[![License: CC BY-SA 4.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-CC%20BY--SA%204.0-lightgrey.svg)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) [![Buy PCB: Oshpark](https://img.shields.io/badge/Buy%20PCB-Oshpark-purple.svg)](TODO) [![Buy Parts: Oshpark](https://img.shields.io/badge/Buy%20Parts-Octopart-3a6a99)](https://octopart.com/bom-tool/4AnOAR3f) The kinT keyboard controller is a replacement for your Kinesis Advantage or Advantage 2 ergonomic keyboards. You can use it for example… * to build or modify your own keyboard * to [work around bugs in the standard controller](https://michael.stapelberg.ch/posts/2013-03-21-kinesis_custom_controller/) * because you prefer to run open source software such as the [QMK firmware](https://docs.qmk.fm/), even on your keyboard ## Why use the kinT instead of the older replacement board? * The kinT supports both, the older Kinesis Advantage (KB500) **and** the newer Kinesis Advantage 2 (KB600) keyboards. They differ in how the thumb pads are connected. See the soldering instructions below. * The kinT is made for the newer Teensy 3.x and 4.x series, which will remain widely available for years to come, whereas [the future of the Teensy++ 2.0 is not as certain](https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensypp.html). * The kinT is a smaller PCB (4.25 x 3.39 inches, or 108.0 x 86.1 mm), which makes it: * more compact: can be inserted/removed without having to unscrew a key well. * cheaper: 72 USD for 3 boards at oshpark, instead of 81 USD. * The kinT silkscreen ([front](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kinx-project/kint/44e6c8be96a0e1e13ada5eafdeba8c51a2d6c9e8/pcb-3d-render-front-v2020-06-23.png), [back](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kinx-project/kint/44e6c8be96a0e1e13ada5eafdeba8c51a2d6c9e8/pcb-3d-render-back-v2020-06-23.png)) and [schematic](https://github.com/kinx-project/kint/blob/44e6c8be96a0e1e13ada5eafdeba8c51a2d6c9e8/schematic-v2020-06-23.pdf) are much much clearer, making assembly a breeze. * The kinT is a good starting point for your own project: * kinT was designed in the open source [KiCad](https://kicad-pcb.org/) program, meaning you do not need any license subscriptions. * The clear silkscreen and schematic make development and debugging easier. * On the kinT, the Teensy no longer has to be soldered onto the board upside down. * On the kinT, the FPC connectors have been moved for less strain on the cables. * The kinT makes possible lower-cost builds: if you don’t need the scroll lock, num lock and keypad LEDs, you can use a Teensy LC for merely 11 USD. ## Compatibility: which Teensy to use? The kinT keyboard controller was made for the Teensy 3.x series of devices, which are ARM based. The older Atmel based Teensy++ 2.0 are also supported, but require slightly more complicated soldering: not connecting a few clashing Teensy++ 2.0 pins and closing 3 soldering jumpers. Which Teensy should you buy for your build? Here are a few considerations: * The Teensy 3.6 is what I have been using for years now. * The Teensy++ 2.0 seems to be the most popular choice, also because it was the only option with the the predecessor keyboard controller. Note that [the Teensy++ 2.0 may become no longer available at some point](https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensypp.html): > […] discontinue Teensy 2.0 […] is a decision we'll consider in mid 2019. ### Reference: full Teensy compatibility chart TODO: add power consumption as a column. relevant for using the keyboard with a laptop on the go | teensy | LEDs | Cost | USB | clock speed | MCU | QMK | |----------------|------|--------|-----|-------------|-------------|---------------| | teensy++ 2.0 | yes | $24.00 | 1.1 | 16 MHz AVR | AT90USB1286 | TODO: kint2pp | | ~~teensy 3.0~~ | no | | 1.1 | 48 MHz M4 | MK20DX128 | untested | | ~~teensy 3.1~~ | no | | 1.1 | | MK20DX256 | untested | | teensy LC | no | $11.65 | 1.1 | 48 MHz M0+ | | untested | | teensy 3.2 | no | $19.80 | 1.1 | 72 MHz M4 | | | | teensy 3.5 | yes | $24.25 | 1.1 | 120 MHz M4F | MK64FX | | | teensy 3.6 | yes | $29.25 | 1.1 | 180 MHz M4F | MK66FX | yes | | teensy 4.0 | no | $19.95 | 2.0 | 600 MHz M7 | MIMXRT1062 | in progress | | teensy 4.1 | yes | $26.85 | 2.0 | 600 MHz M7 | MIMXRT1062 | in progress | ## Buying the board and components (Bill of materials) * TODO: oshpark project link To buy the components, check out the [kinT BOM in the Octopart BOM tool](https://octopart.com/bom-tool/4AnOAR3f), from where you can conveniently buy all components via Digi-Key or Mouser. For your convenience, this is the full BOM (links go to Octopart): | Part Number | Count | Cost | Description | Note | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|--------|---------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | [Teensy 3.6](https://octopart.com/dev-14057-sparkfun-76356774?r=sp) | 1 | $32.5 | | [your choice!](#compatibility-which-teensy-to-use) | | [Würth 61301011121](https://octopart.com/61301011121-w%C3%BCrth+elektronik-18818159?r=sp) | 7 | $0.89 | 10 position 2.54mm header | 5 for Teensy
2 for KB500
0 for KB600 | | [Molex 39-53-2135](https://octopart.com/39-53-2135-molex-7670149?r=sp) | 6 | $1.24 | 13 position FPC connector | 4 for KB500
6 for KB600 | | [Kingbright APT3216QBC/D](https://octopart.com/apt3216qbc%2Fd-kingbright-5355642?r=sp) | 4 | $0.47 | 1206 SMD LED | blue 470nm
chose your color! | | [Vishay CRCW120610K0FKEAC](https://octopart.com/crcw120610k0fkeac-vishay-20811529) | 4 | $0.10 | 1206 10K resistor | value determines LED brightness | | | | $48.45 | | | Note: with all parts (except for the Molex 39-53-2135 FPC connector), there is no need to get the specific versions from the BOM above — if you have LEDs, resistors and pin headers still lying around from other projects, feel free to re-use them! ## Soldering All the soldering connections on the kinT keyboard controller are easy to make, so the whole assembly can be done at home, with a cheap soldering iron and basic electronic hobby equipment. A build takes about 1 hour of time and involves a little over 100 soldering connections. For example, I used the [Miniware TS100 soldering iron](https://hackaday.com/2017/07/24/review-ts100-soldering-iron/), which can be found for 50-60 EUR or USD. If you’re new to soldering, check out [this excellent soldering reference card from adafruit](https://twitter.com/zekjur/status/952596267884056576). ### Soldering instructions for the Teensy 3.x or 4.x 1. Populate the FPC connectors J2, J3, J4, J7 (all keyboards) and J1, J8 for the newer Advantage 2 (KB600). Turn the board around and solder all their pins. 1. Solder resistors R1, R2, R3, R4 and the four LEDs onto the board. * LEDs are directional parts! Their marker marks the cathode, which is labeled as C on the kinT. * If you’re new to SMD (Surface Mount Devices) soldering, check out [How to Hand Solder SMD](http://www.davidhaillant.com/smd-soldering/), which explains what I call the “One pad at a time” method. 1. Turn the board around and place 3 rows of pin headers (top, bottom, vertical) in the Teensy holes. The vertical pin header is required for powering the LEDs. Do not solder these yet! 1. Place your Teensy 3.x or 4.x on top of the pin header and solder all its pins. * If you’re using a Teensy++ 2.0, you must not connect some pins! [See the instructions below](#soldering-instructions-for-the-teensy-20). 1. Turn the board around and solder all the pin header pins. 1. For the older Advantage (KB500) keyboard, populate pin headers J5, J6 and solder their pins. ### Soldering instructions for the Teensy++ 2.0 Follow the [instructions for the Teensy 3.x or 4.x above](#soldering-instructions-for-the-teensy-3x-or-4x), but: 1. Do not connect pin 7, pin 15 and pin 16. These are marked with an x on the kinT. * An easy way to do this is to remove the corresponding pins from your pin header with pliers. 2. Close the solder jumpers JP1, JP2, JP3. These will remap pin 7, pin 15 and pin 16 onto pins that can be used with the Teensy++ 2.0.