*delaytrain.txt* DelayTrain *delaytrain.nvim* Author: James Ford Version: 1.0.0 Homepage: <> ============================================================================= INTRODUCTION *delaytrain* When learning how to use Vim keybindings, sometimes it's helpful to avoid repetitive keypresses. For example, repetitive use of hjkl or arrow keys can often be replaced with a numeric prefix, or an even better key to navigate exactly where you want to go. To help train your muscle memory, most people suggest un-mapping these keys to avoid using them completely. But there are certain cases where hjkl may be necessary and another key combination would be overkill. DelayTrain helps train this muscle memory by preventing a keypress from being used after a certain amount of repeated usage inside a timeframe, rather than disabling the key completely. This way you can still go about your work with a gentle reminder that there might be a better way to do what you want. ============================================================================== USAGE *delaytrain-usage* Most people will be training with hjkl and arrow keys, so for a default setup you can simply run: > require('delaytrain').setup() < ============================================================================== CONFIGURATION *delaytrain-configuration* For more granular configuration and additional keymaps, you can pass the following configuration (default settings included): > require('delaytrain').setup { delay_ms = 1000, -- How long repeated usage of a key should be prevented grace_period = 1, -- How many repeated keypresses are allowed keys = { -- Which keys (in which modes) should be delayed ['nv'] = {'h', 'j', 'k', 'l'}, ['nvi'] = {'', '', '', ''}, }, ignore_filetypes = {}, -- Example: set to {"help", "NvimTr*"} to -- disable the plugin for help and NvimTree } < Keep in mind that the `delay_ms` timer starts on the FIRST keypress and not the final `grace_period` keypress. For example (with default settings) if you hit j, the timer starts immediately. If you hit j again after 500ms, the key will not work. If you wait ANOTHER 500ms and hit j again, it will work. Likewise, if you hit j, wait 1000ms, and hit j again, both keypresses will work. With an increased `grace_period`, you can hit a key `grace_period` amount of times inside `delay_ms` before it stops working. `grace_period` and `delay_ms` only affect the current key being pressed. With the default settings, if you hit j and then hit k after 500ms, both keypresses will work. If you wait another 200ms and hit j again, the keypress will not work. You can define a list of filetypes that will be ignored by delaytrain using `ignore_filetypes`. The option accepts a list of strings or patterns. Tip: you can find the filetype for the current buffer using the command `:set ft?` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAPPINGS *delaytrain-mappings* The keys option allows you to delay different keypresses in different modes. This takes the following KV pair: > ['list_of_applicable_modes'] = {'keys', 'you', 'want', 'delayed'}, < Modes can be added based on their short-names (ex: normal is 'n', insert is 'i') and multiple modes can be added to a single keymap. This option ties into a call to |vim.keymap.set()|, so mode short-names and key names should match what is possible in that function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPTIONS *delaytrain-options* Global options can be modified to change delay/grace period settings on the fly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ g:delaytrain_delay_ms~ *g:delaytrain_delay_ms* How long repeated usage of a key should be prevented. Keep in mind that the timer starts on the FIRST keypress and delays repeated usage of a key based on `grace_period` in this timeframe. Type: |Number| Default value: `1000` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ g:delaytrain_grace_period~ *g:delaytrain_grace_period* How many repeated keypresses are allowed inside the `delay_ms` timeframe. By default this is 1, so you can press a key 1 time inside `delay_ms` before it's disabled. Setting this value to 0 will completely disable the key. Type: |Number| Default value: `1` ============================================================================== COMMANDS *delaytrain-commands* :DelayTrainEnable *:DelayTrainEnable* Enable DelayTrain by setting defined keymaps :DelayTrainDisable *:DelayTrainDisable* Disable DelayTrain by deleting defined keymaps :DelayTrainToggle *:DelayTrainToggle* Toggle DelayTrain by setting/deleting keymaps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: