read(&mut server) => { match x { Ok(Some(x)) => panic!("Unexpectedly resolved: {:?}", x), Ok(None) => {}, Err(x) => panic!("Unexpectedly failed on server side: {}", x), } }, _ = wait_ms(TIMEOUT_MILLIS) => { panic!("Should have gotten server closure as part of client exit"); } } // Verify that we got an error with the method let result = task.await.unwrap(); assert!(result.is_err(), "Error succeeded unexpectedly") } #[tokio::test] async fn error_should_send_the_server_a_request_but_not_wait_for_a_response() { let (t, mut server) = FramedTransport::make_test_pair(); let mut client = AuthClient::from(Client::from_framed_transport(t).unwrap()); // We start a separate task for the client to avoid blocking since // we also need to receive the client's request and respond let task = tokio::spawn(async move { client.handshake().await.unwrap(); client .error(AuthErrorKind::FailedChallenge, "some text".to_string()) .await }); // Wait for a handshake request and set up our encryption codec let request: Request =; let mut codec = match request.payload { Auth::Handshake { public_key, salt } => { let handshake = Handshake::default(); let key = handshake.handshake(public_key, salt).unwrap(); server .write(Response::new(, Auth::Handshake { public_key: handshake.pk_bytes(), salt: *handshake.salt(), }, )) .await .unwrap(); XChaCha20Poly1305Codec::new(&key) } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Wait for a request let request: Request =; match request.payload { Auth::Msg { encrypted_payload } => { match decrypt_and_deserialize(&mut codec, &encrypted_payload).unwrap() { AuthRequest::Error { kind, text } => { assert_eq!(kind, AuthErrorKind::FailedChallenge); assert_eq!(text, "some text"); } _ => panic!("Server received wrong request type"), } } _ => panic!("Server received unexpected payload"), }; // Verify that we got the right results task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); } async fn wait_ms(ms: u64) { use std::time::Duration; tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(ms)).await; } fn serialize_and_encrypt( codec: &mut XChaCha20Poly1305Codec, payload: &T, ) -> io::Result> { let mut encryped_payload = BytesMut::new(); let payload = utils::serialize_to_vec(payload)?; codec.encode(&payload, &mut encryped_payload)?; Ok(encryped_payload.freeze().to_vec()) } fn decrypt_and_deserialize( codec: &mut XChaCha20Poly1305Codec, payload: &[u8], ) -> io::Result { let mut payload = BytesMut::from(payload); match codec.decode(&mut payload)? { Some(payload) => utils::deserialize_from_slice::(&payload), None => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Incomplete message received", )), } } }