use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::{fmt, io}; use distant_net::common::Request; use log::*; use tokio::sync::mpsc; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use crate::client::{DistantChannel, DistantChannelExt}; use crate::constants::CLIENT_WATCHER_CAPACITY; use crate::protocol::{self, Change, ChangeKindSet}; /// Represents a watcher of some path on a remote machine pub struct Watcher { channel: DistantChannel, path: PathBuf, task: JoinHandle<()>, rx: mpsc::Receiver, active: bool, } impl fmt::Debug for Watcher { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Watcher").field("path", &self.path).finish() } } impl Watcher { /// Creates a watcher for some remote path pub async fn watch( mut channel: DistantChannel, path: impl Into, recursive: bool, only: impl Into, except: impl Into, ) -> io::Result { let path = path.into(); let only = only.into(); let except = except.into(); trace!( "Watching {:?} (recursive = {}){}{}", path, recursive, if only.is_empty() { String::new() } else { format!(" (only = {only})") }, if except.is_empty() { String::new() } else { format!(" (except = {except})") }, ); // Submit our run request and get back a mailbox for responses let mut mailbox = channel .mail(Request::new(protocol::Msg::Single( protocol::Request::Watch { path: path.to_path_buf(), recursive, only: only.into_sorted_vec(), except: except.into_sorted_vec(), }, ))) .await?; let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(CLIENT_WATCHER_CAPACITY); // Wait to get the confirmation of watch as either ok or error let mut queue: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut confirmed = false; while let Some(res) = { for data in res.payload.into_vec() { match data { protocol::Response::Changed(change) => queue.push(change), protocol::Response::Ok => { confirmed = true; } protocol::Response::Error(x) => return Err(io::Error::from(x)), x => { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Unexpected response: {x:?}"), )) } } } // Exit if we got the confirmation // NOTE: Doing this later because we want to make sure the entire payload is processed // first before exiting the loop if confirmed { break; } } // Send out any of our queued changes that we got prior to the acknowledgement trace!("Forwarding {} queued changes for {:?}", queue.len(), path); for change in queue { if tx.send(change).await.is_err() { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Queue change dropped")); } } // If we never received an acknowledgement of watch before the mailbox closed, // fail with a missing confirmation error if !confirmed { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Missing confirmation")); } // Spawn a task that continues to look for change events, discarding anything // else that it gets let task = tokio::spawn({ let path = path.clone(); async move { while let Some(res) = { for data in res.payload.into_vec() { match data { protocol::Response::Changed(change) => { // If we can't queue up a change anymore, we've // been closed and therefore want to quit if tx.is_closed() { break; } // Otherwise, send over the change if let Err(x) = tx.send(change).await { error!( "Watcher for {:?} failed to send change {:?}", path, x.0 ); break; } } _ => continue, } } } } }); Ok(Self { path, channel, task, rx, active: true, }) } /// Returns a reference to the path this watcher is monitoring pub fn path(&self) -> &Path { self.path.as_path() } /// Returns true if the watcher is still actively watching for changes pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool { } /// Returns the next change detected by the watcher, or none if the watcher has concluded pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.rx.recv().await } /// Unwatches the path being watched, closing out the watcher pub async fn unwatch(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { trace!("Unwatching {:?}", self.path);; // Kill our task that processes inbound changes if we have successfully unwatched the path self.task.abort(); = false; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::sync::Arc; use distant_net::common::{FramedTransport, InmemoryTransport, Response}; use distant_net::Client; use test_log::test; use tokio::sync::Mutex; use super::*; use crate::protocol::ChangeKind; use crate::DistantClient; fn make_session() -> (FramedTransport, DistantClient) { let (t1, t2) = FramedTransport::pair(100); (t1, Client::spawn_inmemory(t2, Default::default())) } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn watcher_should_have_path_reflect_watched_path() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); let test_path = Path::new("/some/test/path"); // Create a task for watcher as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let watch_task = tokio::spawn(async move { Watcher::watch( session.clone_channel(), test_path, true, ChangeKindSet::empty(), ChangeKindSet::empty(), ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req: Request = transport.read_frame_as().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back an acknowledgement that a watcher was created transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, protocol::Response::Ok)) .await .unwrap(); // Get the watcher and verify the path let watcher = watch_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(watcher.path(), test_path); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn watcher_should_support_getting_next_change() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); let test_path = Path::new("/some/test/path"); // Create a task for watcher as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let watch_task = tokio::spawn(async move { Watcher::watch( session.clone_channel(), test_path, true, ChangeKindSet::empty(), ChangeKindSet::empty(), ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req: Request = transport.read_frame_as().