use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::SystemTime; use std::{env, io}; use async_trait::async_trait; use distant_core::protocol::{ Capabilities, ChangeKind, ChangeKindSet, DirEntry, Environment, FileType, Metadata, Permissions, ProcessId, PtySize, SearchId, SearchQuery, SetPermissionsOptions, SystemInfo, Version, PROTOCOL_VERSION, }; use distant_core::{DistantApi, DistantCtx}; use ignore::{DirEntry as WalkDirEntry, WalkBuilder}; use log::*; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use walkdir::WalkDir; use crate::config::Config; mod process; mod state; use state::*; /// Represents an implementation of [`DistantApi`] that works with the local machine /// where the server using this api is running. In other words, this is a direct /// impementation of the API instead of a proxy to another machine as seen with /// implementations on top of SSH and other protocol. pub struct Api { state: GlobalState, } impl Api { /// Initialize the api instance pub fn initialize(config: Config) -> io::Result { Ok(Self { state: GlobalState::initialize(config)?, }) } } #[async_trait] impl DistantApi for Api { type LocalData = (); async fn read_file( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, ) -> io::Result> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Reading bytes from file {:?}", ctx.connection_id, path ); tokio::fs::read(path).await } async fn read_file_text( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, ) -> io::Result { debug!( "[Conn {}] Reading text from file {:?}", ctx.connection_id, path ); tokio::fs::read_to_string(path).await } async fn write_file( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, data: Vec, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Writing bytes to file {:?}", ctx.connection_id, path ); tokio::fs::write(path, data).await } async fn write_file_text( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, data: String, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Writing text to file {:?}", ctx.connection_id, path ); tokio::fs::write(path, data).await } async fn append_file( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, data: Vec, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Appending bytes to file {:?}", ctx.connection_id, path ); let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(path) .await?; file.write_all(data.as_ref()).await } async fn append_file_text( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, data: String, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Appending text to file {:?}", ctx.connection_id, path ); let mut file = tokio::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(path) .await?; file.write_all(data.as_ref()).await } async fn read_dir( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, depth: usize, absolute: bool, canonicalize: bool, include_root: bool, ) -> io::Result<(Vec, Vec)> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Reading directory {:?} {{depth: {}, absolute: {}, canonicalize: {}, include_root: {}}}", ctx.connection_id, path, depth, absolute, canonicalize, include_root ); // Canonicalize our provided path to ensure that it is exists, not a loop, and absolute let root_path = tokio::fs::canonicalize(path).await?; // Traverse, but don't include root directory in entries (hence min depth 1), unless indicated // to do so (min depth 0) let dir = WalkDir::new(root_path.as_path()) .min_depth(usize::from(!include_root)) .sort_by_file_name(); // If depth > 0, will recursively traverse to specified max depth, otherwise // performs infinite traversal let dir = if depth > 0 { dir.max_depth(depth) } else { dir }; // Determine our entries and errors let mut entries = Vec::new(); let mut errors = Vec::new(); #[inline] fn map_file_type(ft: std::fs::FileType) -> FileType { if ft.is_dir() { FileType::Dir } else if ft.is_file() { FileType::File } else { FileType::Symlink } } for entry in dir { match entry.map_err(io::Error::from) { // For entries within the root, we want to transform the path based on flags Ok(e) if e.depth() > 0 => { // Canonicalize the path if specified, otherwise just return // the path as is let mut path = if canonicalize { match tokio::fs::canonicalize(e.path()).await { Ok(path) => path, Err(x) => { errors.push(x); continue; } } } else { e.path().to_path_buf() }; // Strip the path of its prefix based if not flagged as absolute if !absolute { // NOTE: In the situation where we canonicalized the path earlier, // there is no guarantee that our root path is still the // parent of the symlink's destination; so, in that case we MUST just // return the path if the strip_prefix fails path = path .strip_prefix(root_path.as_path()) .map(Path::to_path_buf) .unwrap_or(path); }; entries.push(DirEntry { path, file_type: map_file_type(e.file_type()), depth: e.depth(), }); } // For the root, we just want to echo back the entry as is Ok(e) => { entries.push(DirEntry { path: e.path().to_path_buf(), file_type: map_file_type(e.file_type()), depth: e.depth(), }); } Err(x) => errors.push(x), } } Ok((entries, errors)) } async fn create_dir( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, all: bool, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Creating directory {:?} {{all: {}}}", ctx.connection_id, path, all ); if all { tokio::fs::create_dir_all(path).await } else { tokio::fs::create_dir(path).await } } async fn remove( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, force: bool, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Removing {:?} {{force: {}}}", ctx.connection_id, path, force ); let path_metadata = tokio::fs::metadata(path.as_path()).await?; if path_metadata.is_dir() { if force { tokio::fs::remove_dir_all(path).await } else { tokio::fs::remove_dir(path).await } } else { tokio::fs::remove_file(path).await } } async fn copy( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, src: PathBuf, dst: PathBuf, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Copying {:?} to {:?}", ctx.connection_id, src, dst ); let src_metadata = tokio::fs::metadata(src.as_path()).await?; if src_metadata.is_dir() { // Create the destination directory first, regardless of if anything // is in the source directory tokio::fs::create_dir_all(dst.as_path()).await?; for entry in WalkDir::new(src.as_path()) .min_depth(1) .follow_links(false) .into_iter() .filter_entry(|e| { e.file_type().is_file() || e.file_type().is_dir() || e.path_is_symlink() }) { let entry = entry?; // Get unique portion of path relative to src // NOTE: Because we are traversing files that are all within src, this // should always succeed let local_src = entry.path().strip_prefix(src.as_path()).unwrap(); // Get the file without any directories let local_src_file_name = local_src.file_name().unwrap(); // Get the directory housing the file // NOTE: Because we enforce files/symlinks, there will always be a parent let local_src_dir = local_src.parent().unwrap(); // Map out the path to the destination let dst_parent_dir = dst.join(local_src_dir); // Create the destination directory for the file when copying tokio::fs::create_dir_all(dst_parent_dir.as_path()).await?; let dst_path = dst_parent_dir.join(local_src_file_name); // Perform copying from entry to destination (if a file/symlink) if !entry.file_type().is_dir() { tokio::fs::copy(entry.path(), dst_path).await?; // Otherwise, if a directory, create it } else { tokio::fs::create_dir(dst_path).await?; } } } else { tokio::fs::copy(src, dst).await?; } Ok(()) } async fn rename( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, src: PathBuf, dst: PathBuf, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Renaming {:?} to {:?}", ctx.connection_id, src, dst ); tokio::fs::rename(src, dst).await } async fn watch( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, recursive: bool, only: Vec, except: Vec, ) -> io::Result<()> { let only = only.into_iter().collect::(); let except = except.into_iter().collect::(); debug!( "[Conn {}] Watching {:?} {{recursive: {}, only: {}, except: {}}}", ctx.connection_id, path, recursive, only, except ); let path = RegisteredPath::register( ctx.connection_id, path.as_path(), recursive, only, except, ctx.reply, ) .await?;; Ok(()) } async fn unwatch(&self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf) -> io::Result<()> { debug!("[Conn {}] Unwatching {:?