You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
1.7 KiB

mod data;
mod net;
3 years ago
mod opt;
mod subcommand;
mod utils;
3 years ago
use log::error;
3 years ago
pub use opt::Opt;
use std::path::PathBuf;
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref PROJECT_DIRS: directories::ProjectDirs =
).expect("Failed to find valid home directory path");
static ref SESSION_PATH: PathBuf = PROJECT_DIRS.cache_dir().join("session");
3 years ago
/// Main entrypoint into the program
pub fn run() {
let opt = Opt::load();
if let Err(x) = {
error!("{}", x);
3 years ago
pub fn init_logging(opt: &opt::CommonOpt) {
use flexi_logger::{FileSpec, LevelFilter, LogSpecification, Logger};
let module = "distant";
// Disable logging for everything but our binary, which is based on verbosity
let mut builder = LogSpecification::builder();
match opt.verbose {
0 => LevelFilter::Warn,
1 => LevelFilter::Info,
2 => LevelFilter::Debug,
_ => LevelFilter::Trace,
// If quiet, we suppress all output
if opt.quiet {
builder.module(module, LevelFilter::Off);
// Create our logger, but don't initialize yet
let logger = Logger::with(;
// If provided, log to file instead of stderr
let logger = if let Some(path) = opt.log_file.as_ref() {
logger.log_to_file(FileSpec::try_from(path).expect("Failed to create log file spec"))
} else {
logger.start().expect("Failed to initialize logger");
3 years ago