use crate::constants::{MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE, READ_PAUSE_DURATION}; use std::io; use tokio::{ io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt}, sync::mpsc, task::JoinHandle, }; pub fn spawn_read_task( reader: R, buf: usize, ) -> (JoinHandle>, mpsc::Receiver>) where R: AsyncRead + Send + Unpin + 'static, { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(buf); let task = tokio::spawn(read_handler(reader, tx)); (task, rx) } /// Continually reads from some reader and fowards to the provided sender until the reader /// or channel is closed async fn read_handler(mut reader: R, channel: mpsc::Sender>) -> io::Result<()> where R: AsyncRead + Unpin, { let mut buf: [u8; MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE] = [0; MAX_PIPE_CHUNK_SIZE]; loop { match buf).await { Ok(n) if n > 0 => { channel.send(buf[..n].to_vec()).await.map_err(|_| { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, "Output channel closed") })?; // Pause to allow buffer to fill up a little bit, avoiding // spamming with a lot of smaller responses tokio::time::sleep(READ_PAUSE_DURATION).await; } Ok(_) => return Ok(()), Err(x) if x.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { // Pause to allow buffer to fill up a little bit, avoiding // spamming with a lot of smaller responses tokio::time::sleep(READ_PAUSE_DURATION).await; } Err(x) => return Err(x), } } } pub fn spawn_write_task( writer: W, buf: usize, ) -> (JoinHandle>, mpsc::Sender>) where W: AsyncWrite + Send + Unpin + 'static, { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(buf); let task = tokio::spawn(write_handler(writer, rx)); (task, tx) } /// Continually writes to some writer by reading data from a provided receiver until the receiver /// or writer is closed async fn write_handler(mut writer: W, mut channel: mpsc::Receiver>) -> io::Result<()> where W: AsyncWrite + Unpin, { while let Some(data) = channel.recv().await { writer.write_all(&data).await?; } Ok(()) }