}", ctx.connection_id, path); self.state .watcher .unwatch(ctx.connection_id, path.as_path()) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn exists(&self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf) -> io::Result { debug!("[Conn {}] Checking if {:?} exists", ctx.connection_id, path); // Following experimental `std::fs::try_exists`, which checks the error kind of the // metadata lookup to see if it is not found and filters accordingly match tokio::fs::metadata(path.as_path()).await { Ok(_) => Ok(true), Err(x) if x.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(false), Err(x) => return Err(x), } } async fn metadata( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, canonicalize: bool, resolve_file_type: bool, ) -> io::Result { debug!( "[Conn {}] Reading metadata for {:?} {{canonicalize: {}, resolve_file_type: {}}}", ctx.connection_id, path, canonicalize, resolve_file_type ); let metadata = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(path.as_path()).await?; let canonicalized_path = if canonicalize { Some(tokio::fs::canonicalize(path.as_path()).await?) } else { None }; // If asking for resolved file type and current type is symlink, then we want to refresh // our metadata to get the filetype for the resolved link let file_type = if resolve_file_type && metadata.file_type().is_symlink() { tokio::fs::metadata(path).await?.file_type() } else { metadata.file_type() }; Ok(Metadata { canonicalized_path, accessed: metadata .accessed() .ok() .and_then(|t| t.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).ok()) .map(|d| d.as_secs()), created: metadata .created() .ok() .and_then(|t| t.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).ok()) .map(|d| d.as_secs()), modified: metadata .modified() .ok() .and_then(|t| t.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).ok()) .map(|d| d.as_secs()), len: metadata.len(), readonly: metadata.permissions().readonly(), file_type: if file_type.is_dir() { FileType::Dir } else if file_type.is_file() { FileType::File } else { FileType::Symlink }, #[cfg(unix)] unix: Some({ use std::os::unix::prelude::*; let mode = metadata.mode(); distant_core::protocol::UnixMetadata::from(mode) }), #[cfg(not(unix))] unix: None, #[cfg(windows)] windows: Some({ use std::os::windows::prelude::*; let attributes = metadata.file_attributes(); distant_core::protocol::WindowsMetadata::from(attributes) }), #[cfg(not(windows))] windows: None, }) } async fn set_permissions( &self, _ctx: DistantCtx, path: PathBuf, permissions: Permissions, options: SetPermissionsOptions, ) -> io::Result<()> { /// Builds permissions from the metadata of `entry`, failing if metadata was unavailable. fn build_permissions( entry: &WalkDirEntry, permissions: &Permissions, ) -> io::Result { // Load up our std permissions so we can modify them let mut std_permissions = entry .metadata() .map_err(|x| match x.io_error() { Some(x) => io::Error::new(x.kind(), format!("(Read permissions failed) {x}")), None => io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("(Read permissions failed) {x}"), ), })? .permissions(); // Apply the readonly flag for all platforms if let Some(readonly) = permissions.is_readonly() { std_permissions.set_readonly(readonly); } // On Unix platforms, we can apply a bitset change #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::prelude::*; let mut current = Permissions::from(std_permissions.clone()); current.apply_from(permissions); std_permissions.set_mode(current.to_unix_mode()); } Ok(std_permissions) } async fn set_permissions_impl( entry: &WalkDirEntry, permissions: &Permissions, ) -> io::Result<()> { let permissions = match permissions.is_complete() { // If we are on a Unix platform and we have a full permission set, we do not need // to retrieve the permissions to modify them and can instead produce a new // permission set purely from the permissions #[cfg(unix)] true => std::fs::Permissions::from(*permissions), // Otherwise, we have to load in the permissions from metadata and merge with our // changes _ => build_permissions(entry, permissions)?, }; if log_enabled!(Level::Trace) { let mut output = String::new(); output.push_str("readonly = "); output.push_str(if permissions.readonly() { "true" } else { "false" }); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::prelude::*; output.push_str(&format!(", mode = {:#o}", permissions.mode())); } trace!("Setting {:?} permissions to ({})", entry.path(), output); } tokio::fs::set_permissions(entry.path(), permissions) .await .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(x.kind(), format!("(Set permissions failed) {x}"))) } // NOTE: On Unix platforms, setting permissions would automatically resolve the symlink, // but on Windows this is not the case. So, on Windows, we need to resolve our path by // following the symlink prior to feeding it to the walk builder because it does not appear // to resolve the symlink itself. // // We do this by canonicalizing the path if following symlinks is enabled. let path = if options.follow_symlinks { tokio::fs::canonicalize(path).await? } else { path }; let walk = WalkBuilder::new(path) .follow_links(options.follow_symlinks) .max_depth(if options.recursive { None } else { Some(0) }) .standard_filters(false) .skip_stdout(true) .build(); // Process as much as possible and then fail with an error let mut errors = Vec::new(); for entry in walk { match entry { Ok(entry) if entry.path_is_symlink() && options.exclude_symlinks => {} Ok(entry) => { if let Err(x) = set_permissions_impl(&entry, &permissions).await { errors.push(format!("{:?}: {x}", entry.path())); } } Err(x) => { errors.push(x.to_string()); } } } if errors.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, errors .into_iter() .map(|x| format!("* {x}")) .collect::>() .join("\n"), )) } } async fn search( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, query: SearchQuery, ) -> io::Result { debug!( "[Conn {}] Performing search via {query:?}", ctx.connection_id, );, ctx.reply).await } async fn cancel_search( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, id: SearchId, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!("[Conn {}] Cancelling search {id}", ctx.connection_id,); } async fn proc_spawn( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, cmd: String, environment: Environment, current_dir: Option, pty: Option, ) -> io::Result { debug!( "[Conn {}] Spawning {} {{environment: {:?}, current_dir: {:?}, pty: {:?}}}", ctx.connection_id, cmd, environment, current_dir, pty ); self.state .process .spawn(cmd, environment, current_dir, pty, ctx.reply) .await } async fn proc_kill(&self, ctx: DistantCtx, id: ProcessId) -> io::Result<()> { debug!("[Conn {}] Killing process {}", ctx.connection_id, id); self.state.process.kill(id).await } async fn proc_stdin( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, id: ProcessId, data: Vec, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Sending stdin to process {}", ctx.connection_id, id ); self.state.process.send_stdin(id, data).await } async fn proc_resize_pty( &self, ctx: DistantCtx, id: ProcessId, size: PtySize, ) -> io::Result<()> { debug!( "[Conn {}] Resizing pty of process {} to {}", ctx.connection_id, id, size ); self.state.process.resize_pty(id, size).await } async fn system_info(&self, ctx: DistantCtx) -> io::Result { debug!("[Conn {}] Reading system information", ctx.connection_id); Ok(SystemInfo { family: env::consts::FAMILY.to_string(), os: env::consts::OS.to_string(), arch: env::consts::ARCH.to_string(), current_dir: env::current_dir().unwrap_or_default(), main_separator: std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, username: whoami::username(), shell: if cfg!(windows) { env::var("ComSpec").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("cmd.exe")) } else { env::var("SHELL").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("/bin/sh")) }, }) } async fn version(&self, ctx: DistantCtx) -> io::Result { debug!("[Conn {}] Querying version", ctx.connection_id); Ok(Version { server_version: format!