use std::borrow::Cow; use std::io; use derive_more::{Display, Error}; use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use super::{read_header_bytes, read_str_bytes, Header, Id}; use crate::common::utils; use crate::header; /// Represents a response received related to some response. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Response { /// Optional header data to include with response. pub header: Header, /// Unique id associated with the response. pub id: Id, /// Unique id associated with the response that triggered the response. pub origin_id: Id, /// Payload associated with the response. pub payload: T, } impl Response { /// Creates a new response with a random, unique id and no header data. pub fn new(origin_id: Id, payload: T) -> Self { Self { header: header!(), id: rand::random::().to_string(), origin_id, payload, } } } impl Response where T: Serialize, { /// Serializes the response into bytes using a compact approach. pub fn to_vec(&self) -> std::io::Result> { Ok(self.to_untyped_response()?.to_bytes()) } /// Serializes the response's payload into bytes. pub fn to_payload_vec(&self) -> io::Result> { utils::serialize_to_vec(&self.payload) } /// Attempts to convert a typed response to an untyped response. pub fn to_untyped_response(&self) -> io::Result { Ok(UntypedResponse { header: Cow::Owned(if !self.header.is_empty() { self.header.to_vec()? } else { Vec::new() }), id: Cow::Borrowed(&, origin_id: Cow::Borrowed(&self.origin_id), payload: Cow::Owned(self.to_payload_vec()?), }) } } impl Response where T: DeserializeOwned, { /// Deserializes the response from bytes. pub fn from_slice(slice: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result { UntypedResponse::from_slice(slice) .map_err(|x| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, x))? .to_typed_response() } } mod serde_impl { use super::*; use serde::de::{self, Deserialize, Deserializer, SeqAccess, Visitor}; use serde::ser::{Serialize, SerializeSeq, Serializer}; use std::fmt; use std::marker::PhantomData; impl Serialize for Response where T: Serialize, { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { let has_header = !self.header.is_empty(); let mut cnt = 3; if has_header { cnt += 1; } let mut seq = serializer.serialize_seq(Some(cnt))?; if has_header { seq.serialize_element(&self.header)?; } seq.serialize_element(&; seq.serialize_element(&self.origin_id)?; seq.serialize_element(&self.payload)?; seq.end() } } impl<'de, T> Deserialize<'de> for Response where T: Deserialize<'de>, { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { deserializer.deserialize_seq(ResponseVisitor::new()) } } struct ResponseVisitor { marker: PhantomData Response>, } impl ResponseVisitor { fn new() -> Self { Self { marker: PhantomData, } } } impl<'de, T> Visitor<'de> for ResponseVisitor where T: Deserialize<'de>, { type Value = Response; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a response") } fn visit_seq(self, mut access: S) -> Result where S: SeqAccess<'de>, { // Attempt to determine if we have a header based on size, defaulting to attempting // to parse the header first if we don't know the size. If we cannot parse the header, // we use the default header and keep going. let header = match access.size_hint() { Some(3) => Header::default(), Some(4) => access .next_element()? .ok_or_else(|| de::Error::custom("missing header"))?, Some(_) => return Err(de::Error::custom("invalid response array len")), None => access .next_element::
() .ok() .flatten() .unwrap_or_default(), }; let id = access .next_element()? .ok_or_else(|| de::Error::custom("missing id"))?; let origin_id = access .next_element()? .ok_or_else(|| de::Error::custom("missing origin_id"))?; let payload = access .next_element()? .ok_or_else(|| de::Error::custom("missing payload"))?; Ok(Response { header, id, origin_id, payload, }) } } } /// Error encountered when attempting to parse bytes as an untyped response. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Display, Error, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum UntypedResponseParseError { /// When the bytes do not represent a response. WrongType, /// When a header should be present, but the header bytes are wrong. InvalidHeader, /// When the id is not a valid UTF-8 string. InvalidId, /// When the origin id is not a valid UTF-8 string. InvalidOriginId, /// When no payload found in the request. MissingPayload, } #[inline] fn header_is_empty(header: &[u8]) -> bool { header.is_empty() } /// Represents a response to send whose payload is bytes instead of a specific type. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct UntypedResponse<'a> { /// Header data associated with the response as bytes. #[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "header_is_empty")] pub header: Cow<'a, [u8]>, /// Unique id associated with the response. pub id: Cow<'a, str>, /// Unique id associated with the response that triggered the response. pub origin_id: Cow<'a, str>, /// Payload associated with the response as bytes. pub payload: Cow<'a, [u8]>, } impl<'a> UntypedResponse<'a> { /// Attempts to convert an untyped response to a typed response. pub fn to_typed_response(&self) -> io::Result> { Ok(Response { header: if header_is_empty(&self.header) { header!