zhwu2697 3 years ago
parent 9261bec39c
commit 684445f0a3

@ -1 +1,87 @@
# defender-control
# defender-control
## reversal
Our tool of choice will be IDA & x64 debugger for this task
firstly we are going to inspect the strings and look for anything interesting.
Strings seems to be hidden in this one, so I will do 2 different PoC of attack.
The first one, is to hook the registry functions and output their arguments. Since I know
for a fact after looking at the imports - this program works by writing into relevant registries.
The second method is to breakpoint each function with x64 debugger and take a look at the strings on runtime.
## disabling defender
### x64 Debug
If we breakpoint onto RegSetKeyValue it writes into "DisableAntiSpyware" which we can research on the internet
There is a lot of occurance with the following registry directory: "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender"
It is found under the parent directory of HKLM64.
008CE9E8 043DCA88 L"HKLM64"
008CE9EC 00000006
008CE9F0 00000008
008CE9F4 043DCAB0
008CE9F8 043DCA60
008CE9FC 00000000
008CEA00 00000008
008CEA04 043DC950
008CEA08 043DCBC0 L"SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender"
The second breakpoint leads us here:
008CE8F0 043DCFE8 L"HKLM64"
008CE8F4 00000006
008CE8F8 00000008
008CE8FC 043DD010
008CE900 043DCFC0
008CE904 00000000
008CE908 00000008
008CE90C 043DCEB0
008CE910 043DD120 L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WinDefend"
So taking a look into the registry: SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WinDefend
and cross referencing back to x64 dbg: we notice this:
`76122F7F | 397D 0C | cmp dword ptr ss:[ebp+C],edi | [ebp+C]:L"Start"`
It appears that 0x03 disables windefender, while 0x02 means to enable.
A quick google search brings us here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/protect/forum/protect_defender-protect_start-windows_10/how-to-disable-windows-defender-in-windows-10/b834d36e-6da8-42a8-85f6-da9a520f05f2
The next one is also in HKLM:
76122FF0 | 8945 CC | mov dword ptr ss:[ebp-34],eax | [ebp-34]:L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\StartupApproved\\Run"
76122FF3 | 66:8B01 | mov ax,word ptr ds:[ecx] | ecx:&L"SecurityHealth"
Seems to be set to 3 or off
Now we will look at RegCreateKey
There seems to be a regisatry opened at
EDX : 043DCD78 L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\Real-Time Protection"
EIP : 7591E420 <advapi32.RegCreateKeyExW>
However, there doesnt seem to be anymore functions breakpointed. So lets inspect the directory
We have 2 flags set:
DisableRealtimeMonitoring as a REG_DWORD set to 0x01
DpaDisabled as REG_DWORD set to 0x0
Another one opened here:
008CEFF8 043EB4C8 L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\StartupApproved\\Run"
## enabling defender
there seems to be a reference with "Policy Manager" using RegEnumKeyExW
It seems to call RegDeleteValueW on security health (see above)