("{} {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")), protocol_version: PROTOCOL_VERSION, capabilities: Capabilities::all(), }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use distant_core::net::server::{ConnectionCtx, Reply}; use distant_core::protocol::Response; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use predicates::prelude::*; use test_log::test; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use super::*; use crate::config::WatchConfig; static TEMP_SCRIPT_DIR: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap()); static SCRIPT_RUNNER: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| String::from("bash")); static ECHO_ARGS_TO_STDOUT_SH: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let script = TEMP_SCRIPT_DIR.child(""); script .write_str(indoc::indoc!( r#" #/usr/bin/env bash printf "%s" "$*" "# )) .unwrap(); script }); static ECHO_ARGS_TO_STDERR_SH: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let script = TEMP_SCRIPT_DIR.child(""); script .write_str(indoc::indoc!( r#" #/usr/bin/env bash printf "%s" "$*" 1>&2 "# )) .unwrap(); script }); static ECHO_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_SH: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let script = TEMP_SCRIPT_DIR.child(""); script .write_str(indoc::indoc!( r#" #/usr/bin/env bash while IFS= read; do echo "$REPLY"; done "# )) .unwrap(); script }); static SLEEP_SH: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let script = TEMP_SCRIPT_DIR.child(""); script .write_str(indoc::indoc!( r#" #!/usr/bin/env bash sleep "$1" "# )) .unwrap(); script }); static DOES_NOT_EXIST_BIN: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| TEMP_SCRIPT_DIR.child("does_not_exist_bin")); const DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100); async fn setup(buffer: usize) -> (Api, DistantCtx<()>, mpsc::Receiver) { let api = Api::initialize(Config { watch: WatchConfig { debounce_timeout: DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, ..Default::default() }, }) .unwrap(); let (reply, rx) = make_reply(buffer); let connection_id = rand::random(); DistantApi::on_accept( &api, ConnectionCtx { connection_id, local_data: &mut (), }, ) .await .unwrap(); let ctx = DistantCtx { connection_id, reply, local_data: Arc::new(()), }; (api, ctx, rx) } fn make_reply(buffer: usize) -> (Box>, mpsc::Receiver) { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(buffer); (Box::new(tx), rx) } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn read_file_should_fail_if_file_missing() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let path = temp.child("missing-file").path().to_path_buf(); let _ = api.read_file(ctx, path).await.unwrap_err(); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn read_file_should_send_blob_with_file_contents() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); file.write_str("some file contents").unwrap(); let bytes = api.read_file(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf()).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes, b"some file contents"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn read_file_text_should_send_error_if_fails_to_read_file() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let path = temp.child("missing-file").path().to_path_buf(); let _ = api.read_file_text(ctx, path).await.unwrap_err(); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn read_file_text_should_send_text_with_file_contents() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); file.write_str("some file contents").unwrap(); let text = api .read_file_text(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(text, "some file contents"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn write_file_should_send_error_if_fails_to_write_file() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create a temporary path and add to it to ensure that there are // extra components that don't exist to cause writing to fail let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("dir").child("test-file"); let _ = api .write_file(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), b"some text".to_vec()) .await .unwrap_err(); // Also verify that we didn't actually create the file file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn write_file_should_send_ok_when_successful() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Path should point to a file that does not exist, but all // other components leading up to it do let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); api.write_file(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), b"some text".to_vec()) .await .unwrap(); // Also verify that we actually did create the file // with the associated contents file.assert("some text"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn write_file_text_should_send_error_if_fails_to_write_file() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create a temporary path and add to it to ensure that there are // extra components that don't exist to cause writing to fail let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("dir").child("test-file"); api.write_file_text(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), "some text".to_string()) .await .unwrap_err(); // Also verify that we didn't actually create the file file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn write_file_text_should_send_ok_when_successful() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Path should point to a file that does not exist, but all // other components leading up to it do let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); api.write_file_text(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), "some text".to_string()) .await .unwrap(); // Also verify that we actually did create the file // with the associated contents file.assert("some text"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn append_file_should_send_error_if_fails_to_create_file() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create a temporary path and add to it to ensure that there are // extra components that don't exist to cause writing to fail let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("dir").child("test-file"); api.append_file( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), b"some extra contents".to_vec(), ) .await .unwrap_err(); // Also verify that we didn't actually create the file file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn append_file_should_create_file_if_missing() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Don't create the file directly, but define path // where the file should be let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); api.append_file( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), b"some extra contents".to_vec(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Yield to allow chance to finish appending to file tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)).await; // Also verify that we actually did create to the file file.assert("some extra contents"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn append_file_should_send_ok_when_successful() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create a temporary file and fill it with some contents let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); file.write_str("some file contents").unwrap(); api.append_file( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), b"some extra contents".to_vec(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Yield to allow chance to finish appending to file tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)).await; // Also verify that we actually did append to the file file.assert("some file contentssome extra contents"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn append_file_text_should_send_error_if_fails_to_create_file() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create a temporary path and add to it to ensure that there are // extra components that don't exist to cause writing to fail let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("dir").child("test-file"); let _ = api .append_file_text( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), "some extra contents".to_string(), ) .await .unwrap_err(); // Also verify that we didn't actually create the file file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn append_file_text_should_create_file_if_missing() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Don't create the file directly, but define path // where the file should be let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); api.append_file_text( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), "some extra