() } else { Header::from_slice(&self.header)? }, id:, origin_id: self.origin_id.to_string(), payload: utils::deserialize_from_slice(&self.payload)?, }) } /// Convert into a borrowed version. pub fn as_borrowed(&self) -> UntypedResponse<'_> { UntypedResponse { header: match &self.header { Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Borrowed(x), Cow::Owned(x) => Cow::Borrowed(x.as_slice()), }, id: match & { Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Borrowed(x), Cow::Owned(x) => Cow::Borrowed(x.as_str()), }, origin_id: match &self.origin_id { Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Borrowed(x), Cow::Owned(x) => Cow::Borrowed(x.as_str()), }, payload: match &self.payload { Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Borrowed(x), Cow::Owned(x) => Cow::Borrowed(x.as_slice()), }, } } /// Convert into an owned version. pub fn into_owned(self) -> UntypedResponse<'static> { UntypedResponse { header: match self.header { Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Owned(x.to_vec()), Cow::Owned(x) => Cow::Owned(x), }, id: match { Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Owned(x.to_string()), Cow::Owned(x) => Cow::Owned(x), }, origin_id: match self.origin_id { Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Owned(x.to_string()), Cow::Owned(x) => Cow::Owned(x), }, payload: match self.payload { Cow::Borrowed(x) => Cow::Owned(x.to_vec()), Cow::Owned(x) => Cow::Owned(x), }, } } /// Updates the header of the response to the given `header`. pub fn set_header(&mut self, header: impl IntoIterator) { self.header = Cow::Owned(header.into_iter().collect()); } /// Updates the id of the response to the given `id`. pub fn set_id(&mut self, id: impl Into) { = Cow::Owned(id.into()); } /// Updates the origin id of the response to the given `origin_id`. pub fn set_origin_id(&mut self, origin_id: impl Into) { self.origin_id = Cow::Owned(origin_id.into()); } /// Allocates a new collection of bytes representing the response. pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec { let mut bytes = vec![]; let has_header = !header_is_empty(&self.header); if has_header { rmp::encode::write_array_len(&mut bytes, 4).unwrap(); } else { rmp::encode::write_array_len(&mut bytes, 3).unwrap(); } if has_header { bytes.extend_from_slice(&self.header); } rmp::encode::write_str(&mut bytes, &; rmp::encode::write_str(&mut bytes, &self.origin_id).unwrap(); bytes.extend_from_slice(&self.payload); bytes } /// Parses a collection of bytes, returning an untyped response if it can be potentially /// represented as a [`Response`] depending on the payload. /// /// NOTE: This supports parsing an invalid response where the payload would not properly /// deserialize, but the bytes themselves represent a complete response of some kind. pub fn from_slice(input: &'a [u8]) -> Result { if input.is_empty() { return Err(UntypedResponseParseError::WrongType); } let has_header = match rmp::Marker::from_u8(input[0]) { rmp::Marker::FixArray(3) => false, rmp::Marker::FixArray(4) => true, _ => return Err(UntypedResponseParseError::WrongType), }; // Advance position by marker let input = &input[1..]; // Parse the header if we have one let (header, input) = if has_header { read_header_bytes(input).map_err(|_| UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidHeader)? } else { ([0u8; 0].as_slice(), input) }; let (id, input) = read_str_bytes(input).map_err(|_| UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidId)?; let (origin_id, input) = read_str_bytes(input).map_err(|_| UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidOriginId)?; // Check if we have input remaining, which should be our payload if input.is_empty() { return Err(UntypedResponseParseError::MissingPayload); } let header = Cow::Borrowed(header); let id = Cow::Borrowed(id); let origin_id = Cow::Borrowed(origin_id); let payload = Cow::Borrowed(input); Ok(Self { header, id, origin_id, payload, }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use test_log::test; use super::*; const TRUE_BYTE: u8 = 0xc3; const NEVER_USED_BYTE: u8 = 0xc1; // fixmap of 2 objects with // 1. key fixstr "key" and value fixstr "value" // 1. key fixstr "num" and value fixint 123 const HEADER_BYTES: &[u8] = &[ 0x82, // valid map with 2 pair 0xa3, b'k', b'e', b'y', // key: "key" 0xa5, b'v', b'a', b'l', b'u', b'e', // value: "value" 0xa3, b'n', b'u', b'm', // key: "num" 0x7b, // value: 123 ]; /// fixstr of 4 bytes with str "test" const TEST_STR_BYTES: &[u8] = &[0xa4, b't', b'e', b's', b't']; #[test] fn untyped_response_should_support_converting_to_bytes() { let bytes = Response { header: header!(), id: "some id".to_string(), origin_id: "some origin id".to_string(), payload: true, } .to_vec() .unwrap(); let untyped_response = UntypedResponse::from_slice(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(untyped_response.to_bytes(), bytes); } #[test] fn untyped_response_should_support_converting_to_bytes_with_header() { let bytes = Response { header: header!("key" -> 123), id: "some id".to_string(), origin_id: "some origin id".to_string(), payload: true, } .to_vec() .unwrap(); let untyped_response = UntypedResponse::from_slice(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(untyped_response.to_bytes(), bytes); } #[test] fn untyped_response_should_support_parsing_from_response_bytes_with_header() { let bytes = Response { header: header!