use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::mpsc; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use anyhow::Context; use derive_more::From; use log::*; use windows_service::service::{ ServiceControl, ServiceControlAccept, ServiceExitCode, ServiceState, ServiceStatus, ServiceType, }; use windows_service::service_control_handler::{self, ServiceControlHandlerResult}; use windows_service::{define_windows_service, service_dispatcher}; use super::Cli; const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "distant_manager"; const SERVICE_TYPE: ServiceType = ServiceType::OWN_PROCESS; #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] struct Config { pub args: Vec, } impl Config { pub fn save(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut bytes = Vec::new(); serde_json::to_writer(&mut bytes, self).context("Could not convert config into json")?; std::fs::write(Self::config_file(), bytes).context("Could not write config to file") } pub fn load() -> anyhow::Result { let bytes = std::fs::read(Self::config_file()).context("Could not read config file")?; serde_json::from_slice(&bytes).context("Could not convert json into config") } pub fn delete() -> anyhow::Result<()> { std::fs::remove_file(Self::config_file()).context("Could not delete config file") } /// Stored next to the service exe fn config_file() -> std::path::PathBuf { let mut path = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); path.set_extension("exe.config"); path } } #[derive(From)] pub enum ServiceError { /// Any other error type Anyhow(anyhow::Error), /// Represents a service-specific error that we use to known that we are not running as a /// service Service(windows_service::Error), } pub fn run() -> Result<(), ServiceError> { // Save our CLI arguments to pass on to the service let config = Config { args: std::env::args_os().collect(), };; // Attempt to run as a service, deleting our config when completed // regardless of success let result = service_dispatcher::start(SERVICE_NAME, ffi_service_main); let config_result = Config::delete(); // Swallow the config error if we have a service error, otherwise display // the config error match (result, config_result) { (Ok(_), Ok(_)) => Ok(()), (Err(x), _) => Err(ServiceError::Service(x)), (_, Err(x)) => Err(ServiceError::Anyhow(x)), } } /// Returns true if running as a windows service pub fn is_windows_service() -> bool { use sysinfo::{Pid, PidExt, Process, ProcessExt, System, SystemExt}; let mut system = System::new(); // Get our own process pid let pid = Pid::from_u32(std::process::id()); // Update our system's knowledge about our process system.refresh_process(pid); // Get our parent process' pid and update sustem's knowledge about parent process let maybe_parent_pid = system.process(pid).and_then(Process::parent); if let Some(pid) = maybe_parent_pid { system.refresh_process(pid); } // Check modeled after maybe_parent_pid .and_then(|pid| system.process(pid)) .map(Process::exe) .and_then(Path::file_name) .map(OsStr::to_string_lossy) .map(|s| s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("services")) .unwrap_or_default() } define_windows_service!(ffi_service_main, service_main); fn service_main(_arguments: Vec) { if let Err(_e) = run_service() { // Handle the error, by logging or something. } } fn run_service() -> windows_service::Result<()> { debug!("Starting windows service for {SERVICE_NAME}"); // Create a channel to be able to poll a stop event from the service worker loop. let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); // Define system service event handler that will be receiving service events. let event_handler = { move |control_event| -> ServiceControlHandlerResult { match control_event { // Notifies a service to report its current status information to the service // control manager. Always return NoError even if not implemented. ServiceControl::Interrogate => ServiceControlHandlerResult::NoError, // Handle stop ServiceControl::Stop => { shutdown_tx.send(true).unwrap(); ServiceControlHandlerResult::NoError } _ => ServiceControlHandlerResult::NotImplemented, } } }; // Register system service event handler. // The returned status handle should be used to report service status changes to the system. debug!("Registering service control handler for {SERVICE_NAME}"); let status_handle = service_control_handler::register(SERVICE_NAME, event_handler)?; // Tell the system that service is running debug!("Setting service status as running for {SERVICE_NAME}"); status_handle.set_service_status(ServiceStatus { service_type: SERVICE_TYPE, current_state: ServiceState::Running, controls_accepted: ServiceControlAccept::STOP, exit_code: ServiceExitCode::Win32(0), checkpoint: 0, wait_hint: Duration::default(), process_id: None, })?; // Kick off thread to run our cli debug!("Spawning CLI thread for {SERVICE_NAME}"); let handle = thread::spawn({ move || { debug!("Loading CLI using args from disk for {SERVICE_NAME}"); let config = Config::load().expect("Failed to load config"); debug!("Parsing CLI args from disk for {SERVICE_NAME}"); let cli = Cli::initialize_from(config.args).expect("Failed to initialize CLI"); debug!("Running CLI for {SERVICE_NAME}");"CLI failed during execution") } }); // Continually check for a shutdown trigger, catching completion of the thread // running our CLI as well and reporting errors if they occurred let success = loop { if handle.is_finished() { match handle.join() { Ok(_) => break true, Err(x) => { error!("{x:?}"); break false; } } } match shutdown_rx.try_recv() { // Break the loop either upon stop or channel disconnect as a success Ok(_) | Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => break true, // Continue work if no events were received within the timeout Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty) => thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)), } }; // Tell the system that service has stopped. debug!("Setting service status as stopped for {SERVICE_NAME}"); status_handle.set_service_status(ServiceStatus { service_type: SERVICE_TYPE, current_state: ServiceState::Stopped, controls_accepted: ServiceControlAccept::empty(), exit_code: if success { ServiceExitCode::NO_ERROR } else { ServiceExitCode::ServiceSpecific(1u32) }, checkpoint: 0, wait_hint: Duration::default(), process_id: None, })?; Ok(()) }