contents".to_string(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Yield to allow chance to finish appending to file tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)).await; // Also verify that we actually did create to the file file.assert("some extra contents"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn append_file_text_should_send_ok_when_successful() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create a temporary file and fill it with some contents let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("test-file"); file.write_str("some file contents").unwrap(); api.append_file_text( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), "some extra contents".to_string(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Yield to allow chance to finish appending to file tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(50)).await; // Also verify that we actually did append to the file file.assert("some file contentssome extra contents"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn dir_read_should_send_error_if_directory_does_not_exist() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("test-dir"); let _ = api .read_dir( ctx, dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* depth */ 0, /* absolute */ false, /* canonicalize */ false, /* include_root */ false, ) .await .unwrap_err(); } // /root/ // /root/file1 // /root/link1 -> /root/sub1/file2 // /root/sub1/ // /root/sub1/file2 async fn setup_dir() -> assert_fs::TempDir { let root_dir = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); root_dir.child("file1").touch().unwrap(); let sub1 = root_dir.child("sub1"); sub1.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let file2 = sub1.child("file2"); file2.touch().unwrap(); let link1 = root_dir.child("link1"); link1.symlink_to_file(file2.path()).unwrap(); root_dir } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn dir_read_should_support_depth_limits() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create directory with some nested items let root_dir = setup_dir().await; let (entries, _) = api .read_dir( ctx, root_dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* depth */ 1, /* absolute */ false, /* canonicalize */ false, /* include_root */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 3, "Wrong number of entries found"); assert_eq!(entries[0].file_type, FileType::File); assert_eq!(entries[0].path, Path::new("file1")); assert_eq!(entries[0].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[1].file_type, FileType::Symlink); assert_eq!(entries[1].path, Path::new("link1")); assert_eq!(entries[1].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[2].file_type, FileType::Dir); assert_eq!(entries[2].path, Path::new("sub1")); assert_eq!(entries[2].depth, 1); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn dir_read_should_support_unlimited_depth_using_zero() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create directory with some nested items let root_dir = setup_dir().await; let (entries, _) = api .read_dir( ctx, root_dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* depth */ 0, /* absolute */ false, /* canonicalize */ false, /* include_root */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 4, "Wrong number of entries found"); assert_eq!(entries[0].file_type, FileType::File); assert_eq!(entries[0].path, Path::new("file1")); assert_eq!(entries[0].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[1].file_type, FileType::Symlink); assert_eq!(entries[1].path, Path::new("link1")); assert_eq!(entries[1].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[2].file_type, FileType::Dir); assert_eq!(entries[2].path, Path::new("sub1")); assert_eq!(entries[2].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[3].file_type, FileType::File); assert_eq!(entries[3].path, Path::new("sub1").join("file2")); assert_eq!(entries[3].depth, 2); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn dir_read_should_support_including_directory_in_returned_entries() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create directory with some nested items let root_dir = setup_dir().await; let (entries, _) = api .read_dir( ctx, root_dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* depth */ 1, /* absolute */ false, /* canonicalize */ false, /* include_root */ true, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 4, "Wrong number of entries found"); // NOTE: Root entry is always absolute, resolved path assert_eq!(entries[0].file_type, FileType::Dir); assert_eq!(entries[0].path, root_dir.path().canonicalize().unwrap()); assert_eq!(entries[0].depth, 0); assert_eq!(entries[1].file_type, FileType::File); assert_eq!(entries[1].path, Path::new("file1")); assert_eq!(entries[1].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[2].file_type, FileType::Symlink); assert_eq!(entries[2].path, Path::new("link1")); assert_eq!(entries[2].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[3].file_type, FileType::Dir); assert_eq!(entries[3].path, Path::new("sub1")); assert_eq!(entries[3].depth, 1); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn dir_read_should_support_returning_absolute_paths() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create directory with some nested items let root_dir = setup_dir().await; let (entries, _) = api .read_dir( ctx, root_dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* depth */ 1, /* absolute */ true, /* canonicalize */ false, /* include_root */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 3, "Wrong number of entries found"); let root_path = root_dir.path().canonicalize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries[0].file_type, FileType::File); assert_eq!(entries[0].path, root_path.join("file1")); assert_eq!(entries[0].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[1].file_type, FileType::Symlink); assert_eq!(entries[1].path, root_path.join("link1")); assert_eq!(entries[1].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[2].file_type, FileType::Dir); assert_eq!(entries[2].path, root_path.join("sub1")); assert_eq!(entries[2].depth, 1); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn dir_read_should_support_returning_canonicalized_paths() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Create directory with some nested items let root_dir = setup_dir().await; let (entries, _) = api .read_dir( ctx, root_dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* depth */ 1, /* absolute */ false, /* canonicalize */ true, /* include_root */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(entries.len(), 3, "Wrong number of entries found"); assert_eq!(entries[0].file_type, FileType::File); assert_eq!(entries[0].path, Path::new("file1")); assert_eq!(entries[0].depth, 1); // Symlink should be resolved from $ROOT/link1 -> $ROOT/sub1/file2 assert_eq!(entries[1].file_type, FileType::Symlink); assert_eq!(entries[1].path, Path::new("sub1").join("file2")); assert_eq!(entries[1].depth, 1); assert_eq!(entries[2].file_type, FileType::Dir); assert_eq!(entries[2].path, Path::new("sub1")); assert_eq!(entries[2].depth, 1); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn create_dir_should_send_error_if_fails() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Make a path that has multiple non-existent components // so the creation will fail let root_dir = setup_dir().await; let path = root_dir.path().join("nested").join("new-dir"); let _ = api .create_dir(ctx, path.to_path_buf(), /* all */ false) .await .unwrap_err(); // Also verify that the directory was not actually created assert!(!path.exists(), "Path unexpectedly exists"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn create_dir_should_send_ok_when_successful() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let root_dir = setup_dir().await; let path = root_dir.path().join("new-dir"); api.create_dir(ctx, path.to_path_buf(), /* all */ false) .await .unwrap(); // Also verify that the directory was actually created assert!(path.exists(), "Directory not created"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn create_dir_should_support_creating_multiple_dir_components() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let root_dir = setup_dir().await; let path = root_dir.path().join("nested").join("new-dir"); api.create_dir(ctx, path.to_path_buf(), /* all */ true) .await .unwrap(); // Also verify that the directory was actually created assert!