("key" -> 123), id: "some id".to_string(), origin_id: "some origin id".to_string(), payload: true, } .to_vec() .unwrap(); assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice(&bytes), Ok(UntypedResponse { header: Cow::Owned(utils::serialize_to_vec(&header!("key" -> 123)).unwrap()), id: Cow::Borrowed("some id"), origin_id: Cow::Borrowed("some origin id"), payload: Cow::Owned(vec![TRUE_BYTE]), }) ); } #[test] fn untyped_response_should_support_parsing_from_response_bytes_with_valid_payload() { let bytes = Response { header: header!(), id: "some id".to_string(), origin_id: "some origin id".to_string(), payload: true, } .to_vec() .unwrap(); assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice(&bytes), Ok(UntypedResponse { header: Cow::Owned(vec![]), id: Cow::Borrowed("some id"), origin_id: Cow::Borrowed("some origin id"), payload: Cow::Owned(vec![TRUE_BYTE]), }) ); } #[test] fn untyped_response_should_support_parsing_from_response_bytes_with_invalid_payload() { // Response with id < 32 bytes let mut bytes = Response { header: header!(), id: "".to_string(), origin_id: "".to_string(), payload: true, } .to_vec() .unwrap(); // Push never used byte in msgpack bytes.push(NEVER_USED_BYTE); // We don't actually check for a valid payload, so the extra byte shows up assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice(&bytes), Ok(UntypedResponse { header: Cow::Owned(vec![]), id: Cow::Owned("".to_string()), origin_id: Cow::Owned("".to_string()), payload: Cow::Owned(vec![TRUE_BYTE, NEVER_USED_BYTE]), }) ); } #[test] fn untyped_response_should_support_parsing_without_header() { let input = [ &[rmp::Marker::FixArray(3).to_u8()], TEST_STR_BYTES, &[0xa2, b'o', b'g'], &[TRUE_BYTE], ] .concat(); // Convert into typed so we can test let untyped_response = UntypedResponse::from_slice(&input).unwrap(); let response: Response = untyped_response.to_typed_response().unwrap(); assert_eq!(response.header, header!()); assert_eq!(, "test"); assert_eq!(response.origin_id, "og"); assert!(response.payload); } #[test] fn untyped_response_should_support_parsing_full_request() { let input = [ &[rmp::Marker::FixArray(4).to_u8()], HEADER_BYTES, TEST_STR_BYTES, &[0xa2, b'o', b'g'], &[TRUE_BYTE], ] .concat(); // Convert into typed so we can test let untyped_response = UntypedResponse::from_slice(&input).unwrap(); let response: Response = untyped_response.to_typed_response().unwrap(); assert_eq!(response.header, header!("key" -> "value", "num" -> 123)); assert_eq!(, "test"); assert_eq!(response.origin_id, "og"); assert!(response.payload); } #[test] fn untyped_response_should_fail_to_parse_if_given_bytes_not_representing_a_response() { // Empty byte slice assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice(&[]), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::WrongType) ); // Wrong starting byte assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice(&[0x00]), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::WrongType) ); // Wrong starting byte (fixmap of 0 fields) assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice(&[0x80]), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::WrongType) ); // Missing fields (corrupt data) assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice(&[rmp::Marker::FixArray(3).to_u8()]), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidId) ); // Missing fields (corrupt data) assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice(&[rmp::Marker::FixArray(4).to_u8()]), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidHeader) ); // Invalid header bytes assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice( [ &[rmp::Marker::FixArray(4).to_u8()], &[0xa0], // header would be defined here, set to empty str TEST_STR_BYTES, TEST_STR_BYTES, &[TRUE_BYTE], ] .concat() .as_slice() ), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidHeader) ); // Non-str id field value assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice( [ &[rmp::Marker::FixArray(3).to_u8()], &[TRUE_BYTE], // id value set to boolean TEST_STR_BYTES, &[TRUE_BYTE], ] .concat() .as_slice() ), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidId) ); // Non-utf8 id field value assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice( [ &[rmp::Marker::FixArray(3).to_u8()] as &[u8], &[0xa4, 0, 159, 146, 150], TEST_STR_BYTES, &[TRUE_BYTE], ] .concat() .as_slice() ), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidId) ); // Non-str origin_id field value assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice( [ &[rmp::Marker::FixArray(3).to_u8()], TEST_STR_BYTES, &[TRUE_BYTE], // id value set to boolean &[TRUE_BYTE], ] .concat() .as_slice() ), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidOriginId) ); // Non-utf8 origin_id field value assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice( [ &[rmp::Marker::FixArray(3).to_u8()], TEST_STR_BYTES, &[0xa4, 0, 159, 146, 150], &[TRUE_BYTE], ] .concat() .as_slice() ), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::InvalidOriginId) ); // Missing payload field (has valid data itself) assert_eq!( UntypedResponse::from_slice( [ &[rmp::Marker::FixArray(3).to_u8()], TEST_STR_BYTES, TEST_STR_BYTES, ] .concat() .as_slice() ), Err(UntypedResponseParseError::MissingPayload) ); } }