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back an acknowledgement that a watcher was created transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, protocol::Response::Ok)) .await .unwrap(); // Get the watcher let mut watcher = watch_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send some changes related to the file transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, vec![ protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Access, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Modify, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), ], )) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that the watcher gets the changes, one at a time let change ="Watcher closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!( change, Change { kind: ChangeKind::Access, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()] } ); let change ="Watcher closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!( change, Change { kind: ChangeKind::Modify, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()] } ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn watcher_should_distinguish_change_events_and_only_receive_changes_for_itself() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); let test_path = Path::new("/some/test/path"); // Create a task for watcher as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let watch_task = tokio::spawn(async move { Watcher::watch( session.clone_channel(), test_path, true, ChangeKindSet::empty(), ChangeKindSet::empty(), ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req: Request = transport.read_frame_as().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back an acknowledgement that a watcher was created transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, protocol::Response::Ok)) .await .unwrap(); // Get the watcher let mut watcher = watch_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send a change from the appropriate origin transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Access, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), )) .await .unwrap(); // Send a change from a different origin transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new( + "1", protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Modify, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), )) .await .unwrap(); // Send a change from the appropriate origin transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Delete, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), )) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that the watcher gets the changes, one at a time let change ="Watcher closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!( change, Change { kind: ChangeKind::Access, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()] } ); let change ="Watcher closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!( change, Change { kind: ChangeKind::Delete, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()] } ); } #[test(tokio::test)] async fn watcher_should_stop_receiving_events_if_unwatched() { let (mut transport, session) = make_session(); let test_path = Path::new("/some/test/path"); // Create a task for watcher as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let watch_task = tokio::spawn(async move { Watcher::watch( session.clone_channel(), test_path, true, ChangeKindSet::empty(), ChangeKindSet::empty(), ) .await }); // Wait until we get the request from the session let req: Request = transport.read_frame_as().await.unwrap().unwrap(); // Send back an acknowledgement that a watcher was created transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, protocol::Response::Ok)) .await .unwrap(); // Send some changes from the appropriate origin transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, vec![ protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Access, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Modify, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Delete, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), ], )) .await .unwrap(); // Wait a little bit for all changes to be queued tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(50)).await; // Create a task for for unwatching as we need to handle the request and a response // in a separate async block let watcher = Arc::new(Mutex::new(watch_task.await.unwrap().unwrap())); // Verify that the watcher gets the first change let change = watcher .lock() .await .next() .await .expect("Watcher closed unexpectedly"); assert_eq!( change, Change { kind: ChangeKind::Access, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()] } ); // Unwatch the watcher, verify the request is sent out, and respond with ok let watcher_2 = Arc::clone(&watcher); let unwatch_task = tokio::spawn(async move { watcher_2.lock().await.unwatch().await }); let req: Request = transport.read_frame_as().await.unwrap().unwrap(); transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, protocol::Response::Ok)) .await .unwrap(); // Wait for the unwatch to complete unwatch_task.await.unwrap().unwrap(); transport .write_frame_for(&Response::new(, protocol::Response::Changed(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Unknown, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()], }), )) .await .unwrap(); // Verify that we get any remaining changes that were received before unwatched, // but nothing new after that assert_eq!( watcher.lock(), Some(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Modify, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()] }) ); assert_eq!( watcher.lock(), Some(Change { kind: ChangeKind::Delete, paths: vec![test_path.to_path_buf()] }) ); assert_eq!(watcher.lock(), None); } }