(path.exists(), "Directory not created"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn remove_should_send_error_on_failure() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("missing-file"); let _ = api .remove(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), /* false */ false) .await .unwrap_err(); // Also, verify that path does not exist file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn remove_should_support_deleting_a_directory() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); api.remove(ctx, dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* false */ false) .await .unwrap(); // Also, verify that path does not exist dir.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn remove_should_delete_nonempty_directory_if_force_is_true() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); dir.child("file").touch().unwrap(); api.remove(ctx, dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* false */ true) .await .unwrap(); // Also, verify that path does not exist dir.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn remove_should_support_deleting_a_single_file() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("some-file"); file.touch().unwrap(); api.remove(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), /* false */ false) .await .unwrap(); // Also, verify that path does not exist file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn copy_should_send_error_on_failure() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let src = temp.child("src"); let dst = temp.child("dst"); let _ = api .copy(ctx, src.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap_err(); // Also, verify that destination does not exist dst.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn copy_should_support_copying_an_entire_directory() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let src = temp.child("src"); src.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let src_file = src.child("file"); src_file.write_str("some contents").unwrap(); let dst = temp.child("dst"); let dst_file = dst.child("file"); api.copy(ctx, src.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that we have source and destination directories and associated contents src.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); src_file.assert(predicate::path::is_file()); dst.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); dst_file.assert(predicate::path::eq_file(src_file.path())); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn copy_should_support_copying_an_empty_directory() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let src = temp.child("src"); src.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let dst = temp.child("dst"); api.copy(ctx, src.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that we still have source and destination directories src.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); dst.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn copy_should_support_copying_a_directory_that_only_contains_directories() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let src = temp.child("src"); src.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let src_dir = src.child("dir"); src_dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let dst = temp.child("dst"); let dst_dir = dst.child("dir"); api.copy(ctx, src.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that we have source and destination directories and associated contents src.assert(predicate::path::is_dir().name("src")); src_dir.assert(predicate::path::is_dir().name("src/dir")); dst.assert(predicate::path::is_dir().name("dst")); dst_dir.assert(predicate::path::is_dir().name("dst/dir")); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn copy_should_support_copying_a_single_file() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let src = temp.child("src"); src.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let dst = temp.child("dst"); api.copy(ctx, src.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that we still have source and that destination has source's contents src.assert(predicate::path::is_file()); dst.assert(predicate::path::eq_file(src.path())); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn rename_should_fail_if_path_missing() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let src = temp.child("src"); let dst = temp.child("dst"); let _ = api .rename(ctx, src.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap_err(); // Also, verify that destination does not exist dst.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn rename_should_support_renaming_an_entire_directory() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let src = temp.child("src"); src.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let src_file = src.child("file"); src_file.write_str("some contents").unwrap(); let dst = temp.child("dst"); let dst_file = dst.child("file"); api.rename(ctx, src.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that we moved the contents src.assert(predicate::path::missing()); src_file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); dst.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); dst_file.assert("some contents"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn rename_should_support_renaming_a_single_file() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let src = temp.child("src"); src.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let dst = temp.child("dst"); api.rename(ctx, src.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf()) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that we moved the file src.assert(predicate::path::missing()); dst.assert("some text"); } /// Validates a response as being a series of changes that include the provided paths fn validate_changed_path(data: &Response, expected_path: &Path, should_panic: bool) -> bool { match data { Response::Changed(change) if should_panic => { let path = change.path.canonicalize().unwrap(); assert_eq!(path, expected_path, "Wrong path reported: {:?}", change); true } Response::Changed(change) => { let path = change.path.canonicalize().unwrap(); path == expected_path } x if should_panic => panic!("Unexpected response: {:?}", x), _ => false, } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn watch_should_support_watching_a_single_file() { // NOTE: Supporting multiple replies being sent back as part of creating, modifying, etc. let (api, ctx, mut rx) = setup(100).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), /* recursive */ false, /* only */ Default::default(), /* except */ Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Update the file and verify we get a notification file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let data = rx .recv() .await .expect("Channel closed before we got change"); validate_changed_path( &data, &file.path().to_path_buf().canonicalize().unwrap(), /* should_panic */ true, ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn watch_should_support_watching_a_directory_recursively() { // NOTE: Supporting multiple replies being sent back as part of creating, modifying, etc. let (api, ctx, mut rx) = setup(100).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); ctx, temp.path().to_path_buf(), /* recursive */ true, /* only */ Default::default(), /* except */ Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Update the file and verify we get a notification file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); // Create a nested file and verify we get a notification let nested_file = dir.child("nested-file"); nested_file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); // Sleep a bit to give time to get all changes happening // TODO: Can we slim down this sleep? Or redesign test in some other way? tokio::time::sleep(DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT + Duration::from_millis(100)).await; // Collect all responses, as we may get multiple for interactions within a directory let mut responses = Vec::new(); while let Ok(res) = rx.try_recv() { responses.push(res); } // Validate that we have at least one change reported for each of our paths assert!( responses.len() >= 2, "Less than expected total responses: {:?}", responses ); let path = file.path().to_path_buf(); assert!