# Defender Control Open source windows defender disabler. Now you can disable windows defender permanently! Tested from Windows 10 20H2. Also working on Windows 11 ## What is this project? We all know that disabling windefender is very difficult since microsoft is constantly enforcing changes. The first solution is to install an anti-virus - but thats not the point if we are trying to disable it! The next easiest solution is to use freeware thats already available on the internet - but none of them are native & open source... I like open source, so I made a safe to use open source defender control. ## On windows updates Sometimes windows decides to update and turn itself back on. A common issue is that defender control sometimes doesn't want to disable tamper protection again. Please try turning off tamper protection manually then running disable-defender.exe again before posting an issue. ## What does it do? 1. It gains TrustedInstaller permissions 2. It will disable windefender services + smartscreen 3. It will disable anti-tamper protection 4. It will disable all relevant registries + wmi settings ## Is it safe? Yes it is safe, feel free to review the code in the repository yourself. Anti-virus & other programs might flag this as malicious since it disables defender - but feel free to compile it using visual studio. ## Compiling Open the project using visual studio 2022 preview. Set the build to Release and x64. Change the build type you want in settings.hpp. Compile. ## Demo ![Demo](https://github.com/qtkite/defender-control/blob/main/resources/demo.gif?raw=true) ## Release You can find the first release over at the releases on the right. Or alternatively click [here](https://github.com/qtkite/defender-control/releases/tag/v1.2). ## TO-DO - [x] Disable security center - [x] Add silent mode - [x] Confirm win 11 support - [ ] Better cli support - [ ] Build an interface