( responses.iter().any(|res| validate_changed_path( res, &file.path().to_path_buf().canonicalize().unwrap(), /* should_panic */ false, )), "Missing {:?} in {:?}", path, responses .iter() .map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)) .collect::>(), ); let path = nested_file.path().to_path_buf(); assert!( responses.iter().any(|res| validate_changed_path( res, &file.path().to_path_buf().canonicalize().unwrap(), /* should_panic */ false, )), "Missing {:?} in {:?}", path, responses .iter() .map(|x| format!("{:?}", x)) .collect::>(), ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn watch_should_report_changes_using_the_ctx_replies() { // NOTE: Supporting multiple replies being sent back as part of creating, modifying, etc. let (api, ctx_1, mut rx_1) = setup(100).await; let (ctx_2, mut rx_2) = { let (reply, rx) = make_reply(100); let ctx = DistantCtx { connection_id: ctx_1.connection_id, reply, local_data: Arc::clone(&ctx_1.local_data), }; (ctx, rx) }; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file_1 = temp.child("file_1"); file_1.touch().unwrap(); let file_2 = temp.child("file_2"); file_2.touch().unwrap(); // Sleep a bit to give time to get all changes happening // TODO: Can we slim down this sleep? Or redesign test in some other way? tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; // Initialize watch on file 1 ctx_1, file_1.path().to_path_buf(), /* recursive */ false, /* only */ Default::default(), /* except */ Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Initialize watch on file 2 ctx_2, file_2.path().to_path_buf(), /* recursive */ false, /* only */ Default::default(), /* except */ Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Update the files and verify we get notifications from different origins file_1.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let data = rx_1 .recv() .await .expect("Channel closed before we got change"); validate_changed_path( &data, &file_1.path().to_path_buf().canonicalize().unwrap(), /* should_panic */ true, ); // Update the files and verify we get notifications from different origins file_2.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let data = rx_2 .recv() .await .expect("Channel closed before we got change"); validate_changed_path( &data, &file_2.path().to_path_buf().canonicalize().unwrap(), /* should_panic */ true, ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn exists_should_send_true_if_path_exists() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let exists = api.exists(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf()).await.unwrap(); assert!(exists, "Expected exists to be true, but was false"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn exists_should_send_false_if_path_does_not_exist() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); let exists = api.exists(ctx, file.path().to_path_buf()).await.unwrap(); assert!(!exists, "Expected exists to be false, but was true"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn metadata_should_send_error_on_failure() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); let _ = api .metadata( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), /* canonicalize */ false, /* resolve_file_type */ false, ) .await .unwrap_err(); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn metadata_should_send_back_metadata_on_file_if_exists() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let metadata = api .metadata( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), /* canonicalize */ false, /* resolve_file_type */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); assert!( matches!( metadata, Metadata { canonicalized_path: None, file_type: FileType::File, len: 9, readonly: false, .. } ), "{:?}", metadata ); } #[cfg(unix)] #[test(tokio::test)] async fn metadata_should_include_unix_specific_metadata_on_unix_platform() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let metadata = api .metadata( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), /* canonicalize */ false, /* resolve_file_type */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); #[allow(clippy::match_single_binding)] match metadata { Metadata { unix, windows, .. } => { assert!(unix.is_some(), "Unexpectedly missing unix metadata on unix"); assert!( windows.is_none(), "Unexpectedly got windows metadata on unix" ); } } } #[cfg(windows)] #[test(tokio::test)] async fn metadata_should_include_windows_specific_metadata_on_windows_platform() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let metadata = api .metadata( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), /* canonicalize */ false, /* resolve_file_type */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); #[allow(clippy::match_single_binding)] match metadata { Metadata { unix, windows, .. } => { assert!( windows.is_some(), "Unexpectedly missing windows metadata on windows" ); assert!(unix.is_none(), "Unexpectedly got unix metadata on windows"); } } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn metadata_should_send_back_metadata_on_dir_if_exists() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let metadata = api .metadata( ctx, dir.path().to_path_buf(), /* canonicalize */ false, /* resolve_file_type */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); assert!( matches!( metadata, Metadata { canonicalized_path: None, file_type: FileType::Dir, readonly: false, .. } ), "{:?}", metadata ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn metadata_should_send_back_metadata_on_symlink_if_exists() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let symlink = temp.child("link"); symlink.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); let metadata = api .metadata( ctx, symlink.path().to_path_buf(), /* canonicalize */ false, /* resolve_file_type */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); assert!( matches!( metadata, Metadata { canonicalized_path: None, file_type: FileType::Symlink, readonly: false, .. } ), "{:?}", metadata ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn metadata_should_include_canonicalized_path_if_flag_specified() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let symlink = temp.child("link"); symlink.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); let metadata = api .metadata( ctx, symlink.path().to_path_buf(), /* canonicalize */ true, /* resolve_file_type */ false, ) .await .unwrap(); match metadata { Metadata { canonicalized_path: Some(path), file_type: FileType::Symlink, readonly: false, .. } => assert_eq!( path, file.path().canonicalize().unwrap(), "Symlink canonicalized path does not match referenced file" ), x => panic!("Unexpected response: {:?}", x), } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn metadata_should_resolve_file_type_of_symlink_if_flag_specified() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let symlink = temp.child("link"); symlink.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); let metadata = api .metadata( ctx, symlink.path().to_path_buf(), /* canonicalize */ false, /* resolve_file_type */ true, ) .await .unwrap(); assert!( matches!( metadata, Metadata { file_type: FileType::File, .. } ), "{:?}", metadata ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn set_permissions_should_set_readonly_flag_if_specified() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); // Verify that not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(!permissions.readonly(), "File is already set to readonly"); // Change the file permissions api.set_permissions( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::readonly(), Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Retrieve permissions to verify set let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(permissions.readonly(), "File not set to readonly"); } #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(not(unix), ignore)] async fn set_permissions_should_set_unix_permissions_if_on_unix_platform() { #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::prelude::*; let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); // Verify that permissions do not match our readonly state let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); let mode = permissions.mode() & 0o777; assert_ne!(mode, 0o400, "File is already set to 0o400"); // Change the file permissions api.set_permissions( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::from_unix_mode(0o400), Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); // Retrieve file permissions to verify set let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); // Drop the upper bits that mode can have (only care about read/write/exec) let mode = permissions.mode() & 0o777; assert_eq!(mode, 0o400, "Wrong permissions on file: {:o}", mode); } #[cfg(not(unix))] { unreachable!(); } } #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(unix, ignore)] async fn set_permissions_should_set_readonly_flag_if_not_on_unix_platform() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); // Verify that not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(!permissions.readonly(), "File is already set to readonly"); // Change the file permissions to be readonly (in general) api.set_permissions( ctx, file.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::from_unix_mode(0o400), Default::default(), ) .await .unwrap(); #[cfg(not(unix))] { // Retrieve file permissions to verify set let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(permissions.readonly(), "File not marked as readonly"); } #[cfg(unix)] { unreachable!(); } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn set_permissions_should_not_recurse_if_option_false() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let symlink = temp.child("link"); symlink.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); // Verify that dir is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(temp.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "Temp dir is already set to readonly" ); // Verify that file is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(!permissions.readonly(), "File is already set to readonly"); // Verify that symlink is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(symlink.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "Symlink is already set to readonly" ); // Change the permissions of the directory and not the contents underneath api.set_permissions( ctx, temp.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::readonly(), SetPermissionsOptions { recursive: false, ..Default::default() }, ) .await .unwrap(); // Retrieve permissions of the file, symlink, and directory to verify set let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(temp.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(permissions.readonly(), "Temp directory not set to readonly"); let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(!permissions.readonly(), "File unexpectedly set to readonly"); let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(symlink.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "Symlink unexpectedly set to readonly" ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn set_permissions_should_traverse_symlinks_while_recursing_if_following_symlinks_enabled( ) { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let temp2 = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file2 = temp2.child("file"); file2.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let symlink = temp.child("link"); symlink.symlink_to_dir(temp2.path()).unwrap(); // Verify that symlink is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file2.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(!permissions.readonly(), "File2 is already set to readonly"); // Change the main directory permissions api.set_permissions( ctx, temp.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::readonly(), SetPermissionsOptions { follow_symlinks: true, recursive: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .await .unwrap(); // Retrieve permissions referenced by another directory let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file2.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(permissions.readonly(), "File2 not set to readonly"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn set_permissions_should_not_traverse_symlinks_while_recursing_if_following_symlinks_disabled( ) { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let temp2 = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file2 = temp2.child("file"); file2.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let symlink = temp.child("link"); symlink.symlink_to_dir(temp2.path()).unwrap(); // Verify that symlink is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file2.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(!permissions.readonly(), "File2 is already set to readonly"); // Change the main directory permissions api.set_permissions( ctx, temp.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::readonly(), SetPermissionsOptions { follow_symlinks: false, recursive: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .await .unwrap(); // Retrieve permissions referenced by another directory let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file2.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "File2 unexpectedly set to readonly" ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn set_permissions_should_skip_symlinks_if_exclude_symlinks_enabled() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let symlink = temp.child("link"); symlink.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); // Verify that symlink is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(symlink.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "Symlink is already set to readonly" ); // Change the symlink permissions api.set_permissions( ctx, symlink.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::readonly(), SetPermissionsOptions { exclude_symlinks: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .await .unwrap(); // Retrieve permissions to verify not set let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(symlink.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "Symlink (or file underneath) set to readonly" ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn set_permissions_should_support_recursive_if_option_specified() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); // Verify that dir is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(temp.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "Temp dir is already set to readonly" ); // Verify that file is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(!permissions.readonly(), "File is already set to readonly"); // Change the permissions of the file pointed to by the symlink api.set_permissions( ctx, temp.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::readonly(), SetPermissionsOptions { recursive: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .await .unwrap(); // Retrieve permissions of the file, symlink, and directory to verify set let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(temp.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(permissions.readonly(), "Temp directory not set to readonly"); let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(permissions.readonly(), "File not set to readonly"); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn set_permissions_should_support_following_explicit_symlink_if_option_specified() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let symlink = temp.child("link"); symlink.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); // Verify that file is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(!permissions.readonly(), "File is already set to readonly"); // Verify that symlink is not readonly by default let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(symlink.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "Symlink is already set to readonly" ); // Change the permissions of the file pointed to by the symlink api.set_permissions( ctx, symlink.path().to_path_buf(), Permissions::readonly(), SetPermissionsOptions { follow_symlinks: true, ..Default::default() }, ) .await .unwrap(); // Retrieve permissions of the file and symlink to verify set let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(file.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!(permissions.readonly(), "File not set to readonly"); let permissions = tokio::fs::symlink_metadata(symlink.path()) .await .unwrap() .permissions(); assert!( !permissions.readonly(), "Symlink unexpectedly set to readonly" ); } // NOTE: Ignoring on windows because it's using WSL which wants a Linux path // with / but thinks it's on windows and is providing \ #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(windows, ignore)] async fn proc_spawn_should_send_error_on_failure() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let _ = api .proc_spawn( ctx, /* cmd */ DOES_NOT_EXIST_BIN.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), /* environment */ Environment::new(), /* current_dir */ None, /* pty */ None, ) .await .unwrap_err(); } // NOTE: Ignoring on windows because it's using WSL which wants a Linux path // with / but thinks it's on windows and is providing \ #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(windows, ignore)] async fn proc_spawn_should_return_id_of_spawned_process() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let id = api .proc_spawn( ctx, /* cmd */ format!( "{} {}", *SCRIPT_RUNNER, ECHO_ARGS_TO_STDOUT_SH.to_str().unwrap() ), /* environment */ Environment::new(), /* current_dir */ None, /* pty */ None, ) .await .unwrap(); assert!(id > 0); } // NOTE: Ignoring on windows because it's using WSL which wants a Linux path // with / but thinks it's on windows and is providing \ #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(windows, ignore)] async fn proc_spawn_should_send_back_stdout_periodically_when_available() { let (api, ctx, mut rx) = setup(1).await; let proc_id = api .proc_spawn( ctx, /* cmd */ format!( "{} {} some stdout", *SCRIPT_RUNNER, ECHO_ARGS_TO_STDOUT_SH.to_str().unwrap() ), /* environment */ Environment::new(), /* current_dir */ None, /* pty */ None, ) .await .unwrap(); // Gather two additional responses: // // 1. An indirect response for stdout // 2. An indirect response that is proc completing // // Note that order is not a guarantee, so we have to check that // we get one of each type of response let data_1 = rx.recv().await.expect("Missing first response"); let data_2 = rx.recv().await.expect("Missing second response"); let mut got_stdout = false; let mut got_done = false; let mut check_data = |data: &Response| match data { Response::ProcStdout { id, data } => { assert_eq!( *id, proc_id, "Got {}, but expected {} as process id", id, proc_id ); assert_eq!(data, b"some stdout", "Got wrong stdout"); got_stdout = true; } Response::ProcDone { id, success, .. } => { assert_eq!( *id, proc_id, "Got {}, but expected {} as process id", id, proc_id ); assert!(success, "Process should have completed successfully"); got_done = true; } x => panic!("Unexpected response: {:?}", x), }; check_data(&data_1); check_data(&data_2); assert!(got_stdout, "Missing stdout response"); assert!(got_done, "Missing done response"); } // NOTE: Ignoring on windows because it's using WSL which wants a Linux path // with / but thinks it's on windows and is providing \ #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(windows, ignore)] async fn proc_spawn_should_send_back_stderr_periodically_when_available() { let (api, ctx, mut rx) = setup(1).await; let proc_id = api .proc_spawn( ctx, /* cmd */ format!( "{} {} some stderr", *SCRIPT_RUNNER, ECHO_ARGS_TO_STDERR_SH.to_str().unwrap() ), /* environment */ Environment::new(), /* current_dir */ None, /* pty */ None, ) .await .unwrap(); // Gather two additional responses: // // 1. An indirect response for stderr // 2. An indirect response that is proc completing // // Note that order is not a guarantee, so we have to check that // we get one of each type of response let data_1 = rx.recv().await.expect("Missing first response"); let data_2 = rx.recv().await.expect("Missing second response"); let mut got_stderr = false; let mut got_done = false; let mut check_data = |data: &Response| match data { Response::ProcStderr { id, data } => { assert_eq!( *id, proc_id, "Got {}, but expected {} as process id", id, proc_id ); assert_eq!(data, b"some stderr", "Got wrong stderr"); got_stderr = true; } Response::ProcDone { id, success, .. } => { assert_eq!( *id, proc_id, "Got {}, but expected {} as process id", id, proc_id ); assert!(success, "Process should have completed successfully"); got_done = true; } x => panic!("Unexpected response: {:?}", x), }; check_data(&data_1); check_data(&data_2); assert!(got_stderr, "Missing stderr response"); assert!(got_done, "Missing done response"); } // NOTE: Ignoring on windows because it's using WSL which wants a Linux path // with / but thinks it's on windows and is providing \ #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(windows, ignore)] async fn proc_spawn_should_send_done_signal_when_completed() { let (api, ctx, mut rx) = setup(1).await; let proc_id = api .proc_spawn( ctx, /* cmd */ format!("{} {} 0.1", *SCRIPT_RUNNER, SLEEP_SH.to_str().unwrap()), /* environment */ Environment::new(), /* current_dir */ None, /* pty */ None, ) .await .unwrap(); // Wait for process to finish match rx.recv().await.unwrap() { Response::ProcDone { id, .. } => assert_eq!( id, proc_id, "Got {}, but expected {} as process id", id, proc_id ), x => panic!("Unexpected response: {:?}", x), } } // NOTE: Ignoring on windows because it's using WSL which wants a Linux path // with / but thinks it's on windows and is providing \ #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(windows, ignore)] async fn proc_spawn_should_clear_process_from_state_when_killed() { let (api, ctx_1, mut rx) = setup(1).await; let (ctx_2, _rx) = { let (reply, rx) = make_reply(1); let ctx = DistantCtx { connection_id: ctx_1.connection_id, reply, local_data: Arc::clone(&ctx_1.local_data), }; (ctx, rx) }; let proc_id = api .proc_spawn( ctx_1, /* cmd */ format!("{} {} 1", *SCRIPT_RUNNER, SLEEP_SH.to_str().unwrap()), /* environment */ Environment::new(), /* current_dir */ None, /* pty */ None, ) .await .unwrap(); // Send kill signal api.proc_kill(ctx_2, proc_id).await.unwrap(); // Wait for the completion response to come in match rx.recv().await.unwrap() { Response::ProcDone { id, .. } => assert_eq!( id, proc_id, "Got {}, but expected {} as process id", id, proc_id ), x => panic!("Unexpected response: {:?}", x), } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn proc_kill_should_fail_if_given_non_existent_process() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Send kill to a non-existent process let _ = api.proc_kill(ctx, 0xDEADBEEF).await.unwrap_err(); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn proc_stdin_should_fail_if_given_non_existent_process() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; // Send stdin to a non-existent process let _ = api .proc_stdin(ctx, 0xDEADBEEF, b"some input".to_vec()) .await .unwrap_err(); } // NOTE: Ignoring on windows because it's using WSL which wants a Linux path // with / but thinks it's on windows and is providing \ #[test(tokio::test)] #[cfg_attr(windows, ignore)] async fn proc_stdin_should_send_stdin_to_process() { let (api, ctx_1, mut rx) = setup(1).await; let (ctx_2, _rx) = { let (reply, rx) = make_reply(1); let ctx = DistantCtx { connection_id: ctx_1.connection_id, reply, local_data: Arc::clone(&ctx_1.local_data), }; (ctx, rx) }; // First, run a program that listens for stdin let id = api .proc_spawn( ctx_1, /* cmd */ format!( "{} {}", *SCRIPT_RUNNER, ECHO_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_SH.to_str().unwrap() ), Environment::new(), /* current_dir */ None, /* pty */ None, ) .await .unwrap(); // Second, send stdin to the remote process api.proc_stdin(ctx_2, id, b"hello world\n".to_vec()) .await .unwrap(); // Third, check the async response of stdout to verify we got stdin match rx.recv().await.unwrap() { Response::ProcStdout { data, .. } => { assert_eq!(data, b"hello world\n", "Mirrored data didn't match"); } x => panic!("Unexpected response: {:?}", x), } } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn system_info_should_return_system_info_based_on_binary() { let (api, ctx, _rx) = setup(1).await; let system_info = api.system_info(ctx).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!( system_info, SystemInfo { family: std::env::consts::FAMILY.to_string(), os: std::env::consts::OS.to_string(), arch: std::env::consts::ARCH.to_string(), current_dir: std::env::current_dir().unwrap_or_default(), main_separator: std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR, username: whoami::username(), shell: if cfg!(windows) { std::env::var("ComSpec").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("cmd.exe")) } else { std::env::var("SHELL").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("/bin/sh")